Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas, Feast of the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz/Opfenbach through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. A blessed Most Holy Christmas wishes you today the Triune God with all the angels, with all the saints, especially with My dearest Immaculate Mother and Queen of Victory, and especially wish you a blessed Christmas the little Jesus in your manger.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak again today, on this Most Holy First Christmas Day, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will, who has given Her Will to Me and repeats only words of Heaven, My words. Nothing is out of her.

My beloved children, My beloved believers, My beloved pilgrims from near and far and My beloved little flock, on this Most Holy Christmas, your Heavenly Father speaks to you, for He gives you the greatest graces ever on this Most Holy Feast. Why, My beloved ones? Because you, My little flock, have persevered. Because you have endured everything that the Heavenly Father had to ask of you in the last times. I, the Heavenly Father, said: Desire had to! It has been very difficult for me to see you, My little one, suffering for so many weeks and not being allowed to intervene.

As you know, My place of grace, the place of grace of My mother, is also on the ground. Did you expect this, My beloved ones? Did you not pray daily for all the priests and consecrate them to the Immaculate Heart of My dearest Mother? And yet, My beloved ones, the evil one broke in there - by force, with Satan's cunning and treachery. Many do not recognize it, and many continue to go astray with the priests here. They do not recognize it, My beloved ones.

You are no longer there, as I wished. Many graces flowed when you were still to go there every day to atone according to my wish and will. Then you should atone here at home in Mellatz, in your house chapel, atone, worship and offer many hours of grace of love to Me. Your dearest mother stood by your side.

And now, My beloved little one, you will take this, My Jesus, Son of God, from the manger and you will show this Jesus to the whole world. (Anne takes the Child Jesus out of the manger, holds him up and turns with Him in all directions).

Isn't it a great grace for you, My beloved ones, to receive these graces, this love from My chosen place Mellatz through My Internet, which can be accessed and is accessed all over the world.

How many graces flow in every Holy Mass of Sacrifice of My Son Jesus Christ, celebrated daily at this altar in all reverence according to the Tridentine Rite of Pius V? Today I want to say it because today you are celebrating the most holy Christmas, and because you are allowed to worship My Son Jesus Christ in the manger as a little Jesus, that it is a gift that you recognize that here the Son of God is born. He has found entrance into your hearts. You have opened the door and the gate to Him.

And the other believers, My beloved ones? I came before closed doors also here at this place Mellatz not only in Wigratzbad. Was this not a great disappointment for me, although I showed them the greatest love and was born in all poverty. I wanted to take apartment in their hearts.

You have atoned for it, My beloved ones, because as you know, every sin, every sacrilege must be especially atoned for. And for this you are daily at this altar of sacrifice. I came before closed doors and you, my beloved ones, were not allowed to experience my abandonment? Have you not participated in My sacrifice of the cross? Be thankful for this abandonment that you may experience in your hearts. It is mercy. A great choice has been given to you. Many are called few but chosen. And you belong to these chosen ones, but only then, my beloved children, when you continue to walk this way and do not look backwards.

You will experience many things, because this Church will continue to fall into the abyss, because it has become a desert and in this desert of the world you live. There, My place of grace Mellatz is visible from afar, set in the middle of the desert by your beloved Triune God. And there is another place, namely Göttingen, My House Church. There too, the great miracle of the Holy Night, the Holy Christmas, takes place.

It is Christmas and light has streamed into your hearts. I do not wish you to go into this darkness. Stay in your house! It is chosen for you, and full of love I look upon you as a little Jesus lying poor in the manger. Not wealth is important. Look at Me, the little Jesuit who lies poor in the manger! Have I not made the greatest sacrifices for you? Have I not become everything for you? For you I wanted to experience this humanity, this poor life, this sacrificial life. To this life I have said yes.

But now, My beloved children, on these Christmas days you may enjoy the Jesus in the manger. I thank you with all my heart those who persevered, who did not give up, although the greatest sacrifices were demanded of you, especially of you, My beloved little ones. I know that I demand of you many things that you think you cannot sacrifice to Me. But then comes my divine power. You think you will fall, but you fall into My arms, into Father's arms and there I will lift you up and show you to the whole world. All will experience it that my beloved little one with her chosen flock makes these heaviest sacrifices for the world. You are an example for the whole world. Be aware of this again and again, because it is not you who have chosen yourselves, but I, the Triune God, have chosen you for this only path, for my plan, for my desire and for my will. Everything is providence.

Nothing that you experience is not conceived by Me. Lead the way! Walk it upwards, for at the mountain Golgotha the greatest happiness awaits you! The greatest pain becomes for you the greatest love, the love sacrifice.

Let your hearts shine and shine on these feast days, as My house of glory will shine far and wide in the golden splendor of the light. The whole house is lit up, and it has been prepared for me to glory by you: In cleanliness, in order and in love. You never gave up in these days, although you could hardly make many a sacrifice because of your human weakness. But, have I not told you that in human weakness and powerlessness I myself come? Will I not lift you up when I see you lying on the ground and exhausted? Then I am here and I will not leave you alone.

Look at My little Jesus: God's Son is born today, today in the Most Holy Night. Adore Him in this little crib, because it is waiting for your Christmas greetings and for your love and adoration, which you should always bring to Him. He loves you and He looks at you with loving eyes, and He expects counter-love from you. Tell Him again and again: "Jesus I am yours and I love you and you remain in my heart as you were born again in my heart today. Amen."

Now the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, with all the angels, with all the saints, with the Immaculate Mother and Queen of Victory, especially with your dear little Jesus, blesses you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Beloved and praised be the Holy Trinity at all times! Amen.

* the DVD of the Tridentinischen victim fair after pope Pius V. (5, - €) and the Begleitbüchlein practice of the faith (2, - €) can be ordered with Mrs. Dorothea winter, Kiesseestrasse 51 b, 37083 Goettingen, Tel. 0551/3054480, fax 0551/37061777, email: D [POINT] Winter45 [AT] gmx [POINT] en.


