Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, December 26, 2010

Feast of the holy arch martyr Stephanus.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Again the angels in golden garments from all four directions entered this house church. Everything shone in golden splendor. St. Michael the Archangel was highlighted by a silver sheen and struck his sword in all four directions.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, am speaking now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies in My will and only repeats My words.

Beloved believers, beloved small flock, beloved small flock, today you celebrate the second day of Christmas, at the same time it is the feast of St. Stephen the martyr.

My beloved children, why is this feast so close to Christmas, which was full of joy? The Child Jesus entered into your hearts with great love and filled them with joy. Why is today this day of Saint Stephen?

My beloved children, if you are truly Catholic, joy and suffering lie side by side. A true Catholic Christian cannot exist without suffering. Look at My Son Jesus Christ. He suffered the greatest suffering for you to redeem you. Must not their suffering also be experienced in order to be allowed to enter into eternal bliss one day? Yes, you, My beloved little flock, experience this suffering. But how many want to throw off this cross because they say it does not belong to me, because illness, suffering, grief and worries do not have to be. And yet they will experience this suffering, - only differently than you, my children, my beloved little flock. You are experiencing this illness, this suffering, this experience that you are having, in the full splendor of the light. You recognize that this suffering is necessary for your salvation, for your eternal salvation.

And I say to you, rejoice in what you experience in suffering. Then give thanks, because you are taking part in the sacrifice of My Son Jesus Christ on the cross. You place yourselves under the cross and suffer with Him. You take part in the redeemer's suffering because you accept the cross - that is why, my children. You could also reject it and say, "It is easier to go through life without suffering and without illness than to have to experience this suffering. The Heavenly Father allows this suffering. He could take it from you. But since it is necessary for your salvation, He does not take it from you.

How many people are ill today, seriously ill. They can sacrifice this suffering for the many priests who do not want to repent, who continue to remain in their great sinfulness. Therefore, my beloved ones, continue to sacrifice this suffering and do not think of you that such bad things must happen to you in sickness. The Blessed Mother is with you. She carries your suffering and your diseases. She will certainly take care of you and will not leave you alone.

What did this Saint Stephen suffer? They stoned him to death. Why? Because he believed and because he proclaimed this faith, this deep faith. He wanted to suffer because he wanted to save his brothers from eternal disaster. And he prayed for his enemies. Will you do the same, My beloved ones? Yes, how often do you pray for your enemies. How often do you, My beloved little one, wear this cross for the priests, this crown of thorns. And I am grateful to you for continuing to show your availability. Hardly a day is without pain for you. But I love you the more. In this suffering and pain you are precious to Me. You are My flower of suffering, yes, My flower of passion and you will remain so. Suffering and the cross serve you for the salvation and salvation of others for whom you pray and atone. You too, My beloved ones, you My little flock and you who follow My Son Jesus Christ, pray and atone. You are the presentees. Am I not giving myself daily in My Son Jesus Christ at this altar of sacrifice?

How many priests still celebrate the meal communion today and do not stay out of these modernist churches? They do not follow My Son on the Way of the Cross. The true path is narrow and narrow. On the broad way many go. But this is not the right way. Only the narrow path leads to eternal bliss and that includes cross and suffering, mockery and hostility. All this belongs to your cross, My beloved ones.

My beloved Brotherhood of Peter, why do you obstruct My Lawn Cross? Did I not have this cross purchased there in Meggen? Are you so malicious that you want to hinder this cross? Have you no fear of God? I, the Heavenly Father, want this cross and want to let a mighty site arise there and you continue to hinder me. Why are you opposing this purchase? Are you envious of My beloved priestly son who wants to acquire this for the Kingdom of God, not for himself, no, for the Kingdom of God? I support him and it is My plan and My desire that you thwart. Have you no fear of the Almighty God, the All-Knowing? No, you have no fear of God. You have become proud. Pride has come into your brotherhood. You obey your Holy Father, who lies in untruth, who confuses and leads you astray. Don't you feel that you are getting completely confused? The clear view, the clear insight is completely missing. You no longer recognize the truth. You attack my messenger very violently. You attack My priest's son. Do you think that this will go unpunished? No, certainly not. I, the Heavenly Father, work in omnipotence.

The evil one still wants to rule there at My place Wigratzbad. I still allow it. But my hour is soon to come when I will take this power from him. And I will show you my omnipotence and my power, - the power of God. Then you will shudder with fear. What have you done, My Peter brothers, whom I have chosen for you? At first you split off from the Pius Brotherhood, which continued to walk my way in its entirety. Did you not feel remorse that you did this and left them alone on this difficult path? Now you again choose the easy way and mock and attack others, - above all, My chosen messenger, My chosen priestly son. He is hindered by you. And many things have already happened at this place Wigratzbad, which did not correspond to My plan and also now does not correspond to My plan and wish.

Do not continue to hinder My messenger and go within you and make a penitent confession, because what you are doing is not the true and narrow way.

I love you and want to win you back. May I, My beloved brotherhood of Peter, may I take you back, as it is My desire? Do not succumb to evil. He pursues you and leads you away from the true path of love and truth.

My beloved ones, My beloved little flock, hold on! One more small steep path and you are at the top. But this small path means great suffering, great mockery and hostility. Bear them for my sake. Look at My Son, all that He has done for you. To be able to pray for your enemies and also to give your life for your enemies, that is love. This is your path. You will not be spared this.

And so I bless you today on this second day of Christmas with My Heavenly Mother, above all bless you today the little Child Jesus in the manger with St. Joseph, all the angels and saints, the Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise and blessed be Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar without end. Amen.


