Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, May 19, 2013

Whit Sunday.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. We prayed the Priestly Rosary, for all priests, bishops, cardinals, up to the highest ranks of the Curia and for the previous Holy Father, so that they may repent and enter into eternal glory.

I beg you, dear Heavenly Father, touch and convert them, especially on this most Holy Feast of Pentecost.

During the rosary many angels again came to this house church in Göttingen. They moved in and they moved out. The altar of Mary, the altar of sacrifice with the tabernacle and the Father symbol were surrounded by a large group of angels. The angels sang the Gloria in excelsis Deo in 9 different pitches.

The Heavenly Father will also speak today, on the first day of Pentecost: I, the Heavenly Father, speak through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is wholly in My will and repeats only words of heaven, words that come from Me.

My beloved children, My beloved followers, My beloved little flock, above all of you the Holy Spirit has appeared in the form of a tongue of fire which was burning higher and higher. My little one was allowed to see these tongues of fire. A particularly large tongue of fire was lit over the head of the priest.

My beloved children, My beloved Father's children and Mary's children, today you have been allowed to celebrate the first day of the Most Holy Feast of Pentecost with the Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V, because you have the knowledge of the Holy Spirit that only this Holy Sacrificial Mass lies in the full truth, which Jesus Christ instituted on Holy Thursday. This Holy Sacrificial Feast is the most important and only Holy Sacrificial Feast.

My beloved sons of priests, on this most holy feast of Pentecost, I wish to tell you once more, on this most holy feast of Pentecost, convert at last to this Holy Sacrificial Feast, for otherwise you will never be in the ascendancy of modernism, or partly in modernism, which continues to advance and will lead you into the depths, never into the heights. As modernism has entered the church, things will continue to go downhill. You, however, My beloved sons of priests, I want to save.

Today, on the most holy feast of Pentecost, I would like to recommend you especially: Turn back and receive the Holy Spirit!

Jesus Christ speaks: First of all, I have ascended into heaven to My Father to send you the Holy Spirit. This descent of the Holy Spirit is necessary for all, for otherwise you do not recognize the truth. But if you lie in grave sin or even sacrilege, you cannot receive this Spirit of love, comfort, goodness, longsuffering, joy, peace. There is a great wall between you and the Holy Spirit, which you cannot break through to find the truth of the One Triune God. You can receive this Holy Spirit only - I repeat - when you are without serious sin. Then you are in the truth, and the Holy Spirit will come upon you and flow deep into your hearts. The hour of truth has then come for you. Do not continue to stay away from this Holy Spirit.

The Heavenly Father continues to say: Look at the dear Mother of God, does she not beg you especially for your priestly sons? After all, she is also the Queen of priests and will never cease to implore Me, the Heavenly Father, so that the Holy Spirit may flow into your hearts to touch you very deeply.

My beloved sons of priests, how much I love you! If only you would finally turn back! My longing becomes greater and greater, but you are still far from me because you do not lie in the truth. I wish again and again and deeply and intimately that you should repent and recognize my truths, especially today on this feast of Pentecost, where you may receive special graces, the graces of Pentecost.

You, My beloved children, you, My followers and My beloved little flock, are in truth. The Holy Spirit has descended upon you. You have opened your hearts wide to this feast, for the Pentecost Novena has not been without success for you.

I love you and I will soon publish My book which I will give to the world so that you can all read it. It contains my words, the words of truth, of full truth. Nothing in these words has been falsified or changed. Everything corresponds to the full truth.

Please, beloved followers, believe and go into the world, for by the Holy Spirit you are sent. Everywhere you are to proclaim my words and develop no fear of man. The fear of God is in you - completely. You can pass on this fear of God. You can receive them if you open your heart.

I love you and I especially want to lead all priests and consecrated persons back into My Kingdom of Peace, of Faith, of Love, of Divine Love. Because only love counts, my beloved children.

I bless you now in truth with all angels and saints, especially with My dearest Mother, Saint Joseph, Saint Michael the Archangel and all saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. I send you because you are My beloved children! Amen.


