Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, June 2, 2013

Second Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the sickroom in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Already during the Immaculata rosary I saw that the angels moved in droves into this sickroom from the house church. They moved in and out and grouped themselves around the sacrificial altar and around the Blessed Sacrament. Floating and kneeling, they worshipped the holy of holies. During the Holy Mass of Sacrifice I felt that holiness moved from the domestic church into this room, - the holiness of the Holy Mass of Sacrifice.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak again today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is wholly in My Will and speaks only words that come from Me.

My beloved ones from near and far, My beloved followers, My beloved little flock, My beloved father children, all of you shall be Mine. Love should overflow you, because Divine Love is the most important thing in your life. Have you felt that the Holy Sacrificial Feast must be the center of your life and that from there the streams of graces flow into the hearts of the priestly souls and invoke holiness because they are allowed to receive the Blessed Sacrament? They unite with Jesus Christ, their bridegroom, in transformation. There He transforms Himself in their hands. Is this not the greatest holiness for all My sons of priests? Why do you still wait today whether you should celebrate this holy sacrificial meal? Why are you not ready to do so after these many warnings I have given you through the Messages? Again and again I long for you to repent, to stay away from this modernist church.

Love overflows you to the fullest extent. What is Divine Love? Divine love transcends all. In Divine Love I can do everything that the Heavenly Father has devised in His plan. Nothing will ever be too much for me, because I do it for love. Sacrifices are needed, My beloved sons of priests and believers! As a victim you must accept this separation. Often you cannot understand it. Why should I leave this, my church, in which I was at home all my life? Yes, it is bitter, My beloved believers, that you must leave them. But it is necessary. Jesus Christ, My Son, is no longer present in these tabernacles, although I have wished it. The many sacrileges of the sons of priests preceded. I had to take My Son out of these tabernacles because He was disgraced. I have taken the Blessed Sacrament, My Son, to Myself and carried it to the sacrificial altars, to these tabernacles where the Holy Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V is celebrated - in all holiness.

My sons of priests, come out of your dungeons, out of your catacombs, where you secretly want to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice, because you are persecuted, because you are blasphemed and because you could be mocked. Is it too hard for you, this sacrifice? Have I not chosen you? Have I not called you to become priests for My Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church? Weren't you ready to say yes back then? This yes you have given me. Now when you take off the priestly garments, you say to this consecration: "No, Father, it has become too difficult, too uncomfortable for me to follow You. And how should I bear witness to you in truth? Won't people look at me with mockery when I am the only one to put on the priest's clothes again?" - as My holy priest here in this house church has been doing for years. What happens then, My beloved ones? Are you really being followed? Have you tried it as it could be? Have you not seen it with My priest's son here in Göttingen? Was he persecuted, rejected, ridiculed? No! Again and again he wore the cassock. People were amazed and came to meet him and showed him reverence, because the dear God dwells in his soul. They have understood that. "It is a messenger of God to whom we must give the honor, for that is no longer here. This is no longer visible." He was very special. And to this day he wears the clothes and will not take them off either, because he has decided to testify to the dearest Triune God and never to leave His side. To proclaim his love has become his way to save souls. Eternity is his goal. For this purpose he was chosen. He does not let up in that.

Can you not do the same, My beloved sons of priests? Did you not get love explained today, the great love? Not hate, My beloved brothers and sons of priests, but love and love more. When love is in you, then you can fulfill everything according to my plan and will. You will never be careless then. What drives you, then, when you go My way? The love, the zeal, the zeal for the Triune God. And this must be in you in the future.

I want to call upon My world priests to save them. I want to free them from the clutches of evil, from modernism, where Satan rules and where Satan makes his will known, whom they obey and not me.

My beloved faithful, can you measure what it means to me today to save one priest? Help me! Be at my side, because you too are invited to the eternal wedding feast!

When these - My priests - were invited by Me to the Sacrificial Feast, everyone had a different excuse, excuse upon excuse: "I cannot celebrate this Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Feast. Why? "Because I don't know Latin." Can't you learn this? Have you not studied it? Aren't you students, as you say, gifted, fully talented? And then, what comes next? Then the wicked one comes and wants to turn you away from this holy sacrificial meal.

Once, My beloved sons of priests, who have already celebrated this Holy Sacrificial Feast in all reverence, once this was the content of these priests. And today? What do you say, you retired priests? Do you say today a full yes to this true sacrificial banquet or do you want to continue to accept the substitutions that are offered to you so that you can remain in this modernist church of your diocese? It could be that you will be expelled by your piety, by your uniqueness. But who is above you? When you fulfill my will, then you get divine power and not human power will prevail. Therefore I ask you, celebrate the sacrificial banquet according to Pius V, which was canonized!

And the Supreme Shepherd? Is he in My truth? Does he live my truth, this newly elected false prophet? No! He even rejects the sacrificial meal. He will deceive you, My beloved ones. Pious he will be. A spectacle he will do with you. You will believe: "What a great Chief Shepherd sits there on his throne. It can't be that this is not true," you ask yourselves. "These messages from heaven, are they perhaps not true?" Am I, the Heavenly Father, then a liar? Will you ever be able to accuse Me of a lie? No! The messages are the full truth, only you do not believe. You want to split off from me, but I desire you.

I call again and again atoning souls who atone for the many sacrileges of these two Supreme Shepherds and the bishops, cardinals and priests. Everything is a chaos, a Sodoma and Gomorrah and even worse. A holy church was to be built. My Holy Church, which flowed out of My side wound, is no longer there. Destroyed it lies on the ground in the ashes. That is all it is. And there many go in and think they must do this. "We have nothing else but this church. We must do what the Heavenly Father does not want us to do, otherwise we are no longer Catholic. Do I have to follow a man when he is in grave sin and exemplifies that sin? Must one obey him when he is the Supreme Shepherd and represents the universal church? Do you have to say yes to it or do you have to confess your yes to the Heavenly Father? "Yes, Father, I belong to you. My heart beats for you and everything that is impure in this modernism, I reject. Never will I reject You, even if You demand the greatest sacrifices from me. This is what every true priest today would have to confess.

Love must radiate from his eyes so that you may be infected, you, My believers, and can do nothing else but to live and testify to the truth so that the other may also know what you believe, not secretly but openly and honestly. The lie must not overpower you out of fear of men. The fear of God must be put first among you. Fight the fight of your life for this, because it is worthwhile for Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, to take up the fight with your Heavenly Mother, who implores you, My beloved children, My beloved children of Mary.

Our Lady says: I take you by My hand. Do you want to be led by Me to the Father, to your tender, loving, childlike Father? I bring you there. Only there will you find security. In My heart, the Immaculate Heart, lives the Trinity and I want to give it to you. My heart and the heart of My Son are merged together and Our loving hearts want to draw you to Us. This is Our goal and Our Divine Love, and in this Divine Love I want to bless you today, love you, protect you, guide you and make sure that you may once receive Eternal Life. Thus I bless you in the Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Love will outlast everything, for love endures forever. Amen.


