Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Feast of Christ the King.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Sacrificial Mass the tabernacle was brightly lit and I saw the monstrance. In the monstrance I saw Christ the king of the world, the king of all nations. Also the altar of Mary shone in a bright glow.

The Heavenly Father says: My beloved little flock, My beloved victims, My beloved sacrificial priest, My beloved followers, I love you all and I have asked you to My sacrificial altar.

My beloved ones, you all know that today, on this day, the last Sunday of October, the Feast of Christ the King of My Son Jesus Christ is celebrated. Yes, he's a king. He said before His crucifixion, when He was crowned with thorns: "Yes, I am a king, but My kingdom is not of this world! And you, my beloved ones, are the royal children. You are to take part in this feast today as My royal children.

How much you are worth to Me and how much you comfort Me in this great priestly crisis. How much I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, suffer for My priests, how much I suffer for My Supreme Shepherd, who still does not recognize Me as Christ the King. On the contrary, he has sold and betrayed My Only, True, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, this Church now becoming a 'One World Religion' for all to follow.

But you, My beloved ones, in whom do you believe? You believe in Me, in My Son, the King of the world, the King of the Church, the King of all nations, the King of all angels and all saints. He sacrificed himself for you. For you He has let Himself be crucified. For you He accepted the crown of thorns willingly and in humility from Me, the Heavenly Father, because that is how it should be. Everything was predetermined. My Son wanted to save the whole world through His sacrifice on the cross. And what did they offer Him now? He has been crucified again, especially today, when My Mother, the Black Madonna of Czestochowa, stops by this parish church. (She pilgrimages from 'ocean to ocean' for the protection of life about 30.000 km. This is a joint initiative of life rights movements from different countries and the international organization Human Life International).

This day was scheduled for a night adoration in My Church, which was once My Church, Mary Queen of Peace. Here should be the reparation, because eight years ago I sent My first message from this church into the world. It was prevented by this priest's son, who at his time spread his falsehood and misbelief here in this church. Unfortunately, My faithful whom I loved so much followed him. And what have I asked of my believers? Humility, love and patience. Above all, they should put a deep faith and trust in Me in worship.

On the contrary, the persecution began. They have followed Me. They have thrown Me out of My Church: palpably by My priestly son - priest against priest. Is this possible, My beloved ones? My Son, as the Son of the King, was thrown out of His own Church, despised and spurned in My messenger Anne, who was appointed by Me, who humbly agreed to fulfill My Will completely and gave herself to Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. She declared herself ready to hand over her will to me, her free will and to pray herself completely into my will. She did it out of love for me and had hoped that these sons of priests would become aware of their consecration. Unfortunately, they have not realized what they promised Me, the Heavenly Father. They have sworn allegiance to Me on this day of consecration and yet they meant their bishop. The bishop was appointed by Me, my beloved ones, and it is important that he fulfills My will, only then he will become My king and priest's son. If he does not fulfill this my will, I will say to him, "I do not know you! Get away from me, Satan!"

In this tabernacle of My Church of that time My Son, the King's Son, is no longer present. But if you, My beloved ones, had entered into this church today for night worship as I had foreordained, My Son would have entered into this host. He himself would have shown himself to you with flesh and blood, for it would have been a reparation. But all have not followed my will.

In spite of everything, go today to this Marian devotion, which is planned from there. You make apology and atonement to My mother, because She is suffering unspeakable tortures - the Black Madonna from the Jasna Góra Monastery in Czestochowa. My Heavenly Mother moves from ocean to ocean. In the whole world My Mother gives Herself to save you, My beloved children. She wants to be mother for all and accompany this New Church. It is already established, but My priesthood still has to be suffered.

Watch out for my characters on the Internet. You will see them. But it depends on the will of my sons of priests whether they want to completely correspond to my will, because their will does not correspond to my will - unfortunately not. But I can go into their heart to test them whether their heart will belong to me and whether they want to completely correspond to my will.

On this day, the King's Day of My Son, I suffer most of all in My little one. It was not intended for them to celebrate this holy sacrificial meal in My house church. She had to watch it from her sick bed. And that was very difficult for her. But she has endured it out of love and is grateful that she may now repeat my words at this moment. Totally she is Mine and totally you are Mine, My beloved ones, who have participated in this sacrificial banquet here - My small group, who pay homage to My Son Jesus Christ, who love Him and prove to Him through their sacrifices that they really love Him, that they will continue to follow this way, this difficult way. You have promised it to Me once again through My Son Jesus Christ on the Feast of Christ the King today, this Sunday.

How much you have comforted Me, because all reject Me and all despise Me, even in My Church 'Mary Queen of Peace'. Yes, it was once My Church, but since I was thrown out and became violent, it is no longer My Church.

I don't know these priests who don't give me a full yes and don't remember that eight years ago something very big happened in this church. I myself, the Heavenly Father in My Son Jesus Christ, spoke there for the first time. No one has held out. All have despised me and still despise me today. But I wish that you go there and pay homage to My Son Jesus Christ as the King's Son and give Him this honor on His great day and make up a little for what was done to Him there, to Him and His Church.

How much I still love this church. Something very great was to happen here through My messenger, who would continue to send My messages from there into the world. It would have become a great place of pilgrimage. Of all my chief shepherds I was despised and I was prevented from fulfilling my own will. I was hindered in My plan. How sad I am today that after eight years it still looks exactly the same as it did then. One did not recognize anything. On the contrary, even today people still despise My messenger, who lives in this place Göttingen. The rays of her love, by worshipping My Son Jesus Christ, go out into the whole world. These My Messages are sent or come to the Internet.

For the most part My little one will suffer this New Priesthood. It is not finished yet. Unfortunately, this homage was not paid to Me on this day, namely, My Son Jesus Christ was worshiped as the King's Son. You believe that his kingdom is not of this world. It is His kingdom of heaven. And into this kingdom of heaven you will one day want to enter. You will rule the Twelve Tribes of Israel and sit on the thrones as faithful beloved children and also as My children of Mary.

I love you and want to thank you for the past year in Mellatz. Much has happened there and much will happen in the House of Glory when you go back, at the time I determine. You cannot guess it, for you cannot see through the smallest detail of my plan, which I had to create anew. My plan will be so great and so versatile that you cannot grasp it. You cannot foresee anything.

I am in omniscience and reign in omnipotence and omnipotence. Believe in it, My children! You are included in this kingdom. You reign with My Son now in this time. You will experience a lot. You will feel great contempt. But I thank you that you still give me your yes then. You will not fall away like the others. You will not let yourselves be seduced by the evil that rages also now in My Church, which was My Church at that time. He reigns there and he is in the tabernacle. The faithful will soon see with their own eyes that the Evil One has taken over the regency in this church, especially today, through the veto given to Me on this conscious and great day of the visit of the Black Madonna of Czestochowa, as she is called.

I love you! Continue to go my hardest way! Pay no attention to your sacrifices that you bring to me, but pay attention to my will, which you are to fulfill completely and go along in love and loyalty. I bless you now in the Trinity, My beloved children, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise and blessed be Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar without end. Amen.


