Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Third Sunday after publication.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V and the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Rosary and the Holy Sacrificial Mass, large crowds of angels moved into this house chapel. They were also above this house. The Blessed Mother in the hallway and also in the house chapel was illuminated in golden and silver glow. The baby Jesus in the manger was bathed in a glistening light.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My will and speaks only words that come from Me.

My beloved believers, My beloved children, My beloved pilgrims from near and far, My followers and My little band, you all shall receive this message from heaven today. Yes, it is important for you to forgive your enemies. In this way you love your enemies when you pray for them. Contact with them is not necessary, but pray for them if they have done evil to you, for they will be forgiven. I do not say to you: Reward like with like. Take revenge on the other one. No! On the contrary, love your enemies, then love and faithfulness will be decisive in your heart.

Love is important, My beloved ones! Do everything out of love, and also take advantage of the Holy Sacrament of Penance. Through this, all things will be forgiven and forgiven you, and into your hearts will enter the light, the sun of Jesus Christ. You yourselves are then the sun. You can shine, and you will be allowed to radiate these rays over others who meet you. You do not need to feel it yourself, but the others should receive these graces, which also today emanated especially from this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass here in Mellatz. Some will have the will to turn back. Even if it sometimes looks different, my beloved ones, that so few whom you see and of whom you know it, do not turn back, it will be others who want to fulfill this my will in its entirety and in love and loyalty.

Always look at love and forgive and take the Holy Sacrament of Penance, because it is very important in this very last time. You shall be prepared for my coming with my Heavenly Mother. My Heavenly Mother, the Immaculate Received Mother and Queen of Victory, asks all her children to receive this Sacrament of Penance now that it is important to them. All that is unclean shall disappear from your heart. Let your hearts be pure and freed from all evil. Then you will be safe and will be able to give this message to others, because you love heaven. Be strong and testify your faith! Do not be silent when you despise My Son Jesus Christ, when you mock Him, but bear witness to your Catholic and true faith.

Many people make mistakes. They are confused and misled by the priests and the entire clergy who obey the bishops. Is this right, My beloved followers, to follow these bishops today and put obedience in the middle? No! place Me in the Trinity in your midst. Your Heavenly Father will take care of all your relatives, of all your worries that come into your family and which you cannot clear up, because no one will listen to you. But I am the divinity. I have ways you do not recognize. I am full of confidence and full of hope and full of love. I will give this love to your children when they call for me, for me, the heavenly Father in the Trinity. Be sure that you will always be loved, even if you often do not feel it. My love is boundless and full of patience and kindness. Be kind also to the others.

You know that this event will soon come over the whole world, this judgment, which I cannot avert because in the Trinity obedience is not shown to me, because one does not pray, does not atone, does not sacrifice, and above all does not believe. Believe deeper and more firmly. Your innermost being shall belong only to the Heavenly Father in all that you think and all that you do in good works. Your father knows everything. He thanks you in every moment when you comfort Him, when you show Him and prove that you love Him, because you testify to Him and are not silent where you are attacked and where you are persecuted. Then bear witness!

You know that all mankind today is confused and lost and no longer knows where the true path is going. The only true path is myself. I am the truth and the light. Whoever walks in this light will not be in darkness and will not stray from the true faith. But pray and atone for the others. Because that you can believe is a great and precious gift. It is given to you by the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. This is not a matter of course. No! I have chosen you and you are there for me in consolation and in love.

How many times have I called your attention to the true faith, to the true love of Jesus Christ, to the true way, and where is My clergy, My beloved clergy, My beloved priestly sons? Through your prayer, through your atoning nights and your atonement you have already moved many to repentance, especially you, My little one, whom you are atoning again and again for these sons of priests whom I love so much. Everyone is precious to me. I do not want to let anyone stray and see him fall into the eternal abyss.

Believe that through your prayer and above all through your perseverance you can achieve much with the Heavenly Father! He is the one who embraces you when you give me the consolation to be there for the others and to pass on this true and only faith for the others and not to let up in courage and patience, in forbearance and forbearance. Not all wishes will be fulfilled immediately, but you have to show perseverance. The Heavenly Father knows about everything. I know the future, and I know you inside and out. I love you with all my heart and draw you again and again into My Divine Heart to fertilize you with Divine Power.

Be brave, stay brave and become strong, so that your faith may grow deeper and deeper in faithfulness and love! Now I bless you, My beloved followers, My beloved little flock and My beloved children, in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain in love and be faithful to heaven! Amen.


