Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Friday, March 25, 2011

Feast of the Annunciation.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Again, the angels from all four directions came into this house church and sang the 'Glória in exélsis Deo'. Especially the altar of Mary was surrounded by many angels and everything was dipped in gold. The Blessed Mother shone in a bright light, because at that moment she received Jesus Christ your Son. From your heart, therefore, first silver, then golden rays emanated and became a dark red bundle of rays. A dark red ruby was implanted in your heart. She knelt down and received the message of the Holy Archangel Gabriel.

Today the Heavenly Father will make known to us His instructions: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today on this Day of Honor of My Heavenly Mother through My willing, obedient, and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who lies in My Will and repeats My words.

My beloved little flock, My beloved little flock and My beloved faithful from near and far and you My pilgrims of Wigratzbad, My and your dearest Mother has spoken your Fiat today. The archangel Gabriel spoke to her: "You will be the mother of Jesus Christ. You will receive Him through the Holy Spirit. And she said her fiat, and all heaven broke into a jubilation, a jubilation of joy and gratitude that she, as the handmaid of the Lord, spoke her fiat to the faith, to the true Catholic faith, in full awe. Ask yourselves, My faithful: "Am I still Catholic? Do I still live catholically and do I profess the only holy, true, catholic and apostolic faith, which includes the true church, the true church of Jesus Christ?

This church is being attacked today. Your Supreme Shepherd, the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth, what does he proclaim to people today? What does he wish to do this year? He unites this One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church with all religions. What does he mean by this, my beloved believers from near and far? That he no longer professes this faith. With this he says: "I no longer believe in the Trinity of God. I no longer believe in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit in the Trinity, but I unite this faith with all other religions. - Is this still the truth, my truth, my beloved believers?

Wake up! Wake up, for I, the heavenly Father, must now let this event come upon you! Why, My beloved ones? In the place of grace of My dearest Mother, in Wigratzbad, this diocese of Augsburg is questioning the victory of the Blessed Mother. Was she not proclaimed Immaculate Receive Mother of Victory? What did this founder Antonie Rädler experience 75 years ago? The jubilation of the angels, because she had also spoken her Fiat to the suffering. She sacrificed everything. She has made the complete dedication. She offered her whole life to heaven and she was persecuted. And what is done with it today in this diocese of Augsburg, to which Wigratzbad belongs? They are the enemy. One speaks of miraculous healings that are called into question. One speaks of miracle addiction.

My beloved ones, why don't you go? I await your confession. To whom do you confess today? To the place of grace of My dearest Mother, who there will receive your victory as Immaculate? It will trample the head of the serpent, My beloved believers, and this serpent will entwine and surround you! Do you now realize what your diocese is saying with this? Do you still believe in this chief shepherd who doubts this place of grace? The spring water that has been flowing from this source of grace ever since, it is doubted, although many people have been healed in body and soul by this water.

And what do you, My beloved faithful, feed on, do you still feed on this spring and confess this true place of pilgrimage Wigratzbad or has it become indifferent to you that you do not care if it is attacked, if it is destroyed with all that belongs to it? Do you believe that this shrine can be destroyed? Do you think that the Heavenly Father allows this, I myself in the Trinity? Must I not now pour out My cup of wrath on all who do not believe, do not worship and do not love?

How sad I am about what is happening there. How sad I am about this leader that he does not take a stand on the pilgrimage place Wigratzbad, namely on the truth. I myself founded this place of grace with my mother. I let her speak these words and again she is the handmaid of the Lord and said, "Be it done unto me according to thy word. Do you say that today? Do you live total devotion? Do you confess today the true faith in the Trinity or do you swim with the broad stream, with those who are also hostile to My Son Jesus Christ, persecute, yes, scourge and crucify them?

My heavenly and dearest Mother will work and appear there in this place of grace, whether you confess it or not, and visibly crush the head of the snake.

Confess it as children of Mary, because your Heavenly Mother wants to gather you under Her mantle. She wants to protect you from this evil enemy, because the evil one still reigns in this place. How terrible it is, my beloved believers, if you do not confess it and if you withhold your confession, if you continue to let this place be hostile and the wicked man has the power to want to destroy this place. Of course, my beloved ones, he will not succeed, because, I, the Heavenly Father, have taken the scepter into my hand and will work in My omnipotence and omnipotence and omniscience. But this will be cruel, my beloved ones.

How many times have I told you from this place Wigratzbad many instructions how important this place of pilgrimage is. It is a place of pilgrimage of eternal prayer - day and night. Do you want to destroy that too? Does one want to destroy this chapel of grace as well and let it collapse? No, My beloved ones! How bitter it is for My Son Jesus Christ and for My beloved mother to have to watch this.

How many times have I made known to you that My Son Jesus Christ must suffer the New Church in the heart of My beloved messenger after the example of My beloved messenger Maria Sieler. Didn't she speak her Fiat to this suffering, to this pain? Yes, she said her full yes to it, although she will and must suffer a lot, namely My Son Jesus Christ suffers in her.

And My beloved ones, where are My priests, where are they? Do they today profess this one true Catholic and apostolic faith? Do they not still keep the Protestant meal fellowship at a popular altar? Have they not come to consider that only the Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite is the only true Sacrificial Feast of My Son Jesus Christ? Did He not use it Himself? And you, my sons of priests, want to stand against it and continue to be anchored in modernism. Why do you not profess the Catholic faith? Why don't you live it? Why are you not convinced by my words, which I announce to you almost daily through my beloved little messenger. She also suffers for you, above all she suffers today and carries the cross for the diocese of Augsburg. She willingly told Me her fiat this morning: "Yes, Heavenly Father, I am ready to carry the cross for you today because you suffer so much. I will make atonement for this diocese." Everything, my beloved, must be atoned for.

My beloved messenger and seer, Antonie Rädler, didn't she have the Church of Atonement built? Has she not made atonement? Didn't she pray constantly, - many nights through? Has she not made the greatest sacrifices, suffered the greatest? Has she not been persecuted to the highest degree? Didn't she give everything? Hasn't she been thrown into prison for her confession? Did she let go of her clear Fiat there? "Yes, I am ready, You can send me, Heavenly Father, whatever You wish. Not my will be done, but yours," she said. And she was saved in a wonderful way.

And you, my beloved pilgrims from near and far, do you still speak your Fiat, your Yes, I am ready to suffer everything for this place Wigratzbad? - "I will do everything if only you, Heavenly Father, will be comforted and that this place, the place of your mother, will be recognized, that it will not be questioned, doubted and the miracles that have happened there will be destroyed. - O how terrible and heartbreaking is what is happening there! The whole sky cannot believe it and my dearest mother must cry on this day, your day of honor. Bitter tears she sheds today. And you, where are you?

Also you, My beloved little flock, say your Fiat again today. And you, my followers, who follow my Son Jesus Christ, not only confess faith, but you testify to it.

I would like to thank you today on behalf of my mother for your yes. Thank you I want to say to all of you that you want to hold out until the bitter end. Go this way, the stony way, up to the top to Golgotha. There you will be rewarded, and you will once be received into eternal glory.

I love you and thank you and strengthen you in triple power! I bless you with all the angels and saints, especially today with My dearest Mother and also with her Bridegroom, St. Joseph: In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise be to Jesus, Mary and Joseph forever and ever. Amen.


