Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, July 21, 2013

Ninth Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V and the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the domestic church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Innumerable flocks of angels were today in this house church in Göttingen, Kiesseestrasse 51b. They moved in and they moved out. They adored the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle and the Heavenly Father above the altar. The cross of Christ sparkled in all colors. Our Lady was surrounded by many angels. They went to the Child Jesus and the Little King of Love. The Holy Archangel Michael was brightly enlightened because he had to keep evil away from us. St. Joseph, the Bridegroom of the Mother of God, St. Padre Pio and the Madonna of Czestochowa shone in a bright glow, as did the Way of the Cross. The risen Savior with the victory flag was bathed in golden glistening light.

The Heavenly Father will speak today through His willing, obedient and humble child and instrument Anne, who lies entirely in His will and speaks only words that come from Him: Beloved little flock, first of all I would like to address you, because you are being newly located. Yes, you have heard correctly, located. For the sake of order I have omitted much up to now to explain it to you anew.

My beloved believers, My beloved followers and you, My believing pilgrims from near and far, My little flock has changed. There are still four people. My little Moni, who stayed away, My little Dorothea was added. She has a disease that prevents her from fulfilling my full will and plan in your community. My plan is often thwarted by her through her utterances. Be careful! She must practice more humility and put herself aside.

Everything is sacred here, even among you, My beloved little flock. You, my little Moni, I have been testing very hard lately. I had to test you because you have to prove yourself in this small flock, to which you will then belong when I tell you and reveal it to you. You still have to go through a few tests.

It is My will that you have these vermin in your apartment so that you had to change them and are at present housed with My little flock one floor below. It is the truth that I could change everything with a wave of my hand. But I do not want it. First of all, I wish that you stay in this apartment for as long as I determine it and as long as these vermin have not given way. In this vermin the evil one works. That is why I had to take you out. Everything will pass away and everything will be rearranged, and you will feel good again in your home. I gave it to you. I am the ruler also over your dwelling. To belong to my small flock is pure holiness, and the utmost is demanded of you all.

You, dear Monika, will recover. You can already feel it on your body that you are gaining weight and strength. Why? Because you believe more deeply and intimately, because you take my words seriously and because you completely fulfill my renewed plan, which I must apply. Continue to fulfill it and trust so deeply that I can allow everything with you.

If I will, I can chase the wicked one out, for he wants to drive you out of your dwelling. He wants you to feel no longer comfortable there, to think day and night about this vermin. But it does not correspond to my wishes. You will soon see that everything will be freed from it. Hang in there with My little flock.

My beloved Katharina, I must also mention you in this message that will be put on the Internet. You have fulfilled everything that was necessary for the new publication of this book. You have tried everything. You made all the phone calls as I wanted you to. Sometimes I have had to change my plans. Why? Because people do not act according to my plan.

This initiator still does not want this book with My Messages to appear on his Internet. You can't get it there yet. My will is not yet fulfilled. This initiator is afraid, afraid of the authorities. You must reckon with this, My beloved son, but it does not have to be. When you do total devotion, everything will happen according to My plan and not according to your wishes. You want people to continue to love you as before. If you fulfill My plan, you will not be loved as before, on the contrary, you will get very many hostilities and you will even be persecuted. You must reckon with all this as My beloved priestly son has exemplified it to you.

I wanted this book to be printed and published You have paid your price. That is good and right. The next book will also be printed. And it will be a cost that you will have to pay to bring the book into the world. Do not think that this can be wrong. You will still not accept donations. But some will be allowed to finance this book partially, because I want them to. There are still a lot of costs to be covered. But above all you must know that you are my children, you who are to follow me completely as I want you to.

You, my little Moni, will soon have passed your exams. You too will continue to be a soul of atonement for your suffering, especially your migraines.

You, My beloved little one, will often have your mind taken away. Then believe more deeply that it is I. This will only happen at night. During the day I have taken it from you because you are to be ready to receive My messages and to recognize My ways. Therefore you must not be at the mercy of this foolishness during the day. At night you will no longer understand yourself. But then believe more deeply and trust that I am the one who demands this atoning suffering from you. You have saved many souls so far, many priest souls. I won't show it to you. But it corresponds to the full truth. And if you get your mind taken away at night, that is still atonement and you will save many priests through it. Say yes, because you know that I can use you as a plaything. You have transferred your will to me, and the intellect also belongs to it. Do not be afraid that I will overwhelm you in this. During the day you will keep your mind. Many times I have taken him from you. The priestly souls that I want to save lie in so many sacrileges that you cannot understand or believe it, even if I would show it to you. My Vatican is polluted, totally polluted by dirt and filth.

My little Mary is unfortunately not in the full truth, because My Benedetto, for whom you, My little Anne, suffer day and night, shall lie in the truth. You will have heard it said somewhere. But it is from evil. You can see it for yourself. For can a true Pope, the Supreme Shepherd, sell and betray My Church in Assisi? Do you still believe then, when this church has already become dust that can be swept away and that I will also sweep away, do you still believe that this Benedetto still lies in truth today? No, My beloved. That is the untruth. You must recognize it. You must not spread it further. It lies in unbelief and delusion. Therefore pray much for My Benedetto, whom I naturally want to save. He stands at the precipice, and it is only a small step, and he will fall down if you do not atone and pray for him. I ask you not to continue to spread this untruth.

The false prophet, Francis I, as he calls himself, is not appointed by Me. He was elected by the Freemasons in the Sistine Chapel at the Conclave. There they have done their mischief. He spreads an unclean faith, a delusion, and is not in the truth. On the contrary, he continues to lead this modernism and many, many will believe him and be dragged down into the abyss.

Pray especially for him, My beloved little flock. Of course he is standing at the abyss. I also want to save him. If a Supreme Shepherd falls into eternal damnation, it is so bad that it would overwhelm your mind by far. You cannot imagine how cruelly a Supreme Shepherd must suffer in hell for all the sacrileges he has committed. My little one has seen some popes in the fire of hell. She can no longer save them. This hurts her a lot.

My beloved children, My beloved followers, My beloved pilgrims from near and far and especially My beloved little flock, now I say and announce to you that My wrath, the wrath of the Heavenly Father, has broken out I have raised My arm of wrath in part. And if not enough people will pray and atone, I will continue to let severe disasters come over the world. You have now experienced many disasters one after the other - all through my lifted angry arm.

I, the Heavenly Father, also develop a holy wrath when My Temple is destroyed, when My Holy Church, which My Son Jesus Christ instituted, is crumbled into dust and ashes, when My Blessed Sacrament is disfigured, when unchastity is practiced, even in the Vatican. Yes, this is true, My beloved ones. You cannot believe it, and My Heavenly Mother begs on My throne day and night for the Vatican to be completely cleansed. And all that is evil and unclean must be taken out. What will continue to happen in Rome is determined by me, the ruler of the Church and the whole world.

Therefore I have moved My place to Mellatz in My House of Glory. It is My house, My beloved ones and not your house. Always think of what happens there, happens according to my will. You can't believe it. You will experience so many things that you will believe that the Heavenly Father is no longer present. And yet I am here and allow so many things that you cannot understand. Then you will be able to do deeper penance and trust. You will experience your incapacity. I have other possibilities than you can imagine, because I am the Almighty, the Omnipotent, the Omniscient and the Most Holy Heavenly Father, whom you can never fathom. You remain my little instruments, which love me and will love me more deeply and intimately. Everything will be good when you continue to fulfil my will also then when you no longer understand it. So I love you most of all because you believe in my omnipotence, in my possibilities, in my renewed plans. Everything I will let you know later but not now.

Now you must atone for the many, many priests who stand at the precipice because they are not in the truth. They do not want to celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast, but the meal community. In the meal fellowship is the evil one. The devil goes around. My Son Jesus Christ is not present in the tabernacle of modernism. No, the bad guy! It will confuse all those who continue to go in there. Stay out and go to your house churches and pray and atone and watch My DVD every day, My Holy Mass of Sacrifice. You have this opportunity to order them from My little Dorothea. It will continue to perform this task. But she is cut off from my little flock. You must know that this is even possible, because I ask so much that you can hardly bear it.

My little Moni, you will fulfill everything. You just have to believe that you do everything that your Heavenly Father wants you to do. You will be able to use all your strength, and you will recover your soul. Much will I allow as atonement. Believe it, because you will remain a soul of atonement.

My dear little Anne, please do not develop any fears about the nights I am asking you to spend. You will not recognize it, but I hold you. I am at your side. My dearest mother will hold your hand and guide you through the thicket. Believe and trust that it is I who desire it and not you. I must demand the very hardest of you because you, my small flock, fulfill my full will. My other messengers partly fulfill my will but not completely. Many messengers continue to go to the grinding community. Many messengers will want to hold on to Rome. They want to be recognized, and they have a false spiritual leader who leads them differently, for fear of the authorities. You have to give everything. You must not believe in this Rome, because it is completely confused and lost.

Believe in the house of glory! There I am. Of course I cannot take them all, because My little flock has its place there and My little soul of atonement will atone for them very often in Mellatz.

Now you have already suffered the New Priesthood, suffered through My Son Jesus Christ, who in her, My messenger Anne, causes and suffers everything. Of course, she got the world suffering, the greatest suffering of the whole world. And nobody can understand that. You will also be despised and attacked, My beloved little one. But who protects you? Your father, your papa. Then cry out, "Father, Father help me, I can't go on," because I must try you beyond the borders to save these Holy Fathers. Otherwise it would be hopeless. None of the messengers is ready to proclaim these truths that you are willing to put on the Internet. No! None of the messengers is willing to do this. Unfortunately! They still believe that this church with the Holy Father must be recognized by them, because he is the rock. But has this rock not been destroyed? Has he not renounced this office himself because he is afraid, My beloved ones?

I wish, beloved Benedetto, that you flee, that you free yourself from this dirt and filth, because otherwise you will be persecuted. You must expect to be killed. There is nothing more I can do for you. I am still with you because My little one has atoned so much for you. Nor do I influence your will. But when I leave you completely to your own will, then you are on your own and you will not be able to save yourself. You will be thrown down into eternal damnation. And that is most bitter for me, beloved Benedetto, not for you, - for me. I have chosen you. You were destined for Germany, to bring Germany back to the top of the Church. And what did you do? You have sold them and betrayed them to the Antichrist. Heresies you have committed. Do you not believe that you must deeply repent, recognize, confess and confess everything? Have you done it so far? No! You find yourself in the dirtiest of places. I want to take you out of there, but you are not ready. Even today you would rather fall into damnation than love Me.

You believe in this Francis I. You walk united with him and you believe in Freemasonry. Break free from this chain that holds you to do the truth, for the wicked man is cunning. See how he embraces humanity, what he says and what he does. Don't you recognize it? No! You cannot recognize it. If you have not repented of your sacrileges, there is a wall in front of you that you cannot break through. It is the wall of delusion and separation from me. You must confess these grave sins. You ask, where can I confess them? Where is the place for me to confess them, as the Heavenly Father desires? You know it very well. I don't want to tell you because you know. I wish you that this happens soon so that My little one does not have to suffer even more for you and stands up for you in the most impossible situations.

I would like to say to all of you, My little one has the greatest suffering of atonement. Do not bother them with your worries. I will take your worries into my hands and I will settle everything for your good, if you believe. But please do not burden this small group with your needs, - not even by telephone. You are all loved and I will solve all your worries and needs. The chains are being broken in this last period. If you believe more deeply and firmly, you will yourselves recognize all inconsistencies and learn to distinguish good from evil. You will make the true decisions according to My plan, not yours. You will know everything. You only have to trust and love Me more deeply, more fervently and more childlike, as the 'acts of love' of the Rosary say.

Also I, My beloved sons of priests, who are still in unbelief, wish you to read the reading in the first letter of Corinthians 10:6-13. Above all, follow the true reading of today. Furthermore I wish you to read and follow the Gospel of today according to Lucas 19:41-47. There you will be able to recognize and follow the true faith. The readings and the gospels in modernism are not in the right place. You cannot experience it there, but only in the true, holy sacrificial mass in the bulkhead. Here you can recognize everything and read the truth. You all have to order the bulkhead, then you can see the truth and celebrate the true sacrificial mass with the DVD. The sacrificial mass is important! Many priests will not do this and will fall into the eternal abyss.

Repent, pray, sacrifice and love. Love your enemies. Don't hate them. Never have I said that you should hate your enemies. Look at the Muslim faith. What does it say?: Hate your enemies. Kill them. Even the parents kill their own children. And that is in their suras. Be watchful of this faith. It is a devilish faith. Do not believe in the other religious communities, - in any way. It is all deception of evil.

The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church contains the true faith, which you are to follow. Therein will lie your strength. And if you follow this, you will receive the greatest gifts from Heaven and you will receive the greatest Divine Power to follow everything according to My plan. Do not develop human fears, but think of the Divine powers, and that I am always with you, even when you feel abandoned, like you, my little one. I was always with you. I have never left you, and many times you have believed I am not there, I am far away. It is not true. I have never left you, even though I have demanded very much of you. Then believe more deeply and trust that I, the Almighty God, the Triune God, directs everything in you, because My Son lives in you and acts in you and suffers in you.

I decide the time when you will go to Mellatz and also what will happen there. Ask in everything whether I wish it, so that everything happens according to my plan and will. You are still here. This time is not yet fulfilled. First of all something must happen there, which is in My plan. I will share it with you in the ecstasy that you will receive every day. You will be informed in detail. Therefore trust and believe more deeply. Also I will send you to Heroldsbach but at the time when I want it. I won't tell anyone because it will be something really big. When you appear there, something special will happen in the hollow. Do not be afraid! Under no circumstances develop human fears if I wish you to go there. Then I accompany you and many, many angels will protect you. The holy archangel Michael will be around you and will wield his sword.

There is much I would still have to tell you today, but time will not allow me now because you must do many things today to fulfill my will in this couple. Believe in my will and desire, dear son of priest, and please do not act according to my plan according to yours. I will let you know exactly what My wish is.

Be loved, blessed, greeted and sent in the Trinity, in the Father, in the Son and in the Holy Spirit Amen. All angels and saints will now accompany you. Amen.


