Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, March 4, 2012

Second Sunday of Lent.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pope Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Large crowds of angels moved into the house chapel in Mellatz during the holy sacrificial mass. The altar of the Virgin Mary was again brightly lit and especially bright as always the altar of sacrifice. The statue of Christ with the burning heart of love was united with the heart of love of the Blessed Mother.

The Heavenly Father will say: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today on this second Sunday of Lent through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My will and repeats only the words of heaven.

My beloved believers, My beloved children, My beloved followers and small group, today, on this second Sunday of Lent, I, the Heavenly Father, want to speak about the transfiguration of My Son Jesus Christ.

Was it not a great miracle what happened there on Mount Tabor? And My apostles believed! They saw and believed and were shaken by this great miracle!

My beloved believers, will you also today be shaken by the miracle or will you not believe? You are all far from the supernatural. Why, My beloved children? Because the hirelings have led you astray - these shepherds, the entire clergy. How much I mourn for My priests, as does My Heavenly Mother. Do you have to experience miracles before you can believe or are miracles not enough? When I let miracles happen today, you do not believe either, you connect them with the world, with the intellect you must be able to seize them, they must first be approved by the authorities, they must be tested - intensively. And only then, my beloved, can you perhaps believe. But this is not the faith that I wish and expect from you. To see nothing and yet to believe, that is what faith means. Do you believe in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, in the transformation into the Body and Blood of My Son in the Holy Eucharist? Do you still believe in it today? I want to ask you fervently and touch your heart whether you still believe today? You have all been led astray. And if I do not touch you in your hearts, you will not stay out of these modernist churches.

My Son Jesus Christ is no longer in these tabernacles because the priests still commit severe sacrileges. Stay out of these churches and stay in your homes! There you can celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast in all reverence, if you join in this Holy Sacrificial Mass in Opfenbach/Mellatz in the house chapel in the House of Glory. This Holy Sacrificial Feast is celebrated by My beloved priest son in the Tridentine Rite according to Pope Pius V. It corresponds fully to the truth, the only truth.

Why do you not believe, My beloved sons of priests, whom I weep with longing I want to give you a present, an exceedingly present, and I wait for your repentance. Longingly I am waiting for your hearts to be converted. Look upon the Immaculate Heart of My Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary. Consecrate yourselves to this Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Today she is the Bearer of God, the Mother of God, and according to my wishes she may no longer be called Mary, but the Virgin Mary, the Bearer of God. Then and once she was Mary - the little Mary who placed herself at My disposal so that My Son Jesus Christ could become Her human being. After that she was the Mother of God and wants to be venerated as the Mother of God and the Mother of God. Do not continue to say this worldly name Maria, only Maria. How many people carry this name. But there is only one woman who bears God, the Virgin Mary. She has remained unharmed and she alone deserves this honor.

How secularized is this church today in modernism. Without using the intellect, they reject my words. They don't even have the time or interest to read My words and to pay attention to and follow them. And the words of my dearest mother cry out to heaven. In how many places she cries tears, even blood tears, and yet one does not believe. They despise you and make you equal to the world. She is and remains the Immaculate Receiver. But people do not want to emulate her. They do not want to place themselves at her disposal and acknowledge her as the Heavenly Mother. How many miracles does she want to work in the hearts. But people obstruct these miracles. She must not speak. It must not appear. It must remain all fantasy. The supernature must not exist today. Pious priests are dismissed from the dioceses because they pray, because they sacrifice and atone, and because they offer their lives for the faith. In today's world this is not allowed. You are too pious!

And the Holy Father, your Supreme Shepherd? Does he recognize these wonders? No! - No and again no! How very disappointed I am about this Supreme Shepherd, My deputy on earth, whom I myself chose in the Conclave because he was intended for Germany, to bring Germany back to the top. And he failed! Not only that he sinned against himself, but he carries the whole world and the universal Church on his shoulders, and he has sold and betrayed them with the Judas kiss, with the greeting of the Antichrist and the will of the Freemasons. To those he has given his ear, to those he has followed and not my words, my words of truth, which have been shown for years on the Internet. These messages go all over the world. Many have converted since then. My beloved little flock, believe in it through your atonement, through your love, which you show to men and do not condemn them, but pray for the enemies. You atone for them and you also atone for your chief shepherd, so that he does not fall into the eternal abyss. He stands at the abyss. And yet I look at him full of mercy and full of love, and I also look at you: Will you continue atoning, will you all pray, My beloved followers, My beloved believers? Pray, sacrifice and atone!

The time of the coming of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is just around the corner. He will appear here in Wigratzbad with His Heavenly Mother, with the Mother and Queen of Victory. Do you not want to prepare yourselves for this great miracle during this Lent? Turn back and believe! This is important. Confess your unique, holy, catholic and apostolic faith and do not hide it, because it is time to confess it. I wait for a deep penitent confession with a penitent heart to a holy priest.

Continue on this path of holiness as the reading says and go forward because you are protected and your dearest Mother holds her blessing cloak over you so that you do not touch any stone. The Holy Archangel Michael keeps everything away from you that could harm you and keeps evil away from you again and again. Be grateful and move forward! I need your atonement and especially your love. Persevere and remain faithful to heaven! Now the Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit blesses you. Amen.


