Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, December 2, 2012

First Sunday in Advent.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Many angels were gathered not only around the tabernacle, the sacrificial altar and the altar of Mary, but also around the Advent wreath. The tabernacle angels always bowed deeply before the holy of holies. The flame of the candle on the Advent wreath rose higher and higher during the ecstasy. It should mean: The light in our hearts should become ever greater in this time of preparation for Christmas. The angels streamed into the house church from outside from all four directions.

I, the Heavenly Father, will speak to you today, this first Sunday of Advent, My beloved little band and My following: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now, in this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She is entirely in My will and only repeats words of heaven, today the words of Me.

My beloved little flock, My beloved followers and you, My beloved sons of priests from near and far I address you all today, on this Sunday of Advent. First of all, My little one would like to repeat the Gospel of the first Sunday in Advent, because it is of importance for the whole Advent season.

Gospel (Lk 21,25-33): In those days Jesus said to His disciples: "There will be signs in sun, moon and stars, and on earth there will be great fear among the nations because of the rushing sound of the sea and the floods. Men will pine away with anxious expectation of the things that will come upon the whole world, because the powers of heaven will be shaken. Then they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds with great power and glory. Now when all this occurs, look up and lift up your heads, for your redemption is drawing near. He also told them a parable: "Look at the fig tree and all the other trees. If they bear fruit, you know that summer is near. And so, when all this happens, you too shall know that the kingdom of God is near. Verily, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all this happens. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.

My beloved pilgrims from near and far, My beloved priests, chief shepherds and supreme shepherds and My beloved faithful, My beloved little band and followers, I address you all today, on this first important Sunday of Advent. As you have just heard, this gospel is decisive for you all, especially for you, My sons of priests.

Turn back and clothe yourselves with the Holy Garment and finally hold My Holy Sacrificial Feast as I have commanded you again and again, especially in this Holy Season of Advent. Turn back and convert, because the day of the Second Coming of My Son Jesus Christ with His Heavenly Mother is very near.

So far no priest is willing to acknowledge the full truth. Even if you, My sons of priests, celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass according to Pius V in your house churches or catacombs, you still do not believe in My messages. They are not the words of my little ones. She cannot formulate these words, because she is not capable of doing so. Do you not believe, my beloved sons of priests, that this suffering which she bears for the whole world will be fruitful for you? I will go into your hearts. I will draw you to My Sacred Heart, which burns for you especially in this Holy Season of Advent. Your Blessed Mother - not the Blessed Mother - is waiting for your conversion. She wants to shape you. She desires and I also desire that you convert, that you finally convert, that My Heavenly Mother can guide, form and direct you to lead you to Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity and especially to Her Son in the Holy Sacrificial Supper.

You still reject the Holy Sacrificial Feast. Is it not obvious to you that it can only be this Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V, which has been canonized? Is it still not possible for you to celebrate this My Holy Sacrificial Feast? Why do you remain in confusion? Why do you remain in delusion? This modernism is wrong. Turn back! With great longing I wait for your repentance.

My beloved priest's son, who is reversed, for he was before also in modernism, pray for you all. He wants to draw you to the table of sacrifice, because he knows how important it is to celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast according to Pius V. Great streams of grace emanate from this holy sacrificial banquet. And I, the Heavenly Father, desire from all of you that you obey Me, the Heavenly Father, in the whole world, not My little ones.

I would like to emphasize again and again that she is incapable of putting these messages on the Internet. She suffers great oil-mountain and death torments for you. Jesus Christ continues to suffer in her if you do not obey Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. None of you do so far. You still believe that my little one lies in untruth and is led by the devil. You still say this. No! That is not true.

These messages, only these messages, lie in the fullest truth. She pronounces the words for the whole world, not just for a part in Germany. I have indeed chosen her as the German messenger for Germany. But beyond that, I wish that the Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Feast according to Pius V be celebrated all over the world very soon.

I must repeat it again and again, because it is so important for you, My priestly sons, because My coming is announced. Believe in this gospel. It tells you everything. If today, according to this Gospel, you have celebrated the modernist meal, the meal fellowship, you must realize that you are not in the truth. I am eagerly waiting for you and your conversion!

The Second Coming of My Son Jesus Christ and My beloved Heavenly Mother is announced. They will be visible all over the world. No one will be able to say: "We do not believe in it. It is not the truth. It's fantasy." What my beloved little one says is not fantasy. She is not a self-appointed messenger because she is chosen by me and she only speaks my words and not her words.

Yes, My beloved little Mary, you must change in some things because you have received the messages for the end times. As this prophetess you must also lie in the full truth. You know about Assisi and what happened there. Not only by this Supreme Shepherd, but also by the previous Supreme Shepherd the global faith was already proclaimed, that is, the world religion was proclaimed. He also entered the mosque and this Supreme Shepherd, My Supreme Shepherd, also entered the mosque. Isn't that heresy? What did he do in Assisi? Did he proclaim the Catholic, the only true faith? No!

You too, little Mary, My beloved daughter, must recognize that this Supreme Shepherd is not in the truth, that no one may follow him, that you must never be recognized by this Supreme Shepherd. Also My little Anne will never be recognized. This is not in My plan. I do not wish it. Not even by you, beloved Mary, even if you continue to strive to be recognized. Then you are not lying in the truth. And I wish from you that you, as my prophetess of the end times, lie in the full truth. I have to tell you again and again because it is of importance for the Second Coming of My Son, which will happen very soon.

Prepare not only for this Christmas, but for the Second Coming of My Son Jesus Christ. What you have read in the gospel is the full truth. Sun, moon and stars will no longer shine. And men will disperse and panic and fear these signs of heaven. This will all happen. In great numbers the angels will protect you, because you live in the full truth. Only then do you have no human fears - only then.

Therefore, I, dear little Mary, wish that you return to the truth and that people can align themselves with you. You have a great responsibility for the world, and there must never be a sign of untruth in the messages. I can take these messages away from you. This will become truth. I will tell you again. I have a thousand others for you, whom I can appoint for the truth as prophetess of the end times.

I am sad today in the heart of My little Anne, because so many things have happened in the last time. So many sufferings she had to take on herself. She will continue to suffer because the priests have not yet shown obedience to me. As long as this does not happen, my little one will have to suffer mortal fears and oil mountain torments because Jesus Christ continues to suffer in her.

Do not be afraid, My little flock, for you will all support them, you too, My beloved believers and My beloved followers, you too could participate in this support of My little ones if you believe in the full truth.

Separate yourselves from your children when they want to turn you away from the truth, not when they are in the truth. Then you can sit at the same table with them. But if they do not acknowledge the truth, please separate yourselves from them, because they will hinder you on this true path.

I love you all, and have a great longing for all of you. You can prepare the way for me in this time of Advent when you recognize the truth and live the truth. Not only listen, but follow. Your dearest Mother will support you in this Sacred Season of Advent, in the time of preparation, not only for the First Coming, but also for the Second Coming.

I bless you all in the Trinity, My beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far, My followers and finally My beloved little flock, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My beloved Mother also blesses you with all the angels and saints. Stay in the truth! Turn back, you my sons of priests and live the true faith, the true Catholic faith. Amen.


