Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Our Lady speaks at the conclusion of the octave of the Immaculate Conception after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Mellatz through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today, especially the statue of Fatima was bathed in glaring light. It was transparent and shone from the inside out. She was connected to the burning heart of love of the Sacred Heart statue. Above all, the altar of sacrifice shone in a bright glow.

Our Lady will say: I, your dearest Mother, am speaking today at the conclusion of the octave through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in the will of the Heavenly Father and is now repeating My words, the words of heaven.

My dear little one, today you had to suffer especially. It was necessary because today the octave is over, where I, your dearest Mother, was allowed to give you the instructions for the coming time, especially for the New Church and the New Priesthood. Jesus suffered in you because of the New Church and you have suffered with it. Again and again severe suffering will come upon you, as the Heavenly Father desires of you. Yes, the breathlessness almost to the point of suffocation causes you great discomfort, but you know that Jesus suffers in you and must suffer very great agonies in you, because today's church is destroyed, because it is completely in ruins. There is nothing left of this church that speaks of holiness.

But you, My beloved little flock, you are holiness pure. You accompany my little one on this difficult way, because alone she could not bear these torments, because her human strength is exhausted and lies in powerlessness. It is like powerlessness, but then the Divine Power in you, my little one, will become even stronger. Do not be afraid, but surrender yourself again and again to this suffering. It is for the New Church and I, your dearest Mother, am waiting for these sufferings, because I am allowed to offer them to the Heavenly Father.

How difficult it is for you, My beloved little group, to always experience this rejection, the rejection that is directed to the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. He himself is rejected, although he must once again impose these great torments in you, my little one, on his son. Does he not suffer these torments himself and I, your dearest mother, too? Is this Way of the Cross, which you also walk, My little one, not especially meant for Me, for Me, your Mother of God, the Mother of God?

A few more days, then the birth of Christ is announced for you. The child Jesus shines in splendor and is waiting eagerly to enter your hearts. But how many people close their hearts during this time. And that is bitter for My dearest child Jesus. It wants to come into all hearts and wants to bring the Christmas blessing. The Advent season is a preparation for this coming. But are people really waiting for it? Don't they see the gifts and the hustle and bustle of this pre-Christmas season in the first place? Do they really come to hold a devotional hour at least once in this Advent season and reflect on this Christmas? Do they prepare their hearts? No! For all the rush, for all the gifts and world-inclusiveness, they do not wait for the child Jesus, who will come, who wants to be born in your hearts. They think only of themselves. You don't even feel: It will be Christmas!

Reflection should be everywhere, but the work of housewives today is overflowing. Why do they worry so much about worldly things and forget the most important things? Jesus wants to come! Jesus knocks at my heart! He wants me to sing him lullabies, Advent songs, songs of reflection, where I feel exactly: I am preparing myself. My heart must be cleansed. It must be cleansed, because Christmas is the coming of Jesus Christ into the world.

And I, your dearest mother, may give it to you, this little tiny Jesus. Look how poor It is, and how It is ready to suffer these torments already as a small child. It is not born in velvet and silk, but in a manger, in a poor cold stable. Already at this time it must be freezing. And you, my beloved, have everything in abundance: a warm home and much more. Everything is there for your prosperity. You do not need to miss anything like this little Jesus who looks at you and wants to tell you: "You too, make sacrifices! Be you also ready to suffer for me! I came into the world to suffer for all mankind! I want to touch your heart full of intimacy, and you forget that I, the little Jesus, want to come to you, deep into your heart, because I want to be the most important thing in your life.

Yes, My beloved children, your dearest mother has told you many things in these last 8 days of the octave to prepare you. The ecstasies were extremely valuable. Every day a different preparation. I'm not leaving you alone. I think of everything. As a mother who is anxious for her children, so I prepare you. You shall lack for nothing when your heart becomes wide, as wide as the light of Christmas, the Christmas night. Then I come to you as a mother and may I rejoice that your hearts are full of light, full of Christmas light.

My children, read these messages of the last 8 days again and again. They also serve as preparation, not just the ecstasies that were only meant for the small flock. Much will also be revealed to you if you read these messages again and again.

But believe Me, many, many of you I have to cut off and that is bitter for Me because you have not done the will of the Heavenly Father. You were indifferent and thought that if you fulfil a part, it will be enough for the Jesuline. No! Everything, everything should be for the loving Savior. He has given everything and done everything for you, and so He wants to take your whole heart. The love of the heart should be there, should be filled with divine love. It is to shine and radiate to other men who cannot yet believe and are not in the truth.

Be brave and courageous! Above all, remain faithful to the dearest Jesus in the Trinity. Isn't the Heavenly Father always waiting for your 'Yes Father', no matter how difficult it may be for you, this last time, these last steps to the mountain Golgotha? Even then you shall not despair, but believe and trust in the love of your Heavenly Father. I will lead you there so that He can fill your hearts with His love.

And so today your dearest Mother of God and God's Mother Bearer bless you with all your saints, with your angels, in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be ready for the great feast and hold out until the end! Amen.

!!! The DVD of the Tridentine victim mass after pope Pius V. (5, - €) and the Begleitbüchlein practice of the faith (2, - €) are immediately to be ordered with Mrs. Dorothea winter, Kiesseestrasse 51 b, 37083 Goettingen, Tel. 0551/3054480, fax 0551/37061777, email: D [POINT] Winter45 [AT] gmx [POINT] en.


