Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Atonement night in Göttingen in the house church.

The Blessed Mother speaks at 23.30 after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The altar of Mary shone in gold, silver and red. These dark red rays came from the Immaculate Heart of the Mother of God. The Little King of Love sent His rays to the Child Jesus. The holy archangel Michael struck his sword in all four directions to ward off the evil one. Many angels were grouped around the tabernacle and worshipped kneeling. The Heavenly Father looked down on us lovingly and shone in a bright glow.

The Mother of God will speak: I, the Heavenly Mother, speak today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne to My pilgrims, for it is the atonement night in Heroldsbach, in which you here in Göttingen include yourselves in this house church. My little daughter only repeats words from heaven and she lies in the complete truth.

Beloved pilgrims from near and far, beloved believers, beloved small flock and beloved small flock, I, the Immaculate Mother and Queen of Victory and the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach speak to you today. Yes, My beloved, tears I weep today for this modernist church, tears of sorrow. My Son Jesus Christ weeps for this church of modernism because none of the chief shepherds is willing to repent, to seek and find the right way and to atone for the mistakes that have been made in this modernist church and continue to be made today.

How much misery has happened How much distress has come over the German people. Doesn't the German people have a special mission? And for the fulfillment of this mission My Son still waits today in great longing. He weeps for the many priests who stand at the precipice and do not want to repent. Many messages, many instructions and many prophecies I have given them. They have not followed them, on the contrary, they have continued to reject My messenger. They despised them, and they opposed them. Nothing is out of her! How often My Son says this to all pilgrims, to all the faithful, especially to the priest souls. Can you imagine that these could be the words of the messenger, that these words come from her heart and from her mouth? No! They are words from heaven that she repeats.

My beloved ones, it is incomprehensible that My Passion Flower should have to suffer like this without compassion from the chief shepherds. At least charity should be awakened in their hearts. But they did not even have that.

I, as Heavenly Mother and Mother of the Church, call you, beloved shepherds: Turn back, turn back to the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Feast, the only Sacrificial Feast of My Son Jesus Christ! There is no other holy sacrificial meal!

Do you want to continue to consider this meal fellowship worthy in modernism? You turn your backs on My son and look at the people and hold this meal celebration with the people. Can this be the truth, the truth of the only Holy Sacrificial Meal that My Son Jesus Christ instituted? This was the foundation of the Church, the Only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Did He not himself found the priesthood? And what has emerged from this? Unworthy priests who have turned to the world and the pleasures of the world. They do not live for My Son and are not sacrificial priests. They shun every victim. They want to act themselves and not lose their power. My Son Jesus Christ in the Trinity has given Himself again and again to the Heavenly Father, His Father.

In what time are you now, My beloved sons of priests and chief shepherds? You are in the time of Passion, in the time of suffering that preceded this Way of the Cross. My Son Jesus Christ had to hide so that they would not stone Him first, because the scripture was to come true. He had to go this way of the cross for the redemption of all mankind. And He suffered already during this time, the hours of the Mount of Olives. He hid himself from the people and prepared himself for this way of the cross.

And I, your dearest Mother, how much I had to suffer, because I knew about His Way of the Cross that He had to go to redeem mankind from their grave sins, to redeem priests from their sacrileges. I as a mother, as a caring mother, want to lead them all to My Son. I wish that they turn back, that I can bring them back to the Heavenly Father.

My beloved ones, how heavy is My motherly heart. It is full of sadness and concern for these priests. Also now in this time I am suffering especially, because have I not become the Coredemptrix of the whole world, the only Catholic Church? Have I not gone along this difficult Way of the Cross of My Son of God? How heavy was My heart and how did it suffer. It was pierced like a lance, so great was the pain.

And I wait with My Son longingly, that the chief shepherds may be converted, that they may remember what it means to be Catholic. Unfortunately they turned to Protestantism and turned away from the Catholic Church. This unique, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church was sold by the Supreme Shepherd. Can you measure what pain this is for My Son in the Trinity? He loves everybody! All His priestly sons are called by Himself, My Son.

To be a priest means to be a sacrificial priest, means to bring sacrifices and to give oneself into the cup of sacrifice, so that they keep saying: "Yes, Father, yes, Father, if you want it that way, I will continue to give myself to you as a sacrifice. Whatever you ask and desire, I do out of love for you, for I am a messenger and a chosen one of you.

Yes, My beloved children, today, in this night of atonement, I want to ask you again, atone. Join in the atonement prayer of Heroldsbach. My beloved pilgrims there, you who are atoning this night, I want to thank you because you are helping to save souls, priest souls who have turned away from the Blessed Sacrament, to recapture them, to bring them back to My Son.

And you, My beloved ones, here in the house church in Göttingen, you too will atone this night. Your sacrifices are precious, very precious! You do not give up. You know that this path will become stonier. It has been foretold to you that the sacrifices will be greater and heavier. But never have you said no to My son. "As you will, Heavenly Father, so we shall continue to do," you say again and again and testify and confess your faith before others.

How many messages have been scattered into the world, - how many valuable messages. And they remain untouched by the authorities. This is hard and sad for your dearest and most caring mother. But in spite of everything I rejoice in your sacrifices. They are comfort to me. This night of atonement, which you hold out for My sake, is valuable for the priests, is valuable for Heroldsbach.

Atone, wait, pray and love My Son above all! Give Him what you can and what is possible for you. He is waiting for you, for you know that you are loved from eternity. He loves you immeasurably, especially in every sacrifice you make.

And now, My beloved children of Mary and Father, I want to bless you in the Trinity with all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Harret out! Be courageous and stand firm and faithful to your faith in Jesus Christ in the Trinity! Amen.

Praise and blessed be Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar without end. Amen.


