Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sunday Quinquagesima (pre Lent).

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Even today the altar of sacrifice was particularly brightly lit, as well as the altar of Mary with the dearest Mother of God, with St. Joseph, St. Padre Pio, St. Michael the Archangel, the little baby Jesus and the King of Love.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now, in this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me.

My beloved little flock, My beloved followers and My beloved faithful from near and far, My beloved pilgrims, today you have looked at the reading (I Cor. 13:1-13), love your neighbor as yourself. Love is the greatest. Everything you do is done out of love. If you lack love and you make everything yourselves out of resentment, out of ambition, out of envy, out of selfishness, then you cannot exist. Your works are then void, and you will not grow in love. Is this necessary, My beloved ones, to grow in love? Do you not have it within yourselves? No! You did not. If you do not begin each day anew and want to do everything in love, not out of ambition, not boastfully that you do not want to harm the other, but do everything out of love for him, then your works are in order. Then you have charity.

Yes, My beloved ones, today you no longer love your neighbor. This love of neighbor has become unimportant for you because you are boastful and rise above the others. You yourself are important. You yourselves exercise the power. "Without me," you say, "nothing will happen." And what do you have to say? "Without the Triune God nothing will happen. I can do everything, but if I do not do it out of love for the Triune God, my works are void. But if you have love, you can stand before the Triune God. You are not selfish, but kind, loving and generous toward the other. Your love, my beloved children, is then connected with Divine Love.

If you do not connect with heaven again and again, you cannot do this. How quickly your works are done out of self-interest. "I have done my duty. I do everything in my whole life. What more can I do? Everything is fine with me. Where can I be corrected? Where do I make mistakes?" You say, "I have no faults at all. I do my work and I keep my times, where I do what I want to do myself". Is this love? No! Then you stand before yourselves boastfully. Then you are important. And where am I, your triune God? You have forgotten Me! You completely exclude me because you think I am not important in your life! "This is the supernature and I am on earth after all and have to fulfill my duties here. And the other one? When he is feeling bad? That is not my business. It is his own fault that he got into this misery. Why should I help him? He should help himself. Then I'll be fine."

Is this charity, My beloved? No! I have not connected this with Divine Love. You are already to help the other when he needs your help, but do not prescribe anything to him. He himself is master of his works. He wants to do a lot of things himself. Let him have this. Do not constantly improve it.

Yes, My children, these are the weaknesses of those who do not believe in the Trinity. But you? Prove to me that you really love me, then I will settle down among you! My Heavenly Mother also says this to you. I can only help you if you unite your will with my will and place me in the middle and ask me, "Dear Father in heaven, what shall I do? I got into this and that weakness, into these mistakes. Can you help me? Please, please help me and stand by my side, because I cannot solve this or that".

What is the situation, My beloved ones, with your children? Can you help them? Can you stand by them? No, My beloved ones. You tell them how they should do it. They suffer because you patronize them. Let them make their own mistakes, then they become a personality. Pray for them! Above all, give it to your dearest Heavenly Mother. Bring them to your Immaculate Heart. There they are safe and secure. There they are formed. As long as the children are with you and you have this duty of supervision and parental responsibility, everything is fine. But then they leave the house. And to whom do they belong and to whom do you give them away? To me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. Then I can guide, direct and direct them. So nothing can happen to them. But pray for them unceasingly. If something is difficult for you, pray. If you have a problem that you cannot solve yourself, do not be helpless, but raise your gaze to the sky. There is your help. There you are safe in love. There you will recognize that I am your Father and lovingly reveal to you what has to be done, because I am the loving, but also the omnipotent and almighty and omniscient Heavenly Father. Do you consider this in your problems? Do you want to solve them yourself? Then you will become discontented. Lovelessly and in aggressive way you proceed against the other one. In doing so you harm yourselves and also the others.

My beloved children, come to your Heavenly Mother. Kneel down before her. Take her in the middle. Your Heavenly Mother wants to stand by you in everything and also wants to send you the angels. Your guardian angel calls down and the holy archangel Lechitiel. He too will give you comfort in unsolved problems.

It goes on and on, My beloved ones. You do not stop, you advance in love, in holiness and on the way of holiness. You always take a small step forward, but never backward. Do not think back, for the old has passed. You cannot get it back. No! You make mistakes. You are imperfect.

Therefore, in this time of preparation, Lent, come to the Holy Sacrament of Penance! There you may speak out. When you have the knowledge and the repentance, come to this sacrament. I am the forgiving one, I, Jesus Christ in the Trinity. Then make a good resolution, a good opinion. Then it goes on. You will never become perfect, but you must strive to do good. I respect your will. If you have used your will and it has not succeeded, then I forgive you. All your faults and weaknesses are human. Don't turn your attention to your own mistakes, which you could have done better. This moment is also over.

A new beginning is announced after each holy confession. Rejoice in this sacrament! I forgive you and in the same moment I have forgotten everything. I embrace you and show you my great love. Let yourselves be showered with the gifts of My love. My love is immeasurably great. You cannot measure them against anyone, and you will never understand them.

Think of the other. I love him too. Often the other one speaks to you through Me. Are you paying attention? If the other person wants to do good to you, please do not refuse. Weigh it out. "What is the good? What should I do?" Do not fall for the power of Satan. He is cunning. He can also speak through the other one. Then it will be easier for you. Then you realize that this can only be the evil one. He always chooses the easy way for you. What does the true path mean to you? It means the hard way with cross, suffering, illness, malaise, discontent, unsolved problems. All this is waiting for you. But the greatest thing is love. I embrace you in love. And together, My beloved ones, we will solve everything. With me you can do anything! In Divine Love you are strong, even in illness. Often it is My examinations, My approvals and also My refinements. You will not recognize it, but accept it as it is and do not question everything. You are the ones who always want to know everything: "Where is this from? Where does that come from? How is that connected?" Can you not accept it and leave it as it is? Can the omniscient, the Almighty God not change everything? Do you have the deep trust in me that I can take everything from you when I wish it, not when you wish it? Your wishes are often not my wishes. And how seldom will my wishes be in conformity with your wishes? Pray for it, persevere, be patient and respond lovingly and kindly.

The time will come, My beloved ones, where you must stand firm, where you must be there for the other, for the broken man. For all mankind is broken and this My Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church is destroyed. She lies on the ground. Do you want to help to still save souls before I begin with the soul-gaze and give you signs in heaven that the event is near, the three-day darkness? How many messengers have been informed of this by me. That is the truth. Do not deny it. Pay attention to the words of the messengers that I send you as a supplement to the Bible. Yes, the Bible is important and good, My beloved ones. But may I not add to them? May I not make my words known through my messengers? May I not enlighten you when everything is down and there is a priest crisis, a crisis of authority in My Holy Catholic Church? May I then not order my messengers to save you in love, in faithfulness?

You have made a covenant with Me, My beloved sons of priests. Will you break this covenant? Do you want this consecration which you have taken before me, your oath to the priesthood, do you want to break it? How often this happens today. Come back, My beloved servants and anointed ones! I will refresh you in the holy sacrificial banquet. Come to My sacrificial table, the sacrificial table of My Son! There you yourselves will be able to receive the greatest graces and also pass them on. It depends on you. Look at the oral communion. Am I not worthy that a priest may give you My Holy Bread himself? May a layman ever do this? My priests are consecrated, anointed. They have anointed hands, and only from these hands you may receive Holy Communion, Myself. This is your path of life. With this I prepare for you the way to heaven. You can tread this path in the power of the Holy Mass of Sacrifice and the offering of My Manna, the bread of life, which you need on this earthly path in order to be allowed to see eternal bliss.

I always look at you with love. Full of longing is my heart also today at the beginning of the pre-Lenten season. Love one another, and do not forget that I am the link of this love. I want to embrace you in this time and rejoice in you if you are always ready to confess your guilt and take advantage of the Holy Sacrament of Penance with a holy priest. Where do you still find this holy priest today? I have shown you an example. I have told you all about this priest. What has been done with him, with this my servant? He has been cast out of My churches. He has been banned from confession. He has been banned from a place of grace of My dearest Mother by this church, by this destroyed church. Do not be misled! Go forward in the truth, recognize the truth and live this truth and do not forget love, love for yourselves and love for others! Do not be selfish and do not be self-centered!

My mother looks at you. She loves you as your Heavenly Mother and she makes you aware of your weaknesses. She begs day and night at My throne so that you may repent, My beloved servants. Are you still hirelings or do you want to be My messengers?

I love you infinitely and bless you today on this day with the greatest love there is, My love. Be blessed in the Trinity with My Heavenly Mother, with all the angels and saints and especially with St. Joseph and St. Padre Pio, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Love is the greatest! Remain in love and go forward bravely and courageously. Amen.


