Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Monday, November 12, 2012

The Blessed Mother has been with family K.

Retraction held. She speaks a few loving words to them. Their joy was great when we were welcomed here. She speaks through her tool and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. When we were received so lovingly here in the house of the K. family, a bright light appeared. I got a great lily scent.

When we knelt down and hurried to You, dear Mother of God, the Child Jesus raised his hands in prayer on Your arm. It has given the sign that there is much prayer here in the house, but also suffering with You, dear Blessed Mother. Thank you to our group and I would like to say that we have been received so kindly and lovingly here. You, dear Blessed Mother, will also be grateful and say a few words.

Our Lady speaks to the K. family: My dear K. family, I, your dearest mother, will now, at this moment, give you a greeting from heaven. I am your mother. I came to this house because I was accepted as the Blessed Mother of Venezuela. The Child Jesus has often shed tears here: My dearest child Jesus. Why, My beloved children? Because the pilgrimage site of Heroldsbach is near here, and because I, your dearest Mother, have already visibly wept there. Were these, My tears, accepted there and was it believed? No, My beloved children, no! My tears were rejected and that was bitter for My Son, for the Trinity.

But here in this house I was accepted. I thank you for praying diligently again and again. Pray, My beloved ones, because it is so important as the time of My Son draws ever closer. I will appear in Wigratzbad, in My great place of pilgrimage, where My priestly son, whom I love very much, was cast out. There too you have received rejection.

But you, My beloved family K., are here to comfort Me and all heaven. Continue to pray, especially the rosary, because I am honored with it. Heaven rejoices in this ladder of heaven, by which you ascend and descend. The angels already accompany you daily, My beloved family.

How much joy you have given to heaven. Be brave and courageous and go along this way, the hardest way of My Son Jesus Christ. It is for your salvation. You will not fall away - never if you honor me as the 'Immaculate Receiver. You can consecrate yourselves to me, the 'Immaculate Receiver', daily. This will bring blessings to your home and to your whole family.

Be patient, for your daughter has already been healed. Do not be afraid, but brave. Also have much patience with your son. What lasts long will finally be good. It all depends on your patience.

Remain faithful to heaven and believe more deeply. The deeper faith flows into your heart - I will let Divine Love flow into it when you ask me - the dearer you are to heaven. You will come closer and closer to heaven and climb it step by step. Where are you going, My beloved ones, to Calvary. This is often a difficult and long way. But if you remain faithful to Heaven, you can do everything for your family and beyond that for the place of prayer which is already My place of pilgrimage, Heroldsbach.

There my tears were rejected. Here I have already cried. But you have comforted me, and this comfort will again and again enter my heart. Pray in this place. Here is a prayer bench for you, and you can also kneel down here daily to the angel of the Lord, because this is a prayer I especially like. Pray and you will receive the greatest graces.

Today is a day of grace for you. Heaven has come and you may give thanks again and again. This will remain in your constant remembrance that I, your dearest Mother, have prepared this reception for you out of gratitude for your prayer and your love.

Be brave and courageous and confess Me to your friends. Speak out what faith says, true faith. Celebrate the sacrificial mass daily according to the DVD, as my priest son celebrated it. You cannot turn away from faith when you pray. Step by step you climb heaven and heaven will be grateful to you for your faithfulness that you give Me.

I love you, beloved family K. and My love that I will pour into your heart, the Divine love is never the human love that exudes fear. Heaven does not need fear. But sometimes, My beloved ones, there are people who atone in fear. They accept this fear as my little one has accepted it for months. You too will feel it. That is love. In the cross is salvation. You need your cross for heaven and for the whole family. And so today I bless you, your dearest mother, your mama and with Me the little baby Jesus whom you love so much and who is smiling at you at this moment and raising his hands because he is rejoicing.

Dearest Blessed Mother, I would like to thank You that we were able to stop by Your house today. Yes, you are sad at the moment because you are crying about your place of prayer, which we are about to enter. I know we must not show fear. But please stay with us, stay with us in this most difficult hour, when rejection and slander come to meet us. We become strong and courageous through you. Thank you for letting us stay here, for the friendly and loving hospitality. Thank you for everything, thank the whole heaven.

Our Lady gives the blessing: Now your dearest Mother blesses you all, with all the angels and saints in the Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise and blessed be Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar without end. Amen.


