Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sunday Quinquagesima.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pope Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Already during the Rosary and the Holy Sacrificial Mass, conspicuous crowds of angels - cherubim and seraphim - passed over this house and came from all four directions to the house chapel in Mellatz. Many angels sang the Gloria and also the Hosanna in excelsis. The altar of Mary was once again brightly lit. The Blessed Mother, the Child Jesus and the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus were bathed in glistening light. The Stations of the Cross often appeared in bright light during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. During the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, angels once again marched into this house chapel and worshipped the Blessed Sacrament during the Holy Transubstantiation. They knelt down and were gracefully engrossed in prayer.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, am speaking now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My will and repeats only My words.

My beloved believers, My beloved children, My beloved followers and My beloved little flock, I love you all and I want to draw you to My Heart because My longing for the souls that could be lost and fall into the eternal abysses will be ever greater in My Son of Jesus Christ, starting from the Heavenly Father.

I love you all and I want to say and emphasize it to you today, yes I want to shout it into the world: repent and be converted, because your Lord Jesus Christ will come very soon! He will appear and wants to draw everyone to himself. Yes, the longing of My Son is growing. This I, the Heavenly Father, can say to you. I want to call you to prayer, to deep inner prayer, because the time of repentance has come. Convert and remember that you are serious sinners!

Many people and believers today no longer adore the Blessed Sacrament of My Son's Altar because they can no longer believe and want to, because they are attracted by the world - by the desires of the world. They no longer live the faith, they no longer live it for the believers in the parishes. They have separated themselves from Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, and have bid Me farewell: "We do not need You, Heavenly Father. You no longer belong in our life and in our priestly life". So say their hearts to me. And I want to find open hearts, especially in this time of penance.

Today you have celebrated the day of Quinquagesima, that is, 50 days more until the resurrection. This time of penance and this time of fasting is now coming towards you. Are you aware of this? No, My beloved sons of priests. You are not even aware of it anymore. Believe in the 40-hour prayer that it is time to start praying. Start new in your life and do not wait until someone else comes and has to tell you: "It is over with you! I cannot use you for this church, because I do not know you! You have not known Me before men and that is why I do not know you today! I will pass you by full of pain because your soul then seems lost to me.

Shall it always remain like this, My beloved sons of priests? I call you, I call you all to deep prayer in this coming Lent. Hasten to the Holy Sacrament of Penance, yes, hurry there, for time is hurrying! Not much longer and the time of preparation for you is over!

I, the Heavenly Father, have already brought the New Church into being. Bitterly My heart has cried and My Blood still drips for you, My beloved sons of priests whom I weep in deep bitterness with My dearest Heavenly Mother. Why? Because you do not want to turn back, because you are not prepared for your eternity! Look into your heart. What does it look like there? Is there still room for Me, the Triune God? Is there still room for your Heavenly Mother, who cries bitter tears for you? You are your sons of priests and you do not turn back. Yes, She wants to shout it into the world because more and more priestly sons are turning away from the Blessed Sacrament and the Holy Eucharist. They have become world priests, but not victim priests.

Look at this offering priest here in Mellatz. What does he offer to My Son Jesus Christ? The Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite according to Pope Pius V. It is the only Holy Sacrificial Mass that I recognize and that contains the truth - My Holy Sacrificial Feast. My Son brings Himself to Me, the Heavenly Father, on the altars where this Holy Sacrifice is celebrated, for the reconciliation of mankind. And who accepts these graces? Almost nobody. Full of rays of grace is the Heart of My Son in this Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. And these rays are rays of grace that want to flow into the hearts. They should open the doors and profess the True, Unique, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Faith.

Nothing, almost nothing is left of this Catholic faith in the world today. More and more they indulge in modernism. And what does modernism mean? Turning away from holiness, complete renunciation. They turn to the people - these priests - and hold the meal fellowship to the people, yes, they turn their backs on My Son Jesus Christ and still today they think that My Son Jesus Christ will be transformed in their hands. Can He - my son - still do this today? No! I myself, the Heavenly Father, had to take My Son out of these tabernacles of modernism, because the sacrileges of the priests were increasing more and more - and that even today.

And what are you atoning for, my little one? For these priests. In intimate prayer you, My little flock, are united to pray and sacrifice and atone for these apostate sons of priests, so that they may have the possibility to want to repent one day. Their own will stands in their way. The world beckons, and I, the Heavenly Father, want to draw all priests to My heart and weep with longing for them, especially in this pre-Lenten season and in the Lent that is coming upon you.

The sacrament of Penance is so important. Did not My Son Jesus Christ use it for you - for you, My beloved ones? Why do you reject it? Why do you water it down with a penitential prayer? Is this all that is left of this most holy sacrament?

Yes, My beloved ones, I call everyone to the 40-hour prayer that begins today for you, My beloved little flock, who are ready to adore My Son in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar for at least three hours daily. He's waiting for you! He waits for your consolation and above all for your love, for your counter-love, because He loves you all immeasurably.

Love is the greatest, My beloved ones Do you not want to love Him? Do you want to forget Him and strike Him out of your heart so that He cannot love you, although He created you and wants to let Divine Love flow into your heart. Love Him! Tell Him that you love Him and that your sins hurt you, hurt so much that you desire the Holy Sacrament of Penance. My Son will help you to confess your sins if you have the will to prepare yourselves: Recognize and confess and confess. He wants to press all of them to His heart and embrace the confessors. He is waiting longingly for your hearts.

I call upon the whole world to be converted and willing to repent. I walk through their ranks and long for their hearts, for love in return. Have I not given you everything? Did I not go to the cross for all of you to redeem you? Can you then still reject this cross? It must attract you because there is love there, the great love, the greatest love! And it contains that I went to the cross for all of you out of love because I wanted to save all of you from eternal ruin.

And now, My beloved sons of priests, how many I see standing before the eternal abysses and falling away. Turn back and convert to the true Catholic faith! Awaken from this sleep of death! I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, want to awaken you and bring you to My Son Jesus Christ, to the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, to the Holy Eucharist. There is your place, there is your way and the truth, and this truth will be revealed. You will see it, my beloved ones who persevere until the last. All things will be revealed, for the righteousness of God is there. He is also the just God, not only the loving, the merciful. Everything is paired with the love of My Son. And yet I must let justice come.

And it will be bitter for all who do not take refuge in the Immaculate Heart of My Heavenly Mother, the Mother of God and the Bearer of God. She is waiting for you. She wants to press all of them to your heart. These souls who seem lost, bring them to Me, the Heavenly Father, because She loves them all. Infinite is her motherly love for you.

And so I bless you now on this feast day Quinquagesima and I ask you to turn back and be obedient and go to the Holy Sacrament of Penance! It is waiting for you. Amen. Now the Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit blesses you. Amen. Love is the greatest! Live love! Be vigilant and become more courageous in faith!


