Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin and Mother of God Mary.

Our Lady speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass through her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Joyful Rosary, the Twelve-Star Wreath of the Blessed Mother shone in glistening light. The stars sparkled and shone in all four directions. The Little King of Love sent His rays of grace to the Child Jesus. The Holy Mother Anna was bathed in a particularly bright light. The holy archangel Michael struck his sword in all four directions before the holy sacrificial mass began. The bouquet of the Mother of God sparkled in a sea of rays and I saw the same sparkle of the bouquet in the house church in Göttingen, because the house church in Göttingen is very closely connected with this house chapel in Mellatz. "My child Dorothea is watching there," says the Blessed Mother.

Our Lady will speak: I, your Heavenly Mother, speak today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My will and only speaks words that come from Me. She only repeats words of heaven.

My beloved daughter Anne, first I would like to address the word to you. Do you believe that I am the intercessor of all graces, who was allowed to give you this grace, that you were taken away from the suffering of atonement exactly at 6:00 a.m. this morning? You know that you had to experience very great suffering tonight and could not believe that you were allowed to participate in this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the house chapel in Mellatz and were not bedridden. I, the Heavenly Mother, have asked this of the Heavenly Father. He could not refuse my wish, because again and again I raised my begging hands to him, you may be allowed to be in the house chapel on this my feast day. And He has granted Me, the Heavenly Mother, for you, My little one, the wish.

I know, My beloved little one, that you have suffered excessive pain and agony, yes, oil mountain torments, day and night in almost 6 weeks. The whole New Church is feeding on it, because you have asked many priests for the possibility to repent. They were touched in their hearts by Me, the Heavenly Mother of God. Many souls, especially priest souls, continue to be redeemed through your suffering and can suddenly believe in the Trinity. They can adore Jesus Christ by touching their hearts in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, - suddenly and unexpectedly. Impossible things have happened by the grace of the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, - impossible things I say. Yes, impossible for you, but for the Heavenly Father nothing is impossible.

But you, My little one, should experience exactly on this day that this great atonement which you have to suffer because My Son Jesus Christ suffers in your heart, was taken from you. Often you can't understand it and couldn't understand it because you have suffered too much. Your suffering was Jesus' suffering. My Son Jesus Christ let you participate in His suffering of the Mount of Olives. He held you in the hours when you said, "Dear Father in heaven, I can no longer! Your powers were completely exhausted. But the divine powers became effective in you. You did not notice it, my beloved little one, because otherwise you could not have endured these sufferings, - not in this long period of time. I was always with you, My beloved little one. I have always asked the Heavenly Father to make them easier for you. But he did not grant me this wish because he wanted to save many souls from the eternal abyss, to be eternally in hell. This is not conceivable for you. But that, my little one, is why you have had to endure much suffering. Furthermore, My Son Jesus Christ in you will also suffer the New Church. You should recognize today through this sign that I, your Heavenly Mother, could take it away from you through the intercession of the Heavenly Father.

This will continue to be unimaginable for you, My beloved little one, because there will always be agonies, only not in the long and lasting period you had to endure now because it was priests who mocked and ridiculed My Son in a special way. That is why you had to suffer so much, My beloved little one, because Jesus suffers in you. But this will not be imaginable for you until the end. Jesus suffers in you and you suffer, and yet you cannot believe that My Son Jesus Christ truly suffers in you, namely for the New Church and the New Priesthood.

And I, the Heavenly Mother? Am I not also suffering as intercessor, as Coredemptrix in all the suffering of My Son on the cross? Am I not included? Yes, I am very close to the Trinity, - very close! I do not belong to the Godhead in the Trinity, but I am closest to the Trinity. And that is why many graces, which I ask of the heavenly Father, are granted to me by Him - for you, my beloved ones, who beg me in your suffering. For many people will suffer at this time. Especially great will be their torment if they believe, if they believe in the Trinity, if they believe in the way, the truth and the life of My Son, if they go all the way, not a part of the way, but all the way to Mount Golgotha up to the cross.

I ask you again, My beloved followers, do you want to climb the last steps of this Way of the Cross with me or do you give up in your suffering? Not only My little one will suffer, but also you in a very special way, who follow My Son Jesus Christ and only show obedience to Him.

Today at 15.00 o'clock you celebrate the hour of grace. Do also My brotherhoods, the Pius Brotherhood and the Peter Brotherhood, say yes to this day of grace, to this hour of grace? No! They do not grant it to this Holy Sister Faustina that she could call this hour of grace by the power of heaven, as saints in heaven. They still do not believe in mysticism and even reject the saints in heaven.

Also the entire messengers and messengers reject it, and very, very maliciously. And this is very sad for me, the Heavenly Father, and for me, the Heavenly Mother. Can My messengers, whom I have sent and ordered, be rejected? Do they not speak My words in the full truth and in the whole? Can you not recognize it until today? Do you want to be the rulers of My Church? So say the Heavenly Father and My Son Jesus Christ.

Have My fraternities become autocratic, that they draw the paths for this Holy Father and that he follows the ways according to their will? Can one say that a Holy Father who betrayed and sold My Son Jesus Christ with the Judas kiss, who fraternally reached out his hand to the Antichrist, is still a Holy Father and "we must believe in him because he is the Supreme Shepherd of the Catholic Church and the successor of Peter"?

There have been many untrue supreme shepherds in recent times. One cannot believe them and one must not follow them. If they proclaim untruth, one cannot say that it will soon be different, and they may regret it, and they will still do much good. No, My beloved Pius Brotherhood, this is not the truth you speak in your monthly magazine You continue to confuse these believers who have realized that this Holy Father did not witness the Catholic Church in all the religions that were invited to Assisi. He did not testify the faith for all of us, nor did he tell them that there is only one, Catholic and Apostolic faith, and according to this faith all would like to orientate themselves, - all religions. That would have been the truth. Has my chief shepherd testified and confessed this truth before all? No! Did he bitterly regret what he had done? No! To this day he has not regretted his serious offences, yes, he has acted sacrilegiously.

As I, Jesus Christ in the Trinity, have already mentioned, he has become a heretic. Yeah, that's the truth. And may one follow him then? You, My believers, may you follow him? May you say, this is our Supreme Shepherd and we must listen to this church? No! You must not listen to this church of modernism. It is ecumenical. It is mixed with many, many other religious communities.

There is only one, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and there is only one Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the Tridentine rite according to Pope Pius V, even if you do not want to believe it, My beloved Pius Brotherhood. It is the truth!

You are not following your founder. Is this not a grave offense of your brotherhood? Didn't your founder do everything for you? Has he not gone before you in true faith, and has he not sacrificed everything for you? My son Marcel Lefebvre is in heaven. He looks on you full of bitter tears that you do not confess the truth.

And you, My brotherhood of Peter, do not believe in mysticism either. You persecute all mystics, all messengers and messengeresses in the worst measure. You expel them from your chapels. You do not want to believe in them. And why, My beloved brotherhood of Peter? Because you want to be the makers yourselves. You yourselves want to be in the first place and not the plan and wish of your Heavenly Father is convenient for you.

I am the Ruler of My Church, I, the Mighty, the Omnipotent, the Omniscient and Almighty Triune God. And in him you must all believe, - all of you!

I, as Heavenly Mother, tell you that My Son Jesus Christ, through His suffering on the cross, has redeemed all - all. But not all follow him. Not all those who are called become the chosen ones. Many will still fall off on this way. You will feel it and I will show you this purification. Many are called, but few are chosen! And this election is something so unbelievably great for you that you can never fathom and understand it because you are men and again and again think humanly.

For you, My beloved little group, it is a great thing to live and work according to His plan and desire in the house of the Heavenly Father, in the house of glory. He lives in you, and He lives in this house. When you decorate this house chapel, you decorate it for My Son Jesus Christ, who stands beside you and gives you His wishes, although you do not feel it.

Everything is approval, everything is providence. You are loved immeasurably, - immeasurably, by your Heavenly Father in the Trinity and your dearest Heavenly Mother, who carries all hardships, sufferings and hardships with you. She will never leave you alone, she will always be beside you in all your sufferings, because I, the Heavenly Mother, am the Mother of Sorrows and have borne all sufferings with My Son for you.

But from this Church I do not want this dogma of the Coredemptrix to be proclaimed, because all are in modernism and ecumenism and never this Holy Father, who lives modernism, may proclaim a dogma ex cathedra. This ex cathedra was taken away from him by the collegiality of the bishops.

And therefore, My beloved ones, do not believe what the enemy, the evil one, tells you through these brotherhoods, but believe in the truth of My Son Jesus Christ. He is solely the Supreme Shepherd, who has now taken over the regency after this Holy Father sold My Church and fraternized with the Antichrist. So he himself has become antichrist. Yes, that is the truth!

Did he not follow the wishes of the free thinkers or did he fulfill the will of My Heavenly Father? No, of course not. Furthermore he will reject this Catholic Church. He will follow evil, and you must not believe this cunning evil. He will tell you many things by which you will know that it is the cunning of Satan and nothing else. And it works at the moment.

But you, My beloved followers, who follow My Son Jesus Christ, you are in true knowledge. You can recognize everything if you follow the wish of My Heavenly Father. Give glory to Him and be obedient and be faithful to Him alone. Your Heavenly Mother, who now blesses you in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, loves you. Amen.

Praise and blessed be Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar without end. Amen.


