Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, February 20, 2011


The Heavenly Father speaks important words after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Sacrificial Mass, the sickroom was bathed in a golden glittering light full of heavenly atmosphere. The streams of grace emanated from the Holy House Church. The angels moved from the tabernacle into the sickroom to me and I felt that I was getting more and more strength to bear these pains during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. They were approved by the Heavenly Father as atonement that He has imposed on me for His priestly sons, especially for our Holy Father, the Supreme Shepherd on Earth and Vicar of Jesus Christ.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, am speaking now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in My Will and speaks only words that come from Me.

My beloved daughter, I am giving you in this moment a message that is so important for Me that I will send it out into the world. I have taken away from you the pains I allowed for you during the whole Holy Mass of Sacrifice to atone for My clergy who do not obey Me.

You, my little one, are there to atone for them. You not only transferred your will to Me before the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, you said a clear Yes to Me that you wish to suffer everything out of love, out of pure love for Me, as it is My wish and it lies in conformity with My will. I thank you for promising Me this and for giving Me your willingness for total surrender.

My beloved children, My beloved father children from near and far, My beloved believers and pilgrims, My beloved little flock and My beloved little flock, I, the Heavenly Father, want to announce to you on this Sunday Septuagesima something very special as a prophecy for the whole world.

My beloved believers, yes, the pre-Lenten season has begun. You are to repent and atone for these many sacrileges that are done to Me and the wounds that are again inflicted on My Son Jesus Christ. His five wounds bleed again. Blood and water flowed from His side wound for this church, which still exists today because I wish it so. My entire clergy and almost all the priests did not give Me total devotion. Total surrender means more, My beloved sons of priests: to give completely everything that the Heavenly Father desires and if it costs your life. If I wish it and I want to take it from you, you shall show me your willingness to do so. You, My messengers, how highly exalted you are. You stand above the angels. You, My messengers, consecrated ones, in whose hands My Son Jesus Christ is transformed in every Holy Mass of sacrifice, how highly exalted you are, blessed, sent, loved. Are you fully aware, today, in this time, what this means for you, My beloved sons of priests? Have I not given you everything from this side wound of My Son Jesus Christ? Has not everything flowed to you out of love, out of pure love? Should you not also show this counter-love to My Son Jesus Christ in this holy sacrificial banquet? Should you not give yourselves as sacrificial priests into the sacrificial cup of My Son Jesus Christ? Do you, My beloved sons of priests, really carry this out completely in every holy consecration at the sacrificial table? No!

My beloved priest son, who is present here and has offered this Holy Sacrificial Supper in all dignity and honor to My Son Jesus Christ, he is My beloved sacrificial priest. Why, My beloved sons of priests, shall you read from him, why? Has he become proud? No! Have I not taken from him everything that was worth and dear to him in this modernist church? Have I not allowed the ban on confession to be imposed on him? Didn't this modernist church unjustifiably give him this confessional ban? Did they take it back when they realized that he had not violated the confessional secret? No! This was the realization of My entire clergy, which was responsible for this confessional ban. He did not take it back! Why? Because this church did not allow it. My priest son accepted this sacrificially and suffered for years. Why, My beloved sons of priests? Because he felt this charisma. For many years he has given this Holy Sacrament of Penance beyond measure in My power, not in his power. I have now taken everything from him - one piece at a time. One step of the Way of the Cross after the other he walked with My Son Jesus Christ. And it was hard for him.

Was he not allowed, My beloved chief shepherds, to accompany this My messenger? Have you not recognized, my beloved chief shepherds and you My chief shepherd, that it is My truth that I continue to put on the Internet? I, your dearest Heavenly Father in the Trinity, have had no other way for you to spread them throughout the world. Should My Little Messenger travel around the world? That would have overwhelmed them. I have given her the power to announce these my messages again and again in the full truth - in my truth. I, the Heavenly Father, have taken them as My instrument. She is nothing else but My tool and My little nothing. She is my little passion flower today, my little flower of suffering. Why? Because on this day she had to endure very great sufferings during the Holy Sacrificial Mass, according to My plan and will, to atone. She has accepted her atonement. She submitted willingly, although it was very difficult for her not only to bear this pain, no, but also not to be allowed to be in this house church during the Holy Sacrificial Feast of My Son. Was that not the greatest sacrifice for them?

Do you not realize, my beloved brotherhoods, that this is My truth, that it is My instrument. Why are you following them? Why do you disregard them? Why do you oppose them? Do you not recognize that she is My willing tool and that it is My truths that I want to make known to the whole world through her?

Do you too, My beloved Brotherhood of Peter, practice humility like them, My little one? No! No! And no again! You persecute My priestly son. You are following My little one. You despise them and hinder my desire, will and plan. Have I, the Supreme God, the Omniscient, the Omnipotent God in the Trinity, have I not in a short time chosen for My Lawn Cross 42 persons as elite, yes, as elite? They have renounced everything. They did not ask: "Is that possible? Can I believe that?" But they have believed and fulfilled my will. They have given themselves completely.

And this I have made known to you, My beloved ones, because today, before this Holy Mass of Sacrifice, I have chosen another person who also fulfills My desire and will and who has separated from her Pius Brotherhood, in which she constantly participated every Sunday in the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, today according to her own desire, which corresponds to My desire and plan. She, too, should be integrated into the Lawn Cross group because she sacrifices everything, because she believes, because she has to endure severe suffering and yet says her willing yes.

My beloved little one, you will have to suffer a lot for this modernist church. I will lead you step by step further into the suffering of love. You will suffer for love. Not only suffer, My little flower of passion, but you will suffer out of love - out of love for Me. In this past week I have imposed many sacrifices on you. One sacrifice after another you have brought for My sake. You didn't ask: "Heavenly Father, why are you taking this from Me too? - No! You put up with everything. You have looked upon your Heavenly Father and again and again expressed your willing Yes to Me, the highest God in the Trinity, the Heavenly Father. I talked with you every night and was with you. When the fears came and you wanted to give up, I looked into your heart and gave you My Divine Power. Every night I was with you. You have not failed, - in any way. I love you because you always looked at Me, at the suffering of My Son, and you were ready to continue to accept the suffering I allow. Not from your strength. You have seen your human strength in powerlessness. But you trusted in My power and you received it from Me, your Divine Lord and Master, your beloved Father in heaven.

Will you not also, my beloved ones, to whom I make this suffering known, follow My beloved priestly son in the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, in the Sacrificial Banquet? Will you not also, my beloved clergy, celebrate My Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the full truth, - this great mystery? Do you not believe in mysticism? Why don't you do the mysticism? Why not? What stands against it? I tell you, My beloved ones, the model, your Supreme Shepherd, the head of the Catholic Church. He performs a meal celebration instead of celebrating My Holy Sacrificial Feast publicly, publicly.

Beloved Supreme Shepherd, will you not do it for My sake? Has not this my little one atoned for you today? She atones for you and she brings all sacrifices for you, so that you may repent and not fall into the eternal abyss, into the eternal fire. She prays and implores for you at My Throne and she implores all the angels and My dearest Mother. She prays for the Head of the Only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. The church is in modernism and is decaying more and more. It is not fulfilling My wish and celebrating the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Feast, but the meal celebration, the Protestant meal celebration. My words of transformation, the words of My Son Jesus Christ, have been changed. Does My Supreme Shepherd say these words of transformation in truth? No! It adapts itself, it adapts itself to modernism. He celebrates a meal celebration at a grinding table and announces that this Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Feast is to be celebrated in all churches. This Motu Proprio has been proclaimed but not lived. No! One can proclaim it and still not live.

That is not enough for me, My beloved Supreme Shepherd. Have I not chosen you, appointed you? Have I not bought your soul dearly? Have I not washed them clean in My precious blood? Have I not supported you, then, when it seemed too heavy to you, when you were surrounded by freemasons, by evil? Did I not support you then? You put diplomacy first. Can this be right, My beloved Supreme Shepherd? Does not the Heavenly Father in the Trinity watch over this His truth? Is it the full truth that you proclaim and live?

Is it possible, My beloved Supreme Shepherd, that you now want to be ready to call together this inter-religious community in October and proclaim what speaks against the Catholic faith? I tell you, there is only one, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and you shall have no foreign gods beside Me. And you have done it and you want to continue doing it. Your predecessor also practiced this. Have not the wounds of My beloved Son Jesus Christ opened further and has not His Blood flowed on His altar of sacrifice for you, for you, My beloved priestly son and Supreme Shepherd? Also today I will wash your soul in my blood. Why? Because My little one begs for you on My throne.

May I not choose my messengers myself? Must they be recognized by this modernist church? Must My words and My deeds be tested? May one test Me, Me, the dearest, most wise, omnipotent and all-powerful Father in the Trinity, - may one test this one? No! This is not possible, My beloved ones. If I chose a person as My instrument, you have to obey Me, Me, the highest God, because it lies in humility.

Thank you, My beloved three. In the community of three you renewed your Mariengarten consecration for the sixth time on February 18. Why did you do this? Why did you let yourselves be planted by My dearest Mother, the Bride of the Holy Spirit? Because she has chosen you. And why did she choose you? Because you should save this Schoenstatt Movement from the modernism it still cultivates. They still distribute My Holy Communion as hand communion today. Can this be right? No! Must one not kneel before this most high God in the Trinity and receive as oral communion this most holy good, Jesus Christ, in the Godhead and humanity? Is it not possible for you to realize this, My beloved Schoenstatt Movement? How many years have you cast out My little one. You know today that it is in the truth and that it wants to save your Schoenstatt Movement from this cruel modernism that has also come to rest in you.

And you, My beloved brotherhood, the Pius Brotherhood, were you not chosen by Me? Have you not a holy founder who has preceded you in truth? Did he not let himself be excommunicated of his own free will by this modernist church? Why? Because he recognized the truth, and he has stood by this truth - until today. He is a great saint in heaven. You may call him. And in no way do I wish that you continue to celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Mass after 1962, but rather after My beloved Supreme Shepherd Pius V, as My beloved priestly son has done here in this Holy Sacrificial Mass and celebrates it again and again. Why do you not recognize this my truth? Haven't you already read many messages? I know what it looks like in your hearts. And I know that also in some of you the pride has come in, the envy to acknowledge my messenger as true messenger and to follow her because she is mine and only announces my words and fulfills my will.

I take her completely into My Will as a little violet. As a violet of humility, she has planted My dearest Mother in Her Garden of Mary. And who else has she implanted? My beloved priestly son as the lily of purity. This is how she wanted to have him in her Mariengarten. And My beloved daughter Katharina? - As a sunflower. It should shine like the sun. It is to pass on faith in joy and love and in my field of radiation. And My little daughter Dorothea, who later implanted herself? Has not the Blessed Mother chosen her as a rose, a rose of love and a rose of suffering? Love, suffering and the cross belong together. She recognized that. And she has gone through many sufferings. I will continue to have them shaped by my dearest mother, because I want it that way. Your group of four goes the way of holiness. And this way of holiness is predetermined and foreseen by me. And you continue to go my way in total surrender and in the love of my divine power. You will endure everything for this New Church, which My Son Jesus Christ wants to suffer in you, My little daughter Anne, - wants to suffer anew. This will be hard for you, My beloved daughter. You know it, but you can endure it only in Divine Love. Continue to give yourself completely and be My flower of suffering, as I wish.

Yes, My beloved ones, this way is hard and stony for all who want to follow My Son Jesus Christ. There is no envy. There is no pride, only humility, total devotion and loyalty. Does My little flock not again and again make the covenant of fidelity and renew it daily in total surrender? Isn't it difficult for them to say yes again and again, especially to the suffering, to rejection, to persecution, to disregard?

You too, my beloved ones, carry this out and follow them and do not be proud, but walk this way in humility as I have wished from the beginning, especially from you, my beloved Pius Brotherhood.

You, My beloved brotherhood of Peter, have opposed Me with a No at the decisive moment. You have separated yourselves from this My brotherhood and have gone the easier way, and you still go the easier way today, part of which is in modernism. As you know, modernism is a grave sin. I beseech you, do not continue on this path of sin, but forgive, repent and love one another in humility. Only in humility can you achieve this. And your goal will not be reached for the time being in Wigratzbad, my chosen place, the place of my Blessed Mother, if you continue on this path. Why do you not come to Me at My forgiving loving heart? How much My wounds bleed around you. This Sacrificial Feast you celebrate is valid, yes, but isn't there something special about this Sacrificial Feast that is missing, namely mysticism, deep devotion? It lives in the people who follow My Son Jesus Christ. This inner contemplation, this depth of devotion, this deep faith is necessary for you. Are only you in wisdom - only you? Are you in wisdom and in the full faith of truth as you say? Is My little one not in the truth? Yes, you must recognize it, My beloved ones, in humility and purity.

Look upon My beloved Mother, the Bride of the Holy Spirit, She will be allowed to give you this complete knowledge if you lay down your pride and humbly surrender to the Heart of My Son Jesus Christ and My Heavenly Mother. Only then, when you live the total devotion, not only using your mind, but also publicly expressing your deep inner soul, your tranquility. This is what I am waiting for, My beloved brotherhood. And I have been waiting for a very long time. My little daughter will atone for you too. And she will pray and implore on my throne that you repent. You cannot follow this Supreme Shepherd and say that this one, holy, Catholic Church still lies in the truth. No, My beloved ones, I have to found them anew in My Son Jesus Christ, who may suffer this great suffering and the foundation of My new Church in the heart of My daughter.

My beloved little one, continue to be in the succession of your predecessor Maria Sieler. She lived the total devotion and gave me everything out of love, everything that was difficult for her. She has never said no to me. Continue to follow it, for you will be strengthened by the Heavenly Father and will never fail. I want it this way, not because you want it and because it is in your human power, but because it is in My plan.

And so I bless you now with the Divine Power in the Trinity, with My dearest Heavenly Mother, Saint Joseph, all the angels and saints in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Practice love and remain faithful to me in the covenant of love! Amen.


