Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

After the Vigil, Our Lady speaks for the unborn life in the domestic church in Göttingen through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Large crowds of angels accompanied us on our walk for unborn life in front of the abortion clinic. The Guadalupe Mother of God, the Fatima Madonna and the Mother Thrice Admirable accompanied us. The Holy Archangel Michael and, at the end, Father Kentenich were also present.

Our Lady of Guadalupe will say: I, your Heavenly Mother, am speaking now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She is completely in the will of the Heavenly Father and only repeats His words and the words of heaven. This time My words.

My beloved Marian Children from near and far, I love you for having gone through the Vigil on this day. I want to save many little souls through this, so that they may enter into eternal glory through your prayer and atonement. I have shown My little one that these little souls also accompanied you and advanced with a flock of angels in white and golden robes. They had golden stars on their christening robes and little wreaths on their heads.

My beloved children of Mary, you have gladly gone this path of atonement. For this I would like to thank you with all my heart and say a reward to God. You have taken upon yourselves these troubles of atonement, for in addition there was the severe cold. You have endured this, and have courageously moved forward. The little souls thanked you, even though you were not allowed to watch it. But My little one saw the souls at this abortion clinic waving and rejoicing and going up into the sky.

My beloved mothers, I would also like to address you today. Go to a penitent Holy Confession before this feast, Christmas. All will be forgiven you by My Son. He is waiting for you to confess your guilt. He wants to embrace you again, and you shall begin anew. Everything will forgive you. Otherwise, My beloved children, you who have gone this difficult way to the doctor who performed this abortion will no longer be happy. You get sick in body and soul and no doctor can help you.

I, as the Heavenly Mother, would like to be at your service. Come to my immaculate heart and make your consecration. Then I will lead you to the Heavenly Father and to My Son, because He wants to forgive you.

How much you have suffered, My beloved children. I know how your heart became heavy when this little creature, this little being was taken from you. But now it has happened. Many mothers cry and repent from the heart for what they have done.

Now, My beloved children, seek a worthy Holy Confession and go to a worthy priest who celebrates the Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Mass. You will then feel in your heart not only forgiveness, but also a deep joy, a joy of Advent. Jesus Christ, my Son, wants to dwell in your hearts. Yes, the little Jesulein is waiting for you. It wants to comfort you in your suffering.

This vigil is not only known in Germany, but also in many other countries. There are few who walk this path, but they want to pray and atone for you and for your children who may enter into glory during this vigil, My beloved mothers.

You, My little flock, have prayed and sacrificed and were ready to atone for the little souls and the mothers. I protect you because I love you immeasurably. And now I bless you in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Continue this fruitful vigil every month! Amen.


