Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Thirteenth Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks important words after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Sacrificial Mass and especially during the Adoration, many angels from all four directions entered this house church in Göttingen. They were grouped especially around the altar of sacrifice and the tabernacle. The angels constantly bowed to it. It was impressive how the Blessed Mother bowed again and again before the greatness of this holy mystery. The little baby Jesus moved and held His hands up to the Heavenly Father, the Father Symbol. The altar of sacrifice and also the altar of Mary were bathed today in a glistening light, in a supernatural light.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who lies entirely in My Will and speaks only words that come from Me.

My beloved followers, My beloved believers from near and far and My beloved little band, today I want to reveal to you special clarifying words about the Holy Sacrificial Feast. Many believers do not know the difference between the meal fellowship and the sacrificial meal. The Sacrificial Feast of My Son Jesus Christ is called the 'Extraordinary Meal', while the Protestant Communion is called the 'Ordinary Mass'. What a great evil for all Christians who still call themselves Catholic! Whoever hurries to this meal fellowship today is already Protestant. He no longer confesses his faith and he no longer lives it either; above all, he no longer believes. What the Catholic faithful testify today is so little that it can no longer be recognized.

Look at Islam, they have the courage to proclaim and witness the Islamic faith. And you, My Catholic Christians, do you still have the courage today to witness My Holy Sacrificial Feast, which My Son instituted on Holy Thursday as a testament to you all? Do you sons of priests today have the courage to say: "No, a meal fellowship, I don't want that, because I realized after having once celebrated the Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Feast that I can only celebrate this one today", because there are many priests who celebrate both.

Why do they celebrate both? Can they not distinguish the Holy Sacrificial Feast from the communion of the Protestants? Yes, they can. And yet they commit this grave sacrilege of celebrating both. This means that they do not believe in My Son Jesus Christ, who reveals Himself through the priests in the Holy Sacrificial Feast. Jesus Christ is transformed in the hands of the holy priests, who courageously and strongly testify their faith before the others. Does that still exist today, My beloved ones? Hardly! This is why My Heavenly Mother cries in so many places.

The Holy Sacrificial Feast of My Son should be called the 'Ordinary Feast', the 'Ordinary Holy Sacrificial Mass' and never an 'Extraordinary' one that can be celebrated out of order, even though it is not in order. What a stupid thing to do! From the intellect alone one should recognize this, my beloved sons of priests. Can you understand that? You know exactly what you are doing! That is the worst thing for me.

You make no sacrifice! You are not ready to celebrate the sacrificial banquet that My Son Jesus Christ instituted. You develop fears towards your superiors, who teach you the wrong things. You simply say, "My bishop, my superior, he does the same and he wants me to obey him.

My beloved, think carefully. Can a bishop teach you misbelief? Do you not have your own mind? Can you not use it to explain to yourselves: "What I am celebrating today is a meal fellowship and nothing more. In my hands the Son of God cannot be transformed. I do not believe in this mystery. I do not testify to it either. I celebrate to the people the meal fellowship and thereby declare that I regard this meal fellowship as truth. I continue to let the faithful go astray." In spite of everything these My sons of priests have no bad conscience. "Everybody does it. Why shouldn't I do the same? After all, I am obedient to my bishop".

Have you considered whether your bishops obey the Supreme Shepherd, the Holy Father? No! They do not. And does the Supreme Shepherd really celebrate a sacrificial banquet? No! He celebrates a Protestant meal. He deceives you by granting oral communion and also by giving it himself. But is that enough for a Holy Sacrificial Feast with My Son Jesus Christ? No! then can My Son Jesus Christ still be present in these tabernacles today? Please answer this question yourself! It is not possible at all. If My Son does not transform in the hands of the sons of priests, they cannot put these remaining hosts into the tabernacle either, because My Son is not present in these hosts. They are pieces of bread, nothing else.

And the faithful? What do they receive from these priests? A piece of bread. Is that their food of life? Is that her manna? Is there in this piece of bread still Jesus, My Son, contained with Godhead and mankind? No! so far has the Church of My Son Jesus Christ been brought to reveal the lie as truth. Even today, in all the churches where Modernism is celebrated, people still say: "This is the 'Ordinary Meal' that we celebrate today. We may also celebrate the 'extraordinary', but not on these Sundays. First we celebrate the meal, the Protestant meal." And all Christians and believers who call themselves Catholic go home without having received their food of life. They remain in this delusion.

How often have I already informed my priest sons How often have I pointed this out to them: Turn back! That which you celebrate is no longer a holy sacrificial meal, in any way. And you do not believe me. You do not testify to your faith. You have taken off the priest's robe a long time ago. With this you have discarded My Son Jesus Christ. He is no longer there for you. For you everything that is connected with faith in truth is a lie.

For if the messages I send through my messengers are to be from the devil as you say and manifest - publicly even - how is it possible that My Son can still be present in your churches? Do you not feel that it is my full truth, which I cry out into the world through my messengers out of need for my sons of priests. They continue to go astray and do not feel that it is pure unbelief that they are announcing.

My Holy Father, the Supreme Shepherd, expressed this disbelief and misbelief in Assisi by inviting all religious communities and by declaring that in every religious community there is a piece of Catholicism. "That is why I do not need to reveal myself here as the Supreme Shepherd. All others have declared their religious community. And I, as Supreme Shepherd, do not testify to my Catholic faith, because everything is one. Everything was merged, which means that everywhere a piece of truth of the Catholic is contained in the other religious communities. And I, as the Supreme Shepherd, will not proclaim that I am the Supreme Shepherd of the Catholic Church. Thus he already announces unbelief and misbelief.

And you, My cardinals, you did not have the right and the duty to stand up now and say: "I am still Catholic! We must make this Supreme Shepherd aware that he is already announcing a mistaken belief". And you did not get up!

What is being proclaimed today in the modernist churches is so terrible and frightening that you all should know: "Now I must confess my faith, for I am Catholic, and for this I will be asked once: Have you also testified your faith? Are you not Catholic only on paper? Do you still live your Catholic faith today? Do you still want to express it or is it already so far away from you that you do not develop a guilty conscience in these mealtimes? You go along with everything. Everything seems to be all right, if all bishops continue to say so and even the Supreme Shepherd, then I am in the truth and I keep to it and that is my Catholic faith.

My beloved ones, where do you stand with your faith? Far away from My Son Jesus Christ. You displease him, for if you receive Communion by hand, that is also a great evil. It is a gross indignity of My Son Jesus Christ. For only a priest can take the Blessed Sacrament into his hands and distribute it, because in his hands My Son is transformed. Only through holy priests does this happen, and only in a holy sacrificial mass, never in a meal fellowship.

Therefore, My beloved ones, I call on you again in all wisdom and in the spirit of understanding and truth: Stay out of these modernist churches! Celebrate your Holy Sacrificial Feast at home according to this particular DVD, which is entirely in accordance with the truth, because My priestly Son has long been prepared by Me, the Heavenly Father, only to proclaim My faith and spread My truth, the truth of the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. And he lives by it. If he now celebrates this sacrificial meal, what happens to him?

What would happen to you, my beloved sons of priests, if you did the same? Would you not get a salary then? Couldn't I provide for you then? Are you afraid of the power you might then lose, or are you afraid for your reputation before the believers? Could they despise you or will they believe you? Does not my son Jesus Christ work in you only then in the truth? Only in this way, My beloved ones, can I prepare in the sons of priests this holy way, and these sons of priests then in truth go this difficult way up to Golgotha, up to the Cross of My Son. Their life is a life of sacrifice. And you all know it.

Do you still love Me, My beloved sons of priests, or have you forgotten that it is I who consecrated you through your bishop? It was I who chose you and wants you to live a holy life on earth, to be an example everywhere, to serve, to be ready to sacrifice for your dearest Jesus, who gave you the greatest gift on earth that you can ever receive.

You will lose everything if you continue on this wrong path. I call you back into true Christianity, into the true Catholic faith. It means for you to make sacrifices and to walk a holy path and not, as before, to do the same as the others and to put My Son Jesus Christ on the side so that He really can no longer work in their hearts and all believers go away empty-handed.

They are to be pastors for the others as My priest's son is doing here in this holy house church with his small flock. Do the same, My beloved ones, and you will be saved. You will choose a path here on earth that is holy, and above all, you will not lose eternal life. To be happy once in eternity, this I promise you, if you repent and testify and live the true Catholic faith.

And so I bless you all in the true Catholic faith in love and faithfulness, gentleness and goodness, with My dearest Heavenly Mother, all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You are loved from eternity! Thank your heavenly Father today that He has taken you out of this modernism, and that you can continue on this difficult path with Him, for without Him you can move nothing, but with Him you can move mountains. Amen.


