Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Holy Saturday.

The Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ speak after the Easter Vigil in the house church in Göttingen through your tool and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. There have never been so many angels present in this house church before. From the tabernacle and the cross the Blessed Mother was brightly illuminated. The resurrected Savior Jesus Christ moved and held out His victory flag to us. He showed us the way to heaven with His three fingers. His face was always brightly illuminated. You could see that He wanted to show us His transfiguration. All nine choirs of angels sang during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. Above all, they sang the Gloria.

The Heavenly Father will say: I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you today in the Easter Vigil, My beloved and chosen children, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is wholly in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me, the Heavenly Father.

Yes, My Son Jesus Christ is risen indeed, He is risen indeed, yes, He is risen indeed! Sing Him an Alleluia!

Let the Alleluia sound in your hearts, because you feel this Easter joy that I, as Heavenly Father, want to let flow into you through My Son. You should have a little joy after this long and hard time. To you, My little one, My Son Jesus Christ has given the opportunity today to endure three hours in this liturgy of the Resurrection, in the wonderful Tridentine liturgy. You have hardly been able to experience something so precious and valuable, because these rays of grace of the Easter Vigil were so decisive for your future.

I have granted you, My little one, a little rest today and have given you the Divine Power. In your human strength you would not get through it, because the great weight loss and not being able to eat has cost you so much strength, human strength, that you can hardly stand on your feet. But you will persevere and you want to persevere. I will give you short rest periods. But you know that My Son Jesus Christ must continue His suffering in you even after this resurrection.

Look at the Wigratzbad. Should not My Son Jesus Christ, above all My dearest Mother, appear there? What is happening there at the moment? There is complete chaos. As I have already told you through My truthful message, this leader should be overthrown. Is this true, My beloved ones? Has this really become true? Yes, it is truth! Never will my little one be allowed and able to say anything of herself that corresponds to untruth and lie. It is the truth! But my little one is not happy about it, but very, very sad. How many hours of atonement has she suffered for this leader and she continues to agree to want to save him through her atonement, through her heavy atonement, which has become almost unbearable for her. Beyond the borders I have led them, not only to the borders. She often cries out in her pain and agony. And then who cries out, my beloved? The dearest Jesus, who went to the cross for all, for all, and who rose for all on the third day.

Look at my dearest mother! How badly she suffers on this day. Her suffering is so great that she cannot experience this joy in her heart. She has suffered through all the suffering and she cannot enjoy today's complete chaos of the only, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. It lies in complete destruction and the Blessed Mother is extremely sad. She cries bitterest tears. Yes, little one, in you your Jesus weeps even though He is risen. He weeps for the many lost souls who do not want Him to have risen also for them and also wants to awaken them in their hearts that they turn back, but they do not. Therefore, my little one, your suffering is not over. You wish it from your heart because it is often hardly bearable. But you will continue to suffer, even if you think you can no longer bear this torment. So scream! It is the cry of Jesus Christ for the New Church!

And it will be newly founded! And above all, the priesthood will also rise anew with holy, reverent and humble priests. This is what the New Church will look like. This unholiness, this irreverence and these many sacrileges of priests will no longer exist. A completely new priesthood must be awakened in the called priests, - above all humility. Pride must no longer be in them.

Jesus Christ says: I, Jesus Christ, have risen for them and also desire that they rise anew for My glorious Church, for which I long.

The Heavenly Father says: Look upon My Son, look upon His victory flag! Has He not raised it more often in this statue which is on your altar?

Beloved children, beloved children of Mary, beloved children of the Father, I love you immeasurably! You are loved immeasurably. You also love the whole heaven and do not be sad about this measure of suffering, which I must continue to impose on you. All the supports of Heaven are yours, only your Heavenly Father is always waiting for your ready 'Yes Father'.

Yes father, as you want it, so it shall be done, according to your will and desire.

Jesus Christ says: But these Easter joys, you shall experience them, because I grant them to you, because I love you so much and because I want to present to you My transfigured body as a sign of hope and victory. And you will be victorious, and that will happen very soon. Rejoice every day because I am with you and will not leave you! In this sign of victory be sure that you will be blessed in the great solemn Easter blessing.

With all the angels and your dearest Mother, the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit bless you. Amen. I love you, My beloved children! Rejoice in the joy in your hearts, which have also today been especially inflamed in Divine Love! Amen.


