Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Feast of Saint Joseph, Bridegroom of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

St. Joseph speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament by His daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The angels moved into this house church today from all four directions. They floated from the Tabernacle to the Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. Then they went to the Blessed Mother. Large groups of angels have gathered around St. Joseph. The Child Jesus was also surrounded and the streams of grace went from the Little King of Love to the Child Jesus. The bouquet had been bought in honor of St. Joseph and shone in a bright glow.

Today Saint Joseph himself speaks: I, Saint Joseph, speak today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She is entirely in the will of the Heavenly Father and speaks only words of heaven, today the words that come from Me.

Beloved little flock, beloved little flock and beloved believers, I, Saint Joseph, will be allowed to give you today the instructions of Heaven on this day of My honor, I, the Bridegroom of the Most Pure Virgin and Mother of God Mary, whom I venerated and served in the highest degree. I am the nourishing father of the Holy Jesus, the Son of God, and have also served Him. All burdens that were imposed on me I accepted gladly and out of love, because I knew that this Holy Child Jesus, who was given to me as a nourishing father, was a great task and a great election.

Except for the dearest and purest Mother of God, My bride, the Virgin and Mother of God Mary, I was the second greatest Chosen One. I became aware of this throughout my life, in which I served Jesus as a nourishing father. Again and again I have looked at the holiness of My bride, the Blessed Mother. I knew and felt that great holiness emanated from her. I was chosen to live purity.

When I made this promise at the age of 12, I knew that I could and would keep it. I entrusted it to My bride, the Blessed Virgin Mary, at our engagement. She, as the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, has also made this promise. But we both knew nothing about each other. At the moment of our election and My election I recognized that the dearest Heavenly Mother was placed at the side of Me and all people and I, as your Bridegroom, was allowed to serve her in all holiness. She was given to me as bride, because I was to be your chosen one. That is why I lived in purity and it was My task to show people that one may and can live this purity in the Holy Family. I became the model of the families, the holy families. Not in vain one says today, lives nevertheless the Josefsehe. What does that mean? Living the purity in marriage. That is possible, My beloved ones.

Above all, I mean you today, My beloved sons of priests. Do you live in purity? No! Most of you do not. Very few still live in purity today. Many of the sons of priests think they can live chastity and take a wife at the same time. Is that right? Do you then still live the priesthood, the holy priesthood, the election of Jesus Christ? I, as Bridegroom to the Blessed Virgin Mary, tell you today, My beloved sons of priests, this is what I want to call you, why do you not entrust yourselves to the purest of all the pure, to Mary, Mother of God? Also I, your bridegroom, can be of help to you in this.

Look at My purity! Why can you not live them? Because you have taken off the priest's robe. You want to enjoy life and at the same time have a wife for celibacy. Is it possible not to live celibacy, not to want to live anymore? Does that mean purity as a priest? No, My beloved sons of priests! This is also not possible.

What else are you doing, My beloved sons of priests? A great many of you are addicted to alcohol, the devil's alcohol. And with this you come to the altar and still believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, can be transformed in your hands. Is that possible? No!

You do not realize that you have a great election and you do not consider that you are called. Did you follow this vocation? Today they say that the priesthood is a profession like any other. "We earn our money and we received it rightfully." Are you careful with this financial matter? No! You enjoy life to the full. In many sacrileges you do not serve the Heavenly Father, and you still believe that you may stand at this altar.

Are you standing at a sacrificial altar today? No! Is the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar important to you? No! Why can you not celebrate the Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Feast, and why do you hinder it? Because you do not live purity. Because you are not worthy to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice at an altar of sacrifice in all reverence. You are not worthy! You have excuses. You celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at an altar. No! You do not celebrate it! You celebrate the Protestant meal fellowship and nothing else. You are in a Protestant church. She is no longer catholic. Through your many sacrileges, you have turned this church into a den of robbers, especially you, my chief shepherds.

Have you not taken this ex cathedra from the Holy Father? Can he still proclaim ex cathedra as Supreme Shepherd if he considers you as colleagues and you offer him this collegiality? No! He is no longer the Supreme Shepherd. He no longer proclaims ex cathedra. This Motu Proprio would have had to be proclaimed ex cathedra for it to be effective, and never could you have attacked this Motu Proprio through this ex cathedra. Can the Supreme Shepherd still proclaim ex cathedra? No! He lives in the world himself. He himself wants to work. He himself does not give himself in total surrender to the Heavenly Father.

I, as Saint Joseph, am allowed to give you these instructions today, that you are not in the truth. Beloved sons of priests, turn back! I am also the Patron of the Church, as you know, and I have a mandate from heaven to watch over this Catholic Church, - over this One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

Did I not appear again and again in Wigratzbad above the Church of Atonement of My little ones and wanted to watch over this Church of Atonement? I was not allowed to enter. One has not lived there the purity. A meal celebration was celebrated. Victim character did not exist and still does not exist today. You have celebrated the Holy Sacrifice at the altar but in your mother tongue. Is that right? There is only one single and holy Tridentine Sacrificial Feast and this is only possible in the Latin language, because this Holy Sacrificial Feast is to be proclaimed and celebrated throughout the world in this language. Everywhere, My beloved ones, you shall feel at home. This is the desire of the Heavenly Father. I draw your attention to this, I, as St. Joseph, on my honor day today, that you should repent!

This Vatican II, which you, My sons of priests, still consider to be right, has caused much disaster in the Catholic Church. It was misunderstood, it was misinterpreted, and who was involved, My beloved ones? Protestant so-called priests, who could not even be ordained as priests. There is no ordination in the Protestant Church. There are also no Seven Sacraments. There is no holy sacrificial meal. There is no veneration of the most holy and pure Virgin and Mother of God, and there is no veneration of saints. All this is missing.

And you, My beloved Christians, whom did you follow? You have served Protestantism and your priests have led you astray. Did you not feel it? Did you not have a will of your own? Do you not perceive that a special messenger has been chosen from heaven who speaks the truth, the whole truth, who has completely surrendered herself to the will of the Heavenly Father and who suffers great torment for all of you?

In her heart Jesus Christ, the Son of God, suffers the New Church, above all the New Priesthood. There shall again be sanctified priests, not priests as you are, - turned toward the world. This is not holiness, beloved sons of priests. Where do you stand? What are you doing? You are destroying the Catholic faith! And their chief shepherds teach the shepherds. You should make them aware if something in the Catholic Church does not correspond to this single faith. You have the task of leading the shepherds back to the right path. Do you? No! You lead them astray and confusion.

More and more apostasy is spreading. And yet you do not know the truth and yet you do not live the truth. Not for nothing has the Heavenly Father chosen this little messenger Anne. Why? Because she cultivates humility. Because she accepts her atonement. Because she is ready to give everything to the Heavenly Father, - even to sacrifice her life for you, if the Heavenly Father so desires. And you, my little flock, follow her completely.

Love is decisive, My beloved sons of priests. Do you live love? Do you sacrifice everything out of love for the Triune God, the Heavenly Father? Do you implore the Heavenly Father, He wants to revive this One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church? Are you, Supreme Shepherd, watching over this Church, - over your universal Church, which contains your task? No! You continue to let the chief shepherds and shepherds go astray. And you still believe: This is the truth.

How often has the Heavenly Father said: "Lay down your ministry!" It is important. Better to resign than to lead the faithful and the chief shepherds astray. Confess your guilt before the Triune God and repent deeply and intimately, then you can be saved, for you will once be asked by the Heavenly Father: "How have you lived? How did you accomplish your task? Did you lead the world church in truth, - in the full truth? Have you offered your life for this one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church? - No! But in you the fear of man is not the fear of God. You should be the greatest example in everything to your chief shepherds and shepherds and you are not.

I, as Saint Joseph, have the task today to write everything once again in your hearts. You sons of priests, what are you doing with the Catholic Church? Do you want to continue destroying it? I warn you! I warn you as Saint Joseph against the great event! Have you no fear of God? What will happen to you, - to you who commit so many sacrileges for which many atoning souls are ready to sacrifice and atone? And you persecute them and reject them, even though you know they proclaim the truth of the Heavenly Father! You know exactly what the truth contains and means for you. You have no reason to reject these messengers appointed by heaven and to be hostile and persecute them! You should be persecuted! You are no longer Catholic! You even call this Holy Tridentine Mass a sect. The priestly son who precedes you to celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast in full reverence, what is he in your eyes? A sect leader? Is this the truth that you live?

What more do you want to destroy? Do you not feel that Satan has you in his clutches? Can you still not repent and confess your guilt? Do you still want to destroy this church? Do you still want to feel good in these sacrileges? When are you going to put on your priestly robe again? You can do so only after a deep and heartfelt repentance and confession to a pure and holy priest, for you know that in the Holy Sacrament of Penance all is forgiven.

I tell you today this truth which I have withheld until now because I have been waiting for your repentance.

Now, My faithful, be ready to take the Holy Sacrament of Penance as a passage with your Heavenly Father and to obtain absolution by telephone from this holy priestly son in Göttingen. It applies to all of you, My beloved ones, so that you may go out of confusion.

You know that the Heavenly Father still counted on His brotherhoods: The Brotherhood of Pius and Peter. They too are going a wrong way. They read the Holy Sacrificial Feast according to Pope John XXIII, which was modified in very important liturgical truths. Only when you celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast according to Pope Pius V would you be lying in the truth.

You also continue to persecute the messengers and to reject mysticism. Yes, you persecute the messengers who speak the truth and you persecute the true sons of priests who agree to sacrifice everything, to do everything for the Heavenly Father in the Trinity.

Yes, My beloved ones, Saint Joseph gave you many instructions because I was allowed to do it today and it was My task as Patron of the Church. I want you to acknowledge these truths and change your life and convert and become Catholic again. This is important, My beloved sons of priests, you who today can no longer be called Catholic! I desire from you to repent and find the right way again, to announce the truth and live love!

Your Holy Joseph gives you this today on the way. As your patron I have prophesied and announced this to you, because I love you and want to lead you to the Heavenly Father. There you are safe and secure. There you can live and proclaim the truth.

I bless you now with your most pure and heavenly Mother, with all the angels and saints in the Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Live love and be vigilant and courageous and become stronger in the Divine Will. Amen.


