Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, February 24, 2013

Second Sunday of Lent.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today, the entire chancel with the altar of Mary was bathed in glistening light. The father symbol above the altar of sacrifice shone in a bright glow.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now, in this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and only speaks and repeats words that come from Me.

Today you have celebrated the second Sunday of Lent. My beloved faithful from near and far, My beloved followers and pilgrims and My beloved little flock, I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you on this Lent Sunday especially in intimacy and love.

My beloved children, now you have begun to fast, pray and sacrifice. This is important, My beloved ones. You too shall walk this way of the cross. The Way of the Cross means that it will be difficult, that it will certainly not be easy for you to make these sacrifices that the Heavenly Father has prepared for you.

I love you, My beloved children, that is why I want to demand the utmost from you - out of love. Can you understand this, My beloved ones, that a loving Father demands sacrifice and atonement from you, that which is especially difficult for you? And that is love? This is conceived by me out of love for you. Yes, My beloved, atonement is when you take up your cross and do not want to throw it away.

For my little one the expiation has already begun again on the 18th - last Monday. I thank you, little one, for accepting this expiation and wanting to carry it for the others - for the priests and especially for the Supreme Shepherd, Pope Benedict XVI; it was your whole concern to carry him through again and again. You have received from me the knowledge and the message that he may lay down his office. This has now happened.

I wish from this Supreme Shepherd to go into prayer - deeper and deeper, because he has much to repent and to atone for. You, My beloved little flock, have already atoned again and again for him and also for the disobedient bishops. I love them all. I also love My priests very especially. My beloved mother is the mother and queen of these priests. She especially wishes that they may repent, that they are ready to repent, because it is up to their will. If one does not want to turn back, his will is not ready. Sacrifice this will. Give it to your dearest Father, who has all good things ready for you, but also cross and suffering. It must be, My beloved ones. I do not like to lay these sacrifices on you, but I know that this serves your salvation. You must be healthy in body and especially in soul.

You have taken upon yourselves much, My beloved followers, My beloved little band. Many followers have accompanied you in this suffering. It has become quiet around you. And this silence means that you continue to atone.

It is still about the place of grace of my dearest mother, Heroldsbach. This place is sacred. How many apparitions have been there. But still you do not believe, My beloved sons of priests, My beloved bishops, and recognize this place of prayer as a place of pilgrimage. Was it not visible that these little visionaries took it all upon themselves? Have they not atoned, have they not prayed, and could you not see that this is the truth? My beloved bishops, My beloved Supreme Shepherd, you know that all this is true.

These messages of My little one from Göttingen also correspond completely to the truth. But you do not want to acknowledge this and do not want to believe. Has your faith become so weak that you do not recognize the truth, or are you in error and unbelief?

I love you and I want to draw all of you to My Heart, to My loving Heart and to My Mother's Heart burning with love for you and connected to My burning loving Heart.

Isn't it something special for you when my mother sheds tears there? Wasn't she sad when the priests did not confess to these tears? Only one priest remained, and he firmly believed what he testified. And you, could you not see the tears of your dearest mother? They were running visibly over your face. And no one who saw it could say, "No, that was not reality. It was reality, My beloved priests. And yet you rejected this at the place of prayer of my dearest mother in Heroldsbach.

Have you not caused the Blessed Mother great, yes, excessive suffering? Can you answer for that? Definitely not. Convert now! I tell you again and again: Turn back! The time has come, my beloved ones, in which I want to embrace you after a penitent confession. Yes, I repeat it so often. It is my desire and my will. I do not want to see you fall into the abyss, but to see you again in love at my sacrificial altar - at my sacrificial altar. Nothing but that is the truth. The altar of sacrifice has always been present. A priest who celebrates the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at this altar of sacrifice lies in truth. But he does not dare to fulfill this wish and will for me.

But you know that this Only Holy Sacrificial Feast was canonized, My beloved sons of priests. You cannot reject it. Unfortunately it was changed by you. Was that allowed? Were you allowed to do this to your dearest Heavenly Father in the Trinity and just change it and deceive people and lead the faithful astray? What a great responsibility you had. Have you taken on this responsibility? Remember that I am love - the greatest love. And this love you have disappointed, - bitterly disappointed. Believe in it and turn back!

Because I love you, I admonish you again and again to repent. I would like to ask you to look back on this second Sunday of Lent. On this Sunday the gospel was the transfiguration of Jesus Christ. He was transfigured. His clothes became white as snow. The disciples fell on their faces before Him and could not believe what was happening here. But Jesus said to them: Fear not and stand up! It's me! I, your dearest Jesus, have shown you this transfiguration. That is the truth.

You love me and you always want to prove this to me. Also you, my disciples, who follow me, want to believe in this event. You believe not only in the Bible, but also in the supplement of the Bible contained in the messages.

And now I want to bless you today on this second Sunday of Lent and full of love and full of sadness I want to tell you again: Love me and turn back! I am waiting for your return love and now bless you in the Trinity with all angels and saints, with My dearest Mother and Saint Joseph, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. The Trinity is love and we want to follow this love. Amen.

Praise and blessed be Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar without end. Amen.


