Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Monday, March 26, 2012

Feast of the Annunciation (March 25).

Our Lady speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the House of Glory in the House Chapel in Mellatz through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today the altar of Mary was particularly brightly lit. The baby Jesus moved and blessed us. The holy archangel Michael has again struck his sword in all four directions. A large crowd of angels moved into this house chapel during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. They also grouped themselves in the hallway around the Blessed Mother and around the altar of Mary and the altar of sacrifice.

Our Lady will say: I, your dearest Mother, the Mother of God, speak today, on this Feast Day of My Passion, the Feast of the Annunciation of Mary, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in the will of the Heavenly Father and repeats only words that come from heaven.

My beloved children, My beloved children of Mary, today on the Feast of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ, My Son, I, your dearest Mother, speak to you to give you guidance on this last way before My Son Jesus Christ announces the second coming. The Heavenly Father, knows all alone about this hour, and this hour has not yet come.

My beloved children of Mary, do you believe that the New Church must be founded, that this New Church must be suffered in My daughter Anne? She is the continuation of the messenger Maria Sieler. Jesus suffers in her and suffers the New Church and the New Priesthood. How could it be otherwise, My beloved children of Mary, if this modernist church continues to exist. The Heavenly Father in the Trinity, the Omnipotent, Almighty and Omniscient Triune God will bring this church to life anew. From the beginning, the house chapel in the House of Glory was intended as a harbinger here in Mellatz. What happened in this last year in this house, My beloved children, you cannot understand and grasp. Here God is at work, and you are in the midst of this working power of the Triune God. He will revive everything from this house of glory. Please do not fathom it, my beloved children, because it is not possible because too much will happen that you cannot understand. It is a great mystery what happens here in this house and it remains a great mystery for you.

Now says the heavenly Father: I, the heavenly Father, have laid the foundation here, the foundation of My New Church, for the 'Old Church' will be no more. There will be a New Earth and a New Heaven, as I have promised you. Look at your dearest Mother, how She endures this suffering, this suffering for the New Church, because She weeps tears of blood in many places.

You, My beloved little one, will continue to suffer as My other messengers will suffer now at the end of this time of My second coming. And this coming is announced. You are the harbingers of the new movement 'The Warning'. I have prepared you so that the warning can come into effect. From all the ends of the earth I call My faithful and let them participate in My Holy Sacrificial Feast at the altar of sacrifice, which My sacred sons of priests celebrate, not these priests of modernism.

Now Our Lady says: Stay out of these churches! Flee to your homes, because it is necessary. You are to walk the holy way and not stray from the path and remain in this confusion of modernism. Only a very small crowd will still enjoy these grinding tables, as they say. Who is there in these modernist churches in the tabernacle? The evil one. It cannot be otherwise, My beloved ones. Your Heavenly Father has taken His and My Son Jesus Christ out of these tabernacles because these priests, in confusion, commit many, many sacrileges and are exposed to evil. They live in the world and do not want to miss this world and its pleasures. I want to draw out My beloved chosen priest sons.

My beloved children of Mary, how hard it is for Me that these sons of priests today still do not pay attention to and obey the Word of My Heavenly Father, even though He is shouting it all over the world through His Internet. He used this internet as he did for the warning. You can also find them on the Internet, My beloved children of Mary. It is the truth of the Heavenly Father. He cries them out into the whole world and asks for souls that willingly place themselves at his disposal. And there shall be many of them. You contribute to this. Believe in everything that your Heavenly Father tells and prophesies to you. Pay attention to His instructions and do not go wrong. Don't let the modernists, the freemasons, who worked at these grinding tables, yes, I would like to say, at these blocks in the Church of Modernism. At these blocks stand My sons of priests and want to offer the Holy Sacrificial Supper to the people. Is that possible?

Wake up, My beloved children! You know where you stand. You are to proclaim to the only, true, Catholic and Apostolic faith! You are the heralds, as the warning says. You shall cry out the truth. You who believe should let the unbelievers share in it so that they may believe. Bear witness to this only true sacrificial banquet in the Tridentine rite according to Pius V - nothing else will endure. This Holy Sacrificial Feast was canonized in the liturgy and it must not be changed. It is the sacrificial banquet of My beloved Son Jesus Christ. He offers Himself again and again to you on these sacrificial altars, and He continues to seek holy priests, because He wants to found His priesthood anew. He wants to give himself to these sons of priests who believe in Him, who do not stray, who walk the difficult path, the Way of the Cross, with Him, now especially in this time of Passion and Lent.

Believe in Him, then you will be saved and one day you will be able to experience the glory of heaven. You are not My earth children, but My heavenly children. I bring you to heaven, to the Father, there you shall experience security. And I, your heavenly Mother, may form you, so that you willingly bear everything: your suffering, your cross. This is important for the New Church, so that it can rise gloriously.

From here, the house of glory, everything will continue to happen. Pay attention, My beloved children of Mary and call up the messages of the Heavenly Father on the Internet. Do not miss it! There alone is the truth. There alone is the way, the truth and the life.

I, your Heavenly Mother, will guide you. Jesus Christ, My Son, became man in Me today. Through the Holy Spirit I have received Him - said My Fiat, as you too, My beloved children of Mary, are to say your Fiat to your suffering. Much suffering will still come upon you in this last time because you must atone, my beloved children of Mary. This atonement is necessary, especially from you, my beloved daughter, because otherwise too many sons of priests go astray and fall into the eternal abyss. Look upon the Holy Sacrificial Feast and receive Him, My Son Jesus Christ, completely, because He wants to give Himself to you and He wants to draw you into Himself. This remains an eternal secret for you. So great is this Holy Sacrifice, the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.

Confess in this time, My beloved children, before the Resurrection of My Son Jesus Christ takes place on the most holy Easter! You are to prepare yourselves and cleanse your hearts from all filth. Take this Holy Sacrament of Penance especially during this time. A penitent confession is important for your hearts. I, your dearest Mother, will be with you and will intercede with the Heavenly Father for you so that this Holy Confession will be a good and holy one. Begin anew, My beloved children! If you are still in modernism, part with it. I wish it so, your dearest Mother, conforming in the will of the Heavenly Father.

And so I bless you now with the dearest Jesus who became man in Me today, with all the angels and saints, in the Trinity, of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I love you and I want to lead you on the right path, because I am your Heavenly Mother, who became the Bearer of God today. Amen.


