Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Feast of the Assumption and Rosary vigil for the unborn life.

Our Lady speaks after the Rosary and the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today, many angels have again moved into the house church and grouped themselves around the sacrificial altar and especially around the altar of Mary. Everything was brightly illuminated, especially the altar of Mary. The baby Jesus was radiant. As we prayed the rosary for unborn life, I saw the angels and the Blessed Mother leading the little souls into heaven. It was an unmissable large crowd. Our Lady scattered red, yellow, white and pink roses.

Our Lady will speak to you today on Her Feast of the Assumption of Mary: I, your dearest Mother, will speak to you today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in the will of heaven and today repeats words I speak.

My beloved children of Mary, My beloved pilgrims from near and far, My beloved little flock, I, your dearest Mother, will speak to you today I will be in many places of pilgrimage, because I am grateful when I am especially honored on this day, because I have many graces to forgive on this day from heaven. I will also give away very special graces from this altar of Mary here in the house church in Göttingen.

My beloved little flock, My beloved children of Mary, what great joy is in heaven today that you are celebrating this feast, because in many places it is not even mentioned and the Holy Sacrificial Mass is not even celebrated in honor of My Son on this day. This feast has been set aside because it is said that it is not necessary to honor the Heavenly Mother in this way. It is old tradition but not the new. They neither believe in my Immaculate Conception, nor do they believe in my Ascension. They say it is fantasy, that is, they reject the dogma proclaimed by Pope Pius XII in 1950. One no longer believes in it. It is said that those who believe in it are backward, not knowing that today one must be progressive, that one must celebrate the meal community, which is no longer a holy sacrificial mass. My son is disgraced at these grinding tables and yet one believes that this is the right mass today. It is terrible for My Son Jesus Christ to have to look at this, even though He already no longer lives in these tabernacles. Despite everything, it is very painful for Him because He continues to be displeased and priests no longer believe in it, but instead of the Holy Sacrifice, they still celebrate the Communion of Meals in Protestantism. One has put Protestantism in the first place in such a way that one already no longer knows that one is Catholic. One does not even know that there are differences - big differences - between the meal community and the sacrificial meal.

After all, there is only the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. All other religions are religious communities and they do not celebrate a holy sacrificial meal. That exists only in the Catholic faith. This is the only true faith. Unfortunately, many priests do not believe that it must be the only faith. "This belief," they say, "is also found in other religions." That is, one mixes it, the Catholic faith with the other religions, so that the true faith no longer exists today. He disappeared.

Yes, My beloved ones, many people seek the true faith. But they look for it in other religions. The faithful no longer point to the only true church, because they themselves do not know - through the priests - that the only true sacrificial banquet is celebrated here and that the only true faith can be found. You have mixed everything. In the meantime the church has been destroyed. They have been robbed of the truth.

The young people are searching in other religions. Buddhism, Islam and many other religions are accepted by the Catholics - unfortunately, My beloved ones.

And you celebrate this my feast today in all reverence. You appreciated it highly and made a holiday, a Sunday out of it. For this I thank you, because here in Göttingen one can no longer find the true faith. It has become an everyday life. One no longer knows that I am celebrating the feast of the Assumption of Mary today. If you would ask people, they would not even know what day today is and what it means. That I ascended to heaven with body and soul is recorded in the dogma and unfortunately most priests do not believe in it anymore. So they do not need to celebrate this festival.

The love for Jesus Christ should have pushed them to make themselves known in the Bible. They think they know the bible and orient themselves according to it. That is already the untruth. They no longer know the many Bible passages, but they proclaim the Good News and take the best out of the Bible for themselves, what is easy to proclaim and what is easy to live.

But faith, My beloved believers, is related to the cross. You must worship the cross. The cross of Jesus Christ leads you to salvation. Cross yourselves often. This is important! With this you show: I am Catholic, I love the cross, because Jesus Christ went to the cross for me, for me personally, and for each and every one of us, otherwise we would be lost.

This love is poured into your heart today especially from your dearest Mother. The love for Jesus Christ in the Triune God is so important for all of you, because you have the Catholic faith in the Triune God and it is not found in any other religion. One has forgotten that and one does not announce that anymore. They say: "It is the global church and it includes everything that is possible, but not the Catholic faith.

My beloved children of Mary, this is what it looks like today and above all your dearest mother is crying. But I pour out on you today great graces, great graces of knowledge and love, of faithfulness and trust. You can trust more deeply through this feast day, because my intercessions on the throne of the Heavenly Father will be heard. If many people would ask me today for the sake of faith, for the sake of love for the heavenly Father, they would be answered. But they do not. They do not pay attention to My love, which contains everything in My heart, namely Divine Love. And these I will pour out upon the many priests. You will not believe it.

But Jesus Christ, My Son in the Trinity, has a new plan ready And this plan He will soon announce to you piece by piece - only to you, my beloved children of Mary, because you believe. He cannot announce it to others. There must be a deep faith and a great trust. This must grow. Even if you see nothing, and everything is on the ground, and there is no possibility for you that anything could change, you will believe. For you know that the Heavenly Father makes the impossible possible. And that will happen very soon. Through my hands he will be able to work miracles. Whoever turns to My Immaculate Conception and takes this consecration - especially the priests - will be saved. And I am waiting for this with longing, because I want to hand these priests over to the Heavenly Father. Then they are in a safe place and nothing can happen to them, because Satan has already done much in them. It is not so far yet. Wait for the miracles, wait for the events that are to come, because you are in the middle of the great event. It will happen quite soon and you will experience it, although you will see nothing.

I love you! Your Heavenly Mother loves Her children of Mary above all else. They have to go through the greatest sufferings, but they will make it with my help and with my Immaculate Heart. I will draw all to My Sacred Heart and hand them over to the Father.

I bless you now in the Divine Love of the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Love without end and faithfulness without end, that I will give you today. Amen.


