Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Third Sunday after Easter.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, the Merciful Jesus and the Pieta in particular were brightly illuminated, as were all the other figures. Flocks of angels hovered around the altar of sacrifice and worshipped the holy of holies. During the Holy Sacrificial Mass, angels from all four directions repeatedly entered the house church and grouped themselves around the tabernacle and the altar.

The Heavenly Father will say: I, the Heavenly Father, will speak now, at this moment, this third Sunday after Easter, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My will and repeats only words that come from Me.

Beloved little flock, beloved followers, beloved believers from near and far, beloved pilgrims, I, the Heavenly Father, will give you new information Be careful, the evil one is going around. Therefore I will inform you anew. Pay attention to these messages, which are all very, very important for the near future. A little while longer and you will see Me again, Me, the Son of God with His Heavenly Mother, the Queen of Victory. This great event will take place in Wigratzbad. But, as you all know, this will be seen in the firmament throughout the world: My Mother, the Mother and Queen of victory and I, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, because My Father in the Trinity sent Me.

From you, My beloved children, the Holy Spirit will flow today. Not only the third Sunday after Easter is important, but you, My beloved ones, are the most important thing to Me today. I greet you not only from near and far, but also you, My beloved ones, who were allowed to participate in this Holy Sacrificial Feast for the first time: My beloved Lucia, My beloved Hildegard and My beloved Uwe.

How is it possible, My beloved ones, that you can participate in this day here once? Yes, I have chosen a new victim soul. Do not be afraid, My beloved ones, never will your suffering be so oversized that you cannot bear it. I lead you, My beloved Hildegard, to the limits. I have given you richly with great gifts of grace and you were allowed to feel them in your heart. You were allowed to experience how my sweetness grew in you. Your love for Me became oversized and I loved you beyond all measure. And now, My little Hildegard, I must leave you alone in your desolation and sadness. Why, beloved Hildegard? Because I demand firmness from you. Your firmness will grow within you, for you are experiencing the deepest darkness of your life. You will be sad and you will not be able to feel My closeness. But believe firmly: I am with you in all dark hours and will never leave you alone. You will hardly grasp this suffering. But I have chosen you and I say please, "Yes, Heavenly Father, I will bear everything as you will and not as I will.

I have also chosen my little Monika as my soul of atonement. At the moment I have to put her through a lot of suffering. Atonement is important, beloved Monika. You will be able to do without many things. You will sometimes not believe and ask: "Heavenly Father, is this true and right? Yeah, I gotta check you out. A deep sadness will seize you, too. But believe it: This is my truth and this is my will. You will be cared for and loved by my small flock, which will always stand by you in all situations. They will certainly not leave you alone. But your gifts went ahead. You have accepted them all and are happy in this house into which I have put you. You have grown out of My providence through My gifts, through the many gifts and talents I have given you for this great task. Have patience, dear Monika. I will not only test you, but you also need this time of rest to recover. Much has gone ahead in the last years, and I have had to test you hard because you should go this way of your own free will, not because you wished it, but because I have chosen you. Stay with me and never leave me and say again and again, "Yes, Father, as you will. Not as my will, but as thy will desires, so let it be done to me. I accept these droughts you ask of me." Yes, dear Monika, that is how it is and that is how it will be.

Dearest Uwe, I would like to address you as well. You too have a big task to expect. Believe and trust and grow into the depths.

Beloved Lucia, you know that I have chosen you too. It is not without reason that you are allowed to attend this Holy Mass of Sacrifice today. The greatest gift was given to you. And you have gratefully accepted it. You were allowed to visit my little group once. A great mercy from me. You were allowed to kiss My wounds, the wounds of My Son Jesus Christ and you will be healed, not only in the body but also in the soul. Your soul must be the most important thing to you. In sickness you will endure. In the sufferings that I impose on you, you will be strengthened. Through failures you will grow. Be brave and strong!

And you, My beloved priestly son, do you have to grow too? You are here at this altar of sacrifice appointed by Me, as My priestly son who has walked and continues to walk the path of holiness. You have much to suffer, many hostilities, many persecutions you have suffered. And you will also continue to pass the tests that I impose on you. Stay brave and strong and persevere in failure! You will see little success. Only in failures will you strengthen, my beloved little flock.

And you, My beloved Catherine, must you grow? Yes, you must grow and mature towards Me, towards My beloved heart, for you have a great task to receive and write down My messages and to serve the entire Internet. I have given you this great task because your talents lay fallow. But now they lie open and you will master it, even if you think you will fail more often. You must accept the failures. They are from Me to form you through My dearest Mother. Your heart needs shaping.

And my beloved little Anne? You too need the formation of my dearest mother. Failures upon failures and the greatest atonement of the whole world you carry. You have received the world mission, and that means suffering, tribulation, drought, atonement beyond the borders. But your loyalty to me will be able to bear everything. Remain faithful to Me and My group. You have made the covenant of love, the covenant of love, the covenant of loyalty, the covenant of two and the covenant of three followed, and another covenant will follow. You must all grow into the depths. And you, my little one, will persevere but only through the Divine Power. You will lose human strength until you faint. But believe that I, the Heavenly Father, guide and guide you in everything. Is not your mother with you? Does she not feel with you in your suffering, in the dark days and hours? Is she not your Heavenly Mother who walks this path with you? I love you, my little one! My messages are to go out into the whole world, and the priesthood you are now enduring will come.

At the moment, My beloved ones, it looks as if there is nothing left of My beloved priest's sons. But I will establish My priesthood as I established My Holy New Church on January 1, 2012 in the House of Glory. It is hard to understand that I have to start with your little group. I had chosen many institutions. They shouted a complete no to me: "No, Father, we do not want that. We remain our own master and do what we wish. After all, we are the ones who set the tone and not you. You, as ruler of the world, have no right to reprimand us." It is so, My beloved institutions. You have all received My messages. And what did you answer? No, these are messages from Satan. This, My little one, which I have chosen, is not real. It is fantasy and she is a self-proclaimed visionary. So it was claimed. But, My little one, above all I, the Regent of the whole world, the Regent of the whole Holy, New, Catholic and Apostolic Church. It is My Church that will not perish, even if this false prophet is sitting on the throne at this time. Soon the Antichrist will appear, my beloved ones. He will push him down from this throne.

What does Antichrist mean, My beloved? Do you know that? It is Satan himself who will take this throne in the very near future. I will determine this path. And one day Satan will lose his power. But before that he will still cause much mischief. He will rob many people of their souls and sit down in the place of their souls. "They are his," he says. They loved His messages and not My messages. My beloved sons of priests, whom I have consecrated, are completely addicted to modernism. Yes, that is how it looks at the present time, my beloved ones.

You will all have to experience much suffering because you are children of Mary and children of the Father. Do you not want to follow the way of My Son and suffer all this out of love for Me, the Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit? Take your suffering on your shoulders. Wear it willingly and humbly, then I will be with you. I will give you many graces that you can and will bear all suffering.

I love you beyond all measure and I want to bless you in the Trinity, with all the angels and saints, especially with My dearest Mother and Saint Joseph, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prove your loyalty to Me, then I will willingly settle down among you, and you will save many, many souls you did not reckon with! Until now they stand at the abyss, but then they will be grateful to you. Wonder upon wonder will happen. Give thanks and love to the Triune God. He is waiting for your faithfulness and love. Amen.


