Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, June 7, 2012

High Strength Corpus Christi.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The Heavenly Father will speak today, at this feast, in the house chapel here in Mellatz. Flocks of angels had appeared in nine choirs. They were here to comfort Jesus because the Heavenly Father did not want to leave Him without comfort on this day. He gave Him a wonderful day full of glory in this house of glory, in the house of the Father. The Blessed Mother was festively dressed with a beautiful robe. Her crown was set with many jewels, also the rosary. The angels sang the Gloria and the Agnus Dei during the Holy Mass of Sacrifice. Many saints were to be seen, who could also enjoy this festival. The whole altar was dipped in gold and silver.

The Way of the Cross was illuminated again and again, - not only the Way of the Cross of suffering, but also of joy. The 15th station, the resurrection, was bathed in glistening light, as if Jesus had just risen from the dead. He wore a snow-white festive robe. The Blessed Mother, full of joy because She had overcome all pain, turned in love and gratitude to Her Son, who had survived everything. The Blessed Mother in the hallway was also clothed in a white robe. She carried a white rosary in her hand. Her crown was interwoven with many diamonds. Everything sparkled at her.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now in this moment, in this great feast day, through My willing, obedient, and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is wholly in My will and repeats only words that come from Me.

My beloved daughter, I have shown you today the feast day of My Son. Yes, for those who believe and for those who have attended a Tridentine Mass for the Victims of Pius V, they can enjoy this day. You can give thanks in the House of Glory, because this is where this great feast, the feast of Corpus Christi, could be celebrated.

But, My beloved children, it was a day of mourning and not a feast day for My son. He cried and tears ran down His face. He had to feel so much sadness and pain today on this glory day. Who was carried through the streets today on this day? Not him! A piece of bread. More was not included in the monstrances of Modernism. The believers did not kneel down either. And I am grateful that one did not kneel down before a piece of bread. My son did not let himself be transformed in the hands of these modernist priests. He was not present at these altars, which were built in His honor. He was made ridiculous. He was mocked at these altars. I, the Heavenly Father, had to comfort Him that nothing remained of this feast day but mockery and derision. This was given to him abundantly. The priests who stopped at these altars did not believe in Him in the Trinity at all. They did not worship My Son at all. They offered Him a spectacle today, on this great day of the feast of Corpus Christi.

Yes, My beloved ones, this is what remains of this church: Scorn and mockery. The thorns of the crown of thorns were thrust even deeper into the head of My Son. He felt the whip lashes again. Blasphemies were given to him. This has never been a joyful day for him today. It was a day of mourning. The sky is full of sorrow. The angels weep for Him. And the believers? Do they believe in the priests who offer them the spectacle? Do they still believe when you skewer a piece of flat bread and carry it through the streets? Can one then believe in the holy of holies? And did the Chief Shepherd intervene where My Son was so mocked? Did he intervene in any way and ban these priests? Is there any intervention today when in all places of modernism this piece of bread is carried through the streets without believing that it should contain My Son with God and mankind? No! It remains bread. My priests are apostate priests who have fallen away from the faith. My chief shepherds also fell away from the faith and even my chief shepherd does not set a good example. He has a lot on him and could make up for a lot. I still yearn for his heart, which is so obdurate and so stubborn. The Freemasons still surround him. He deceives the faithful. He continues to lead them astray and offers them a spectacle through his example of the communion. My son will not be transformed in his hands either. He cannot, because this grave sin is not repented of and is not taken back; on the contrary, it becomes more and more malicious.

Satan rages in the Vatican. Satan circles my supreme shepherd appointed by me. He is happy that he was able to reach the top. He wanted to enchant this supreme shepherd with cunning looks and cunning and treacherous games. And he did not see through anything. He has gone through everything that was demanded of him, and still today he feels nothing of my truth and does not spread me in any way. In all places he lets Me be ridiculed, and the priests who offer him the worst spectacle, he does not put a stop to.

And there shall My son be able to celebrate on this day? "No," my son says. "Dear Father, it has become the worst day of mourning for Me. For all I died and all I wanted to redeem, but how many, up to my chief shepherd, have spurned these graces. They have not accepted them; on the contrary, they continue to despise me and mock me in the most grave manner. And all I love, all I love, all priests up to My Supreme Shepherd. I suffer all this in My little messenger Anne." There My Son with His Father, with the dear Mother of God and the Holy Spirit suffers all revilement, all contempt and all heavy suffering on this great day, the day of mourning.

My messenger cannot be happy about this day. She can also only see it as a day of mourning. How can she laugh and rejoice in life on this day when My Son Jesus Christ is suffering the worst pain in her?

My little one, take care of yourself They will continue to mock you. But today you were allowed to receive a young priest who is on the path to holiness. You were allowed to experience that there are not only priests who despise My Son and place Him at His side, but there are still priests who love Him, who out of love for Him do everything, give everything, even give themselves. You were allowed to experience that. I could give you this gift today so that you do not suffer beyond measure as a human being, because your soul is grieving and weeping and mourning.

But I love you, My little one, because you suffer this very day with My Son. You, My little flock, suffer everything. Could you expect then that I can take your suffering away from you on this day when My Son suffers the greatest sorrow? Didn't you want to suffer there? Were you trying to be cheerful? No! You have to suffer through all this. And gratefully you have accepted and carried it. Yeah, you had a hard time. I know about your suffering in your heart. I know what your heart looks like. I can see into the deepest depths of your soul, but I am a good father, I know what I am doing. I know that I want to continue to lead you on this path of holiness, and to this belongs the suffering of the cross. There is salvation in that! Suffering and joy belong together. But at the moment I cannot give you these pleasures. You know that the New Priesthood must be suffered anew in your heart through My Son Jesus Christ because you know about the many priests who despise Him so much, who mock Him, who have taken off their priestly garments for a very long time, who do not believe in Him at all, who do not love Him, who do not praise Him, but sing mocking songs about Him. Now He must walk this crossroads in you, My little one.

And others who want to experience this world mission will also feel the sadness. They will be willing to make sacrifices for this world mission, because the New Priesthood holds much suffering. Until it is suffered, some time will pass. But, little one, you will soon feel that you are dragging many souls into this suffering, who also want to suffer for the priestly mission, who are ready to make sacrifices for the greatest mission in the world, for My Son, for the New Church, for the New Priesthood. They are fully aware of their task, as you, my little one, and they will bear with you and will not rebel and not complain about their suffering, but will willingly bear it with you. They know about your suffering and they do not want you to carry it alone for the whole world.

I thank all of you today on this special Corpus Christi day for having suffered with me and for being willing to support My beloved followers, My elite, and not rejecting the suffering, but not leaving My Son Jesus Christ alone in His suffering. No, you accompany Him, you look at His suffering and you do not despise Him. On the contrary, the greatest comfort you give Him today. Thanks for your compassion! Thank you for all the love you give Him!

Thank you, My little one, especially for all the suffering you have carried so far with the support of your little flock, day and night. For almost 8 weeks you have been suffering so badly. Remember that your Heavenly Father knows everything, and that He will take away your suffering if the priests allow it. It is because of the suffering that the priests inflict on My Son. Your suffering is directed after that. You know how Jesus has to endure everything in your heart and does not rebel and you want to be there for Him as a consolation. You have promised Him and you will keep your promise. You will go through the heaviest suffering, and you will not rebel. Humanly seen you would perish. But your Heavenly Father holds you in His hand, because He loves you unspeakably and also you, who want to follow this path in its entirety.

I love you all and bless you and send you into this world mission. You will one day be the happiest and most grateful people on earth, whom I have chosen. Always remember: Grace is a gift! And if you are willing to go along this way, that is grace, grace over grace and love over love and faithfulness over faithfulness! Be thankful, dear children, so says My Heavenly Mother. She walks this path with you, and she does not let you out of her sight for a moment, because she loves you, as your children of Mary, inexpressibly.

The Triune God now blesses you, with all the angels and saints, with the whole host of heaven, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. You are loved and that is the greatest thing! Be grateful and continue to walk this path of holiness in its entirety! Don't let up in courage to go on and persevere in patience until the end! Amen.


