Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, May 26, 2013

Trinity Sunday.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Already during the rosary many angels moved into this house church in Göttingen. They surrounded the tabernacle and adored the Blessed Sacrament with the tabernacle angels. They floated to the Blessed Mother and grouped themselves around the altar of Mary. The entire house church, especially the altar of sacrifice and the Merciful Jesus were bathed in golden light. The Heavenly Father above the altar radiated in His authority a love that cannot be grasped.

The heavenly Father will also speak today: I, the heavenly Father, am speaking now at this moment through my willing, obedient, and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who lies entirely in my will and speaks only words that come from me.

My beloved children, today you celebrate the feast of the Trinity. This is a great feast for all of you, because no religious community will worship the Triune God, only the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. She worships the Triune God: One God in three persons.

My beloved children, My beloved followers, My beloved little flock and My beloved pilgrims from near and far, can you fathom this Trinity? Can you imagine what this means for all of you, the Heavenly Father, the Savior Jesus Christ and the Sanctifier, the Holy Spirit, to have everything in one, the Godhead and love in three persons? Trinity is One!

My beloved children, you believe in this trinity. This is the decisive factor in the Catholic faith. My Son Jesus Christ has redeemed all. After that I am risen, I, Jesus Christ, and have sent the Holy Spirit into your hearts, the Sanctifier. You will recognize Him when you lie in the truth. You will feel that the Heavenly Father speaks in your heart. Yes, you can answer in a personal prayer. And yet you can never fathom what this Trinity means for your life and especially for your eternal life in the glory of God.

Love has poured into your hearts on the feast of Pentecost, because the Holy Spirit has flooded through you. Now you are all on the path to holiness, those who believe and profess this Catholic faith. There is no other true religion, My beloved children, only the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. You shall believe in them and have no other gods beside you!

Didn't this past Pope betray and sell off My, Holy, Catholic Church in Assisi? Was it not he who reached out his hand to the Antichrist and did not profess the true faith, when he was the head of the Catholic Church? Did he testify to this church? No! He didn't do it. Quite soon he had to resign. Was that perhaps My Way? If you have effectively allowed the Holy Spirit to flow into your hearts, you have recognized that this deceased Holy Father had to resign his office. After he had sold the Catholic Church, he could no longer testify to it. He was no longer the head of the Catholic Church. That was the past. And what has become of this Catholic Church now, My beloved children? It is shattered and destroyed and lies on the ground.

What about the previous pope? Has he taken off his dress, which of course is no longer his right? No! He even lives in the Vatican, My children. Can this be true? Are there suddenly two popes with white cassocks? Has this ever existed and is it allowed to exist, you all have to ask yourselves? No! If he destroys the Catholic Church, can he remain the head? Certainly not, My beloved ones. He must flee from his own conscience. He has brought so much disaster upon this One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church that it is incomprehensible.

Can you believe this new head who has sat down on the throne? Can you trust him if he wants to rule with the past pope? Both in office? What does this mean for you, My beloved children? Is it true after all? Can you testify before the others that this is the truth, or do you parrot everything that the others say, that there is a leader in the Catholic Church and he must be believed and trusted, and he remains the leader?

And yet you who persist in these modernist churches and celebrate the meal fellowship and have communion handed to you in hand communion. Can this really be the heavenly bread that is handed out by a priest who turns his back to me, who has long since taken off his priestly clothes and discarded his faith? With this he said goodbye to the Catholic Church. "I don't want you anymore, dearest Heavenly Father! I no longer want you, dearest Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar! At that time I believed, but today it is no longer the truth. I can no longer believe and have cut you out of my heart." So say the hearts of modernist priests.

And you, My faithful, what do you say? Flee into your houses, for only there you can find the Triune God. There you can pray. There you have a daily Holy Mass of Sacrifice according to the DVD in the full truth in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. There you can pause and pray and sacrifice and atone. There you can believe, because everything then corresponds to the truth in your hearts. Then the Holy Spirit can flow into you. But you must believe, trust and receive the Holy Sacrament of Penance. Isn't that important for you? And where can you confess and receive this holy sacrament? You can receive it from the Pius Brothers.

Nobody celebrates publicly as a priest My Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Trentine Rite according to Pius V, only My priestly son here in this domestic church, whom I have chosen and who continues to testify to Me all over the world. He decides on the messages. Do they correspond to the full truth, or has something untrue come to pass there? "No," he tells you, "this cannot be, for the Heavenly Father in the Trinity speaks Himself, and He reveals Himself through His willing instrument, and I am allowed to be their spiritual guide. This is something really big for me!" So my priestly son has recognized the truth, and so he lives it and no one can dissuade him from it. No one will be allowed to take this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass from him, because I, the Heavenly Father, am watching over it. It is I who lead and guide him, and it is I who continue to lead you, My beloved little flock, into truths so that you may have Eternal Life and receive the manna, the heavenly bread.

And you, My retinue? You too believe and spiritually receive Holy Communion during the DVD. So it is possible, My beloved ones. So I have conceived it according to My plan, because everything has been taken away from My Son Jesus Christ. The holy sacrificial meal is no longer there. It has been destroyed by a Protestant meal fellowship. And yet you believe that you must go into this modernist church on Sunday because you are Catholic, and as Catholics you must then do what everyone does. If all fall away from faith, then you must fall away with them. You do not go the solitary way, for you are not personalities. You are mass people who swim in the stream and do everything that the other does, even if it is in misbelief and disbelief.

This Holy Father lies in delusion. He is the false prophet, My beloved ones. I want to let it enter your hearts. I want to shout it into the world: Do not believe him! He will deceive you. He will not reveal himself as the false prophet, certainly not! If you have received the Holy Spirit and are in the truth, then you can know what untruth is and how you are deceived, but if not, then you are in ignorance. So says the Trinity.

If you cannot testify to the Catholic faith in truth, you will sink deeper and deeper into the depths until you fall into the eternal abyss. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth and you will have no possibility to want to and be able to turn back. The time is now. You live in the now and now you must bear witness and now you must receive the Holy Sacrament of Penance and now you must leave these churches in modernism, - from one day to the next. This I demand of you, my beloved ones, because you must bear witness to me in truth: I am the way, the truth and the life! Thus you come to the Father through Me. I, Jesus Christ, say this. He who does not love the Father does not love Me either.

And what does My Heavenly Mother tell you? Does she not appear in so many places? She cries visible tears. And what do you do with these tears? One rejects them. The authorities say it is fantasy. These people who believe in it have a rich imagination, and your dearest Mother has to cry even more, because she has too few Marian children who confess her and want to follow the true path. Your dearest mother will support and shape you. Cry out to her and consecrate yourself to her Immaculate Heart. Only then are you protected, my beloved ones. Then you can advance the true path in holiness.

I love you all, My beloved ones from near and far and I want to snatch your souls from Satan. And you, My beloved ones, are there to pray, to sacrifice and to atone, those whom you believe and trust. I rely on you because you are and remain my beloved ones. I surround you with the greatest love, with Divine Love. You will never stray, because the depth of your faith has been reached.

And so I bless you today in the highest authority, in the Trinity, in love, trust and mercy, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Live in Divine Love! Pass on this love and you will be immune from all evil! Amen.


