Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Friday, January 6, 2012

Epiphany, Epiphany.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the House of Glory in Mellatz/Opfenbach through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today the crib was the center of attention. She was bathed in a glistening light of gold and silver. Everything sparkled, including the altar of Mary and especially the altar of sacrifice. The Little King of Love looked at the little baby Jesus in the manger during the sacrificial mass. The tabernacle and the symbol of the Trinity also shone in bright light.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, am speaking to you, My beloved children, today on this Feast of the Magi, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and speaks only words that come from Me.

My beloved little flock, My beloved followers, My beloved believers from near and far, today you have celebrated the Feast of the Magi. The wise men from the Orient worshipped the little baby Jesus in the manger, because they believed. They offered Him the gifts, their gifts, because they knew that in the little child, the child Jesus, divinity was fully contained. They worshipped this divinity.

They had followed the star in the Orient. They knew that this star we must pursue, then we will find the king of the whole world in the little child born in a stable in Bethlehem, very poor and helpless. They followed this star.

And you too, My beloved children, do you follow this star that I showed you in the firmament on Christmas Eve? Did you also believe that it could be the star of Bethlehem, and that this was nothing else but determined by heaven? Heaven had spoken. But only some were deeply rooted in faith. The others fathomed this divine sign in the sky and did not believe. They wanted to fathom it, although it was impossible to fathom it. I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, have shown you that on this Christmas Eve all should follow this star.

Once again you have a chance, My beloved children, to believe and worship the little child Jesus in the manger. It wants to be worshipped, because it is God himself. The Son of God came to earth to redeem mankind from its sins.

But, My beloved ones, how many today do not believe this star and do not follow it and do not worship this Child Jesus in the manger either, because they reject Him, because they do not want to let Him into their hearts, because they mock Him, because My messengers whom I sent into the world also today walk My way, the way of persecution, mockery and hostility. But they believe and they take all the cross and suffering on their shoulders, because they know The heavenly Father watches over us. He, the great omnipotent God, will intervene, then, when his time is fulfilled. My messengers believe in this completely.

My beloved little one has survived this suffering of the Mount of Olives. She placed herself at My disposal, My Son Jesus Christ in the oil garden. He has suffered again for this Church, which was completely destroyed, even by My Supreme Shepherd. He denied everything, the Divinity and the Only, True, Catholic and Apostolic Church. He did not stand up for the true faith to proclaim it to the whole world. He has mixed it with all other religions and has not known it as this one and only Catholic faith. My Chief Shepherd has betrayed and sold me. That is why I had to re-found the church on January 1, 2012.

My beloved ones, do you understand? My beloved followers, do you still want to follow your dearest Jesus and be considered as His followers who completely fulfill His will? Continue on this path! It is the way of the Star of Bethlehem, and He will always give you these instructions, the Divine Instructions. You will not go wrong and you will not deviate from this only true faith, which contains my whole truth. This truth I have cried out into all the world, but have my children followed this truth? No! Furthermore they do not believe, despite the many chances, which I have given them again and again anew for their rescue and for the rescue of many, many souls, which do not want to believe.

But you, My beloved little flock and followers, you believe and you help Me to save these souls from eternal ruin. Above all, you are there to put the priest souls back on the right path. They do not recognize this path. They are stubborn and want to go their own way and not the way of the Star of Bethlehem.

This star stands above My House of Glory. You cannot see it, but you, My little one, will be allowed to see this star for the first time tonight, because the feast of Epiphany is celebrated today. (At 8:15 pm, the star above the House of Glory appeared visibly to Anne. He was visible for about 10 minutes :-).

Thank all heaven that your followers, who want to follow you in everything, follow you, that is, they follow Me. I live in you and I am the ruler of the whole world and the Almighty Triune God. And this omnipotence and omnipotence, my beloved followers, I will apply quite soon at my place Wigratzbad. Have you not atoned, My beloved little flock and followers? have you not atoned for these priests who reject these My Messages altogether, who persecute My little flock and who are hostile to them and mock them? I watch over you, My beloved ones, I, the Heavenly Father. Have no fear of man, but develop the full fear of God. She shows you again and again anew the way to Bethlehem, the way of truth and love.

You go ahead, My beloved ones, and I, the Heavenly Father, will show My efficacy here in Wigratzbad very soon. The evil one will have no more power. But unfortunately the shepherds in Wigratzbad do not follow this My Way. Many opportunities were ahead. Above all, I addressed this My new leader of Wigratzbad and gave him another chance to follow this star, but he gave me a No like all the other priests here. This hurt My Divine Heart very much. But you, dear little flock and followers, you have atoned for these crimes and outrages at the place of my dearest mother, in Wigratzbad.

In spite of everything, My beloved ones, this apparition of My Son and My dearest Mother will take place very soon. Whether one rejects them or whether one acknowledges them is unimportant. I will show my omnipotence and omnipotence. There are some who will repent, whom you have asked and who will be touched by the holiness of the Trinitarian God, especially this Christmas season by this little Jesus in the manger. Many graces have been poured out so far through these My Messages all over the world. The one who reads them will be deeply touched, but only if he reads them with his heart and with his mind. When they are only read with the intellect then the effective power will not be there and grace will not be able to flow, although they accept my messages, that is, they hear and read but this following is difficult for them because it costs great sacrifices.

The way of the cross must be walked, because in the cross alone is salvation. I have redeemed the world through the cross, and all who follow me will also have to take up this cross to attain eternal happiness.

I love you, My beloved little flock and followers and I love you too, My beloved children from near and far. Do not avoid this star of Bethlehem, but follow it, for it holds the truth. He shows you the way to the child Jesus, that is, to the truth, to the only truth and to the only Holy Mass of sacrifice. There is only one Holy Mass of Sacrifice according to the Holy Father Pius V. Only this sacrificial meal is the only true one. There the full graces will be poured out, and people will see that these graces work in them and beyond. They go to the people and want to pass on this love and truth.

I love you all and bless you in this Christmas season, especially on this feast of the Three Wise Men from the East, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Live love and walk this path in the following and in the love of My Son Jesus Christ. Amen.


