Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Monday.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Sacrificial Mass, a conspicuous crowd of angels had moved into this house church. They prayed kneeling, hovering over the Blessed Sacrament, and went back and forth, from the Heavenly Father to the Tabernacle and to the Blessed Mother. They also went to St. Michael the Archangel and to the bridegroom of the Mother of God, St. Joseph. They grouped themselves several times around the altar of Mary and implored the Blessed Mother.

The Heavenly Father will say: I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you, My beloved believers, on the second day of Easter, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and speaks only words that come from Me.

My beloved believers, My beloved small flock and small herd, I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you today on the second day of Easter, the great Easter of the Resurrection of My Son Jesus Christ, with great love and gratitude.

Yes, the Heavenly Father thanks you for your perseverance, for your love, for your consolation, which you bring to all heaven.

For you, My little one, a great atonement has begun again. You were not so happy about it this morning. You were very sad because you felt that My Son Jesus Christ suffers in you again. Why, my beloved little one? Because even today so many unbelieving priests celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast unworthily, or stand at a popular altar and think it is a holy mass of sacrifice that they celebrate. Nothing but lies and deceit, my beloved ones, is that. I have raised the arm of My wrath since yesterday and will not let it sink. My little one helps Me and is there to comfort Me, because My wrath is exceedingly great! You know that My Son Jesus Christ experienced yesterday and today the nothingness of His great redeeming suffering. This is the most severe suffering of all in the whole world, which I had to inflict on My beloved Son, the Son of God, for the redemption of all mankind.

And what suffering have I caused My dearest Mother, your Heavenly Mother? In how many places today she weeps tears of blood for the many sacrileges of priests who do not want to repent.

Yesterday, My little one, you saw how many priests fell into the abyss. Can I still be happy there, as Heavenly Father, and experience this Easter of the Resurrection of My Son Jesus Christ in full jubilation? No! It is not possible for me. The sky is crying despite this great important Easter. So much I would like today not only to pour out the graces into your hearts, but also the joys. But you are full of sorrow with us and that is right and good, my beloved little flock, you who suffer especially.

How to insult Me, the Heavenly Father, on these feast days. I have done everything for you, My beloved sons of priests, My beloved chief shepherd, My beloved chief shepherds and shepherds. What great graces I have poured out on you and you have spurned them, you have not accepted them. On the contrary, you have continued to despise and persecute My Son Jesus Christ.

Interreligiousness and intercommunion is a serious offense against the Holy Spirit. And that is why you are atoning today especially, my little one, with great pain. I also look at you with sadness, because I did not wish to have to inflict such pain on you today. I give you again and again new power, the divine power, because the human power decreases with you and it must decrease because my power of action must come into being in the whole world.

Look at your dearest Mother as she weeps, not only as Mother of the Church, but as Mother and Queen of the whole world, - the whole world! Can you measure that? All suffering sees you, all suffering embraces you and holds you. She sees the victory of her son. She looks at the flag of victory, but she also sees the many people, especially your sons of priests, who insult you on these Easter days. And they continue to commit these grave sins. This is the futility of the suffering of the cross of My Son Jesus Christ. Look at him!

What has He already suffered for all mankind in the seven years in which you, My beloved little one, received the messages very often? Full of love we, the whole heaven, have sent these messages, these truths, out into the world, yes, we have cried out into the world out of longing for the priestly souls. I long for their souls, but I do not get them. They continue to stray. Many are possessed by demons, - many priests, but who frees them? Are they ready to be liberated? The demon has the power because they do not want to, because they neither want to repent nor to obey me, the heavenly Father. They obey the world. They are of the world and live in the world and enjoy the world to the fullest. Everything that is there, they take with them and for Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, they have no word, no comfort, no look, no prayer and sacrifice left. Where are My sacrificial priests? Where can I find them?

In the Pius Brotherhood? I searched for her there for a very long time. In the Fraternity of St. Peter? No! Not even there. How I suffer for their souls because they take up the attacks against my messages, persecute my messengers and call them untrue and self-proclaimed, accuse and mock them and continue to lead men astray, also my beloved Pius Brotherhood. My little one suffers for them today because they do not want to repent, because they do not want to celebrate My Holy Sacrificial Feast after My beloved Supreme Shepherd, the Successor of Peter, Pius V. It is the whole truth and yet they rebel against this truth. Why do they take action against mysticism? Why? Look, My beloved brotherhood, at the greatest mystery of My Son Jesus Christ, at the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Look at the many prophecies, the prophets of the old and the new times. Is all this the untruth? Have you forgotten all that?

Like the disciples of Emmaus, you walk blindly and follow the wrong paths and despise those who live my truths fully, who give themselves entirely to me, the Trinity, and offer their lives to me, to me and to all heaven for consolation and atonement. Look at my little messenger, who is a nothing and also wants to remain a nothing, look at her suffering, at her suffering of atonement! At least have compassion, and if it were only a little bit of charity that you would show her, it would be a little comfort to me. And you do not do that either, my dear brotherhood, not that either! The contempt is great with you. Satan will open the doors of your heart. He will have it easy with you. Pride and envy have entered you and where is your love for the Triune God?

Your Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is still valid, but only because I want it so, the Heavenly Father, not because you want it, because you are too proud of me and you are too great for me, full of envy. Is envy not a grave sin? Is pride not a grave sin? Why is this all so with you? On this great important Easter, I want to look at you full of rejoicing, and I cannot. Full of longing I look out for your hearts. On this Easter they should be completely mine. But they do not do it. You think you have success all over the world and that is enough for you. You have a crowd and that is all, my beloved ones.

Have you ever thought of atonement, of nights of atonement? Have you made atonement for the Chief Shepherd? Have you atoned for the entire clergy? I demand atonement from you, many atoning nights, so that the guilt does not weigh even more heavily! It weighs partly on My little one. And she is willing to continue to bear the suffering for the many sins that you commit, to save you, to lead you to me, the Heavenly Father, to the Blessed Mother, the dearest Blessed Mother, who weeps for you and also looks longingly upon you to save your souls.

Don't you know that I, the Heavenly Father, can work as the Almighty God? Look at My arm of wrath! Can this be in order, what is happening today? Be still in your hearts so that you may receive the true knowledge of the Holy Spirit, otherwise you will hear the untruth and pass it on. I suffer for you, for all of you. And My beloved Son, the Son of God, have I not laid everything on Him - for you? He, as victor of the whole world, wants to raise this victory flag for you too. But you do not yet profess the truth, the full truth.

Beloved little flock, yes, you suffer, you suffer today also on the second day of Easter. But it is my will and desire. Look to your children how they have been misled and they do not want to turn back because the authorities confuse them, because they do not recognize the truth and because they also take the more comfortable way. How many mothers today suffer agony for their children, and yet these children continue to cause them this pain and do not turn back, but take all the pleasures of the world.

My beloved ones, I would have liked to tell you something else about Easter, - gladly. But I know that you are there for my consolation and that I am allowed to speak out with you about my suffering because you support it, because you show the readiness and do not give up, but want to continue to advance the stony way, the difficult way, and atone for all mankind.

I thank you for your many, many hours of atonement, for the many sacrifices that you continue to bring to Me. I also thank you, My little one, especially for your sufferings. You will accept them, and I will continue to support you. Don't give up! You have many, many who stand behind you and who suffer and unite with My suffering. You can lament, you can cry, you can cry out in pain, in suffering, but please, please do not give up, because it is the suffering of My Son Jesus Christ who suffers in you, who suffers the new Church and the new priesthood in you, which you cannot understand.

I love you, I love you and I embrace you with fatherly Easter blessing, with all the love of heaven, grace and blessing. Be protected, be loved, blessed and sent forth with the great host of angels of your dearest, most holy Mother and the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Love me as I bring this love to you, love me again and do not leave me! Remain faithful to me and to all heaven! I embrace you with this love! Amen.


