Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, July 13, 2013

Mother of God Saturday.

The Blessed Mother speaks in the atonement night at 0.15 o'clock in the house chapel in Göttingen, Geismar Landstraße 103, through Her tool and daughter Anne.


Today on Fatima and Pink Mysticism Day, the Blessed Mother appeared to me in this house chapel.

The Blessed Mother will speak: My beloved children, My beloved Mary's children from near and far, My little one has a day of honor today, and that is I was allowed to tell her that her mortal fears, which she has suffered for the priests for 7 ½ weeks, will soon come to an end.

My dear little one, hold out a little longer, because there is still some pain for you to suffer, but this is not comparable to the 7 ½ weeks of fear of death. The peak has been reached for My beloved priest sons whom I want to care for as Mother and Queen. Nevertheless, some priests have been converted through all these many atonements you have suffered, My beloved little one, because I speak today as Mother and Queen through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in the will of the Triune God and today experiences and is allowed to experience words from Me, her Heavenly Mother.

It is a day of joy for you, My beloved little one. Your mother has not forgotten you, on the contrary, I still had to suffer your mortal fears and had to watch as a mother how you could hardly bear this severe suffering. You were also allowed to complain, because it was beyond the measure of what the Heavenly Father had to expect from you because of the impurity in the Vatican, because of the priests and the entire clergy, also because of their impurity and because of the two alleged popes. The one has resigned from his office, is still in the Vatican with a white cassock and has not fulfilled the will of the Heavenly Father. He was to leave this Vatican to come to rest, to finally repent, confess and confess his grave sacrileges. This did not happen.

My beloved Benedetto, as you are nicknamed by the Heavenly Father, you have still not left this place. Do you think that the Heavenly Father does not know, when He gives you this advice, that you should protect yourself from evil? For you are surrounded by evil spirits there in the Vatican. You yourself have visited Assisi and agreed to unite all the religious communities that wanted to do globalism in the whole world with the Catholic Church, that finally the only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church is not only in ruins, but is only dust and ashes. What a happening in the Vatican!

And you, My beloved Benedetto, still want to stay near this Pope, who is of course the false Pope, the false prophet. What do you, beloved Benedetto, expect from this? Is there protection for you there? No! It is thought to kill you. You have contributed heavily to the ruin of the Church through Assisi, to seek contact with the Antichrist there and to become the Antichrist yourself, and to give your yes to the Freemasons through your free will. You have not done the will of the Heavenly Father, but have done the will of the Freemasons. Was that not bitter enough for the dearest Heavenly Father, who had chosen you to finally lead the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church to the top of the truth again, also for Germany. You have helped to reduce them to rubble.

And this new pope who was elected is of course not the real one. His election was rigged in the Sistine Chapel. He was not truthfully elected, but rather, led by the Freemasons, he was installed as Pope. Is this not bitter enough for your Heavenly Father, for the Triune God, who sent His Son into the world to save you too, beloved sons of priests, from untruth and from delusion? And what do you do? You could not give your free yes to the Freemasons fast enough. Everything was all right with you when it came to bringing the church even more to ruin. Nothing should be truth in this church. Even today, power still lies with the clergy and in the entire Vatican with the manipulated Pope Francis I.

You, My faithful, My beloved children of Mary, do you not recognize the truth, the truth that the Heavenly Father has been teaching you for many years - almost 9 years - through My willing, obedient and humble instrument? My daughter Anne carried the worst sufferings for the whole world. She said yes to the worst sufferings, because I, as Mother of Priests, could not see that one priest after another, one cardinal after another, one archbishop after another, was destined for hell.

And now, My beloved little passion flower, as the Heavenly Father calls you and Jesus Christ My Son, even today you are ready to suffer everything, even if you have to lament because it becomes unbearable, because you suffer day and night. No one has ever had to endure the suffering you have endured. You have the right, my beloved little one, to complain and also to rebel, because you cannot understand these sufferings. Jesus Christ, My Son, suffers in you, and that is with your suffering.

You cannot understand yourself and everything often seems untrue to you because there is darkness within you. You have survived the worst darkness and dryness. Often you did not know what is truth and what is lie, because the Evil One attacked you severely in this time, because I, the Heavenly Mother, the Snake Treader, allowed it to happen to save My beloved sons of priests from delusion, from decay and from eternal hell.

Several times you were allowed to see hell and you could not overcome this fear. Everything became heavy for you, and everything was black and dark around you. To have understanding for you was impossible, because you couldn't distinguish anything anymore. I was allowed to accompany you, dear little one, on this difficult path, because I too had to suffer droughts for My beloved Son Jesus Christ, for the whole world. He let it happen. The Trinity was worried about me because I, too, could hardly bear it. Therefore I have been able to show the greatest understanding for you, My little one.

Now it is over, My beloved little one, except for small sufferings, but you can bear them. This suffering was immeasurably great. And I thank you for accepting it with your little flock accompanying you.

Today, as Blessed Mother, as Fatima Madonna and as Rosa Mystica, I received from a pilgrim over 100 roses in thanksgiving for all that you have borne. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you dear Teresa with your daughter. You love me and you believe in me. You believe in the small band, you believe in the house of glory.

You are not yet ready to return there. Why, My beloved ones? Because my little one cannot yet recover so quickly from these sufferings. It does not go so fast, even when they are over. It is emaciated almost to the skeleton. And that needs building up and needs love from her little flock, which helps her to realize that she can live again, eat, sleep like others in life. She had to sacrifice everything, everything to the last. Now, in the month of the Precious Blood of My Son Jesus Christ, you and your little band have suffered especially. And I have washed your soul in the Precious Blood of My Son. You are now showered with love over love.

Did you, my daughter Anne, not accompany my little Monika? Have you not also taken upon yourself this suffering for the most part? Not through work, no, through spiritual guidance. You did not look at your suffering, but for the most part at their suffering. And through you it will recover because you are meant to help it again on the right way so that it learns to bear everything and can start a new life because a great assignment waits for it. Some of her suffering has now been taken away from her. She said yes, yes to atonement.

Thank you, dear little Moni, as I call you. Be grateful, because your dearest Rosa Mystica has accompanied you and she will continue to do so in every suffering.

And now to your book, which the Heavenly Father wanted and which is not only printed but also already published. However, if any ambiguity arises for you, My beloved ones, let it be said to you that Heavenly Father desires that you immediately make a telephone call or send an e-mail to clarify the matter. This is quickly done.

And now I have spoken so many words to you Finally, thanks again to all of you for all the effort and work you have put into this book, which is to be read all over the world, so that people may know the truth, because in no other messages is this full truth contained as in you, my beloved little passion flower. You are there to put everything back in order. You will now be able to think clearly again.

Your Heavenly Father was also allowed to upset your spirit so that you could suffer even more. And you have accepted it. However, everything will now again be clear and distinct before your eyes and you will be able to receive one message after another.

Tomorrow the Heavenly Father will decide whether He gives a message or whether He will spare you a little more. I, as a mother, would like to spare you, because today's appeal was very long and very exhausting for you, and has also gone beyond your limits. But I, as your mother, I had to say everything today and send everything into the world, because nobody believes that this little ambassador Anne had to suffer so much.

You have also suffered this book. Thank you for this and thank you for your company, you, My beloved little flock. Handle My Little One with care. Say loving words to her and treat her lovingly, that she can rebuild, that she can enjoy life again and that she can hold on to the Heavenly Father and the whole heaven, because long were those dark times when she did not even realize that her dearest Jesus was with her. She could no longer feel that he suffered in her. She was all alone and had to endure everything in the nothingness, in the desolation and loneliness. Thanks for everything, dear little flock!

I, your beloved Mother, want to say goodbye to you and to all those who have been involved, who have persevered, who have stood by My little band in the greatest and most difficult times. Thank you, thank you, God bless you. Your Heavenly Mother loves you and blesses you with all the angels and saints in the Trinity of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise and blessed be Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar without end. Amen.


