Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, September 30, 2012

Eighteenth Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V and the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the sickroom in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Again many angels flocked to this house church in Göttingen. They were grouped around the altar of sacrifice and the altar of Mary. All the saint figures were brightly illuminated, especially the dear Mother of God. They also moved into this sickroom and were happy that their messenger was allowed to participate in this holy sacrifice of the Mass today. - I, too, would like to thank you for allowing me to participate in the Sacrifice of the Mass today and also in the patron saint's feast of St. Michael the Archangel.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. My beloved believers, My beloved followers, My beloved little band and pilgrims from near and far. Today I want to introduce and explain to you My love, faith and humility.

Love is the greatest, My beloved, because without love you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Even though you do many works, but without love, they are worthless. I wish you to let the faith enter deeper into your souls. The Blessed Mother, your dearest Mother, lets this faith flow deeper and deeper within you, because She is anxious to give you love, Divine Love. She is the greatest lover. From her you shall learn.

Faith, My beloved ones, is the most important thing. If you cannot believe, you fall into the hands of other religions which have nothing to do with the Catholic faith, because, as you know, there is only one, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and there is only one Holy Sacrificial Feast. Unfortunately, My priests are not willing to fulfill My plan, My heavenly plan, and to obey Me. They know that My messengers give My truths to the world through the Internet. There is nothing wrong with these truths of faith, because they agree with the Bible. My little one has had a spiritual guide for 8 years, who accompanies her and makes sure that everything is true.

My beloved ones, what about humility? can you, My beloved sons of priests, for whom I long, make yourselves small, want to serve humbly, give glory to the greatest God, celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the greatest reverence? Are you willing, in the future, since you recognize it, that there can be only one Holy Sacrificial Feast, because this Holy Sacrificial Feast was left to you by My Son Jesus Christ as a testament and it must not be changed to be offered to Me? It has been canonized by Pope Pius V and may only be celebrated in the Tridentine rite. There is the truth. There is no need to change words in this sacrificial meal, on the contrary, it is not allowed. With the words 'many' and 'all' there is no problem there, because it was always said 'for many'. I have shed My precious blood for many, that is, not everyone accepts My graces. I distribute them generously in all Holy Masses of Sacrifice through My holy priests. Why do you not accept these graces? Do you not see the truth? That cannot be the reason, my beloved ones, because the Catholic faith is nevertheless unique, because here the Triune God is announced, whom there is only once. One cannot change this Catholic faith in any way or equate it with other religious communities, which was done several times in Assisi. And that is an abomination to me, the heavenly father. I love My Church because I have sacrificed My only Son, and this sacrificial banquet is repeated again and again only on these sacrificial altars, not in the banquet community.

The messengers, My beloved sons of priests, who are true to the truth, are easy to recognize, even if they have not been recognized by the dioceses. The truth emerges. There are seven sacraments in the Catholic Church. There are ordained, anointed, priests, because the priesthood is a sacrament. In the Protestant Church there are no sacraments, there are no ordained priests. How then should there be a Holy Sacrament of Penance? How then can there be true baptism as a sacrament? And what about Communion, the most sacred thing? It may only be given by the ordained priests as oral communion kneeling. Only then have you received the Savior. And the Savior wants to come to you. He longs for your soul and for your love. He draws you into himself. So much He loves you. And the sons of priests? Only the offerings at the altar of sacrifice are transformed in the consecrated hands of the sons of priests who have been anointed. It must never be that lay people take this Holy Body and this Holy Chalice of Blood into their hands, that this Holy Communion is given to the faithful by the lay people. This must not be allowed. That is unworthy.

And what about Vatican II? Isn't that where modernism broke in? They say it is modern, it is progressive. A faith can only exist if it contains the full truth. This truth can never change or may be changed. The one true faith remains. You are to believe and deepen your faith. Your dearest Mother, the Blessed Mother, will stand by you, because She too is Love Herself and She has nothing else in mind but to lead you to the Savior, to finally give you to the Heavenly Father.

He is waiting for your purified souls. And she herself, the Blessed Mother, has the task of forming souls. She loves your Marian children and she wants them to fulfill the wishes of the Heavenly Father. She wants and desires that they let themselves be formed in the virtues, that they quite often take the Holy Sacrament of Penance to purify their souls, that the Blood of Jesus Christ thereby becomes more fluid for the others who were not yet ready to receive the Sacrament of Penance. Pray for them, because a deep, intimate repentance can transform these hearts into Divine Love. They are touched by this love and can only thank that they have been taught the faith in a wonderful way. Miracles can happen in their souls, miracles of conversion. From many places of pilgrimage you have heard that miracles of transformation happened, miracles of conversion. Believe in it and do not let yourselves be dissuaded by these erring believers who twist the faith, bring the lies into it and who even call the lies the truth.

My beloved children, how much I am always waiting for you that you may become a consolation to me, that you may bring me souls that were previously far from faith and who have suddenly recognized through their humility to love the Triune God and who often cannot explain this to themselves. Where before there was rejection, suddenly faith and love has arisen. The vacuum of her soul was filled. It was empty and the people were not happy. People long for this love. They search for true love and do not find it because they are not enlightened by their clergy, because they themselves do not live in faith and in truth, because they twist faith to better arrive at men and to strive for their love. For them, the most important treasure in heaven is not Jesus Christ, the Triune God. He must be loved by them above all else and must be in the first place. There is nothing more about that.

The Heavenly Father holds the whole world in His hands. And when you surrender yourselves to Him, you find in Him security, and your questions concerning faith are answered in your hearts, for your heart is filled with love. The knowledge will come between good and evil. And you can do the good and ward off the evil. The Holy Archangel Michael will help you with this, just as your dearest Heavenly Mother is happy to do. She loves your Marian children more than anything else. Even when suffering is announced, she knows that this suffering will be a blessing.

In the cross is salvation. The cross must not be rejected by the faithful and by all of you, because Jesus Christ, the Son of God, himself preceded you on the Way of the Cross to redeem you, and to give you the Mother of God as Coredemptrix. This dogma of the Coredemptrix is important. It waits for the fulfillment.

At the moment it is not possible because a complete chaos has broken out in this church. It is a mess in the Vatican, in the Curia up to the highest point, the Holy Father. Pray much for him and make atonement for him, as you, my little one, do. Join and pray, My beloved ones, that this world mission will be fulfilled, that this suffering of My little one will be supported by others who also know that it is the full truth, and that this My little messenger will always follow the desire of the Heavenly Father and say yes to her suffering.

Yes, Heavenly Father, Your will be done and not mine. Just as you want it, just as you see it right, so the mission of the world will one day be fulfilled. We will not be able to fathom it, because it cannot be fathomed. It is such a great mystery. One can only believe without seeing, without checking. This is the true faith.

The Heavenly Father continues: And him I expect from you, my beloved ones. For you are all my children, for whom I long. You all shall be saved. That is my most fervent wish. The Mother of God and also Her Bridegroom, St. Joseph, St. Michael the Archangel, who has a great position in heaven, do not cease with their supplication. She often implores him and Padre Pio. Did not many miracles of conversion happen through him? Look at him, how he suffered and how he never lost faith. He knew: "Everything is for heaven, nothing is for me. Everything is for others. The others are important for me, because I once wanted to draw into heaven many people to whom I was allowed to administer the Holy Sacrament of Penance, so that they might be redeemed from their grave sins. Overjoyed, I was allowed to embrace them. I was also a strict confessor, because no sin should remain hidden. The truth should come to light. Jesus Christ forgives every sin that is honestly confessed before Him. If it is red as scarlet, it becomes white as snow.

My beloved children, once again I want to tell you, love heaven. Move in the Divine Spheres. Pray a lot as it is announced in the 'Warning'. That is correct. Prayer can save many people and can turn many situations to the positive. Miracles will happen in some places, miracles of conversion. Even if you do not want to believe it, but it cannot be denied that they are miracles of heaven, and these miracles the Heavenly Father lets you feel. Pray and continue to atone. Love and be faithful to the Heavenly Father in the Trinity with His angels and saints, and also to My dearest Mother. She goes with you, and She is with you and will always guide and form you. Amen. Now the Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit blesses you. Amen.

Praise and blessed be Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar without end. Amen.


