Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, January 5, 2013

Mother of God Saturday and Cenacle.

Our Lady speaks after the Cenacle and the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Again, many angels moved into this house church in Göttingen during the Holy Rosary, during the Holy Sacrificial Mass and also during the Fraternita. Today we celebrate the Cenacle and we enter the Pentecost Hall with the Blessed Mother, so that she may ask us this Divine Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Peace, the Spirit of Wisdom and of Faith and of the fear of the Lord.

Our Lady says: My beloved children, I, your dearest Mother of God, will speak now, in this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who repeats My words, the words of your dear Mother of God.

Beloved Children of Mary, you, My beloved followers, you, My beloved little flock and you, My faithful from near and far, I welcome you to this Cenacle and I want to announce the truth to you and to the whole world. I, your dearest Mother of God, am the Bride of the Holy Spirit and can only proclaim and pass on to you the true faith.

How much today I call you to fight so that you may learn to fight, My beloved children. You have to fight with me against the power of Satan because it will become greater and greater because the end is approaching where my Son Jesus Christ will appear with me in the whole firmament in the world.

You, My beloved children, are called to believe more deeply and intimately and also to declare war on Satan. The time of silence is now over, My beloved ones. You cannot remain silent when this prohibition of house was pronounced about My children, My little flock. It cannot be in accordance with the truth, My beloved ones, if I, dearest Mother of God, am removed from this great place of pilgrimage, and that you, My beloved little flock, you who cry out My truth into the world, are removed from this place. This cannot be, My beloved ones.

How I long for all the souls you have asked for How much I long for My priestly sons in particular. Where are they, the believers who proclaim the truth, the whole truth, even to their own bloodshed. These sons of priests want to believe, live and proclaim the faith.

And where are you, My beloved sons of priests who do not believe, who are ashamed of their faith, who want to remove My beloved children there from the place of grace? Where are you and where is your faith? It can only consist in misbelief and disbelief. Because you can always fetch grace, my beloved sons of priests, because I impart it to you. I am the 'Mediator of All Graces', your Immaculate Received Mother and Queen of Victory, the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach.

These, My beloved children, I would like to repeat once more, are simply expelled from My place of grace because they are unpleasant to all priests, and are banned from the house without any reason, because there is no reason to expel them, My beloved Rector of this place of grace. There is no reason. Even if you look for a reason with your foundation board, you will not find one. You can call in the prosecution according to § 123, but My beloved children will not be condemned, but they will be freed and will continue to proclaim this true faith throughout the world.

And you, My beloved son of the priest, want to continue to proclaim misbelief. Furthermore you chase away my children, although you know exactly: They alone proclaim the true faith. They pray in the night of atonement, and they give themselves for this truth, even with their lives, if it should be.

They pray, sacrifice and atone and keep watch before My cross of grace. They give themselves completely to Me, to the Blessed Mother and finally to the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. They kneel down and pray and sacrifice. Is this a danger to you, My beloved sons of priests? Why are you afraid? Why do you run away from this holiness? Why must this holiness be driven away from this special place of grace, which is known all over the world and also my beloved little one, who lives the truth with her small flock. It only proclaims the whole truth and you do not know why you want to expel it. Has it become unpleasant to you because it proclaims the truth and you should possibly live the faith? You do not want to hear about these messages from your Heavenly Father. I tell you this as your dearest mother. You hide Me. You hide yourselves behind the delusion and live the messages of Satan. They give you the 'truth' in delusion.

Do you not believe that My Son Jesus Christ will intervene through His Heavenly Father? He will intervene because His Holy Mass of Sacrifice is no longer celebrated, because He, Jesus Christ, has been transported out of this place of grace. All people are taught: Go into the Church of Satan, into the Church of Mary - where satanic masses have already been celebrated. You go in there and do not atone at night in the Church of Atonement, in the Chapel of Grace, in the Chapel of the Rosary. This is poison for you, My beloved sons of priests.

You occupy My children with terrible hatred. Out of your hearts flows only hatred and disgust against my beloved ones whom I have called upon to cry out this whole truth into the world, whether approving or not. They do it and do not stop proclaiming the truth to the whole world through the Internet, because these house bans are also put on the Internet.

Why, my beloved ones? You must recognize the cunning of Satan. You must fight. You must begin to fight against this ban. You must make this rector aware of what he has done and why he has done it. Why does he not believe in this place where I let the greatest graces flow into the hearts, into those who pray, who also pray by night, and because my beloved little flock has also prayed and atoned far beyond the night. Why are they expelled and banned from the house?

And now, My children, you must learn to fight, you, My beloved children of Mary, with Me. Do you not believe that you will win? Only when you fight will salvation be granted to you because I have announced to you the time of fighting and not of silence, of fear of men. The fear of God must press you in your hearts to fight against it and to fight against this house ban.

Is this a case for the prosecution? Where have My beloved children trespassed? How is that possible? You must fight, My beloved children of Mary. You must stand up for the truth. And that is why I give you once again the sword in your hand. Fight and be vigilant and endure everything in love.

You are loved from eternity. Believe in it. Through the struggle you will be led deeper into the faith, namely deeper into the worship and fear of God. The fear of man will also decrease with you.

I love you all, My beloved children from near and far and I call you to struggle again and again. Because I love you I am with you and support you so that you do not feel human fears.

And so I bless you with the whole host of heaven, with cherubim and seraphim, with all the angels and all the saints, especially with My Bridegroom, Saint Joseph and the little baby Jesus in the manger, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Love one another and be brave and strong in battle! Amen.


