Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, August 4, 2013

Eleventh Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V. through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Already during the rosary, the house church in Göttingen, Kiesseestrasse 51b, was transformed into a sea of flowers that looked like being bedded on roses. The entire sacred space shone in a bright, glistening light. The flames of the candles became bigger and bigger and shone far upwards. Jesus Christ raised His victory flag. Above all, the Heavenly Father above the tabernacle shone in a supernatural light. The Blessed Mother was also brightly illuminated and shone through during the Holy Sacrificial Mass, as was the little baby Jesus and the King of Love.

The Heavenly Father says: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and speaks only words that come from Me and that are entirely in the Truth, because My beloved daughter Anne is entirely Mine.

Today, My beloved ones, you are celebrating My feast - the feast of the Heavenly Father, as I have desired for My visionary Eugenia Ravasio. For a long time I have waited for a messenger or a messenger is ready to announce this feast according to my will. You, My little one, were ready to communicate this message to all people because it contains the greatest graces that you may receive.

Beloved little flock, you are now four. But these four I have welded together. That is why they immediately live in a dwelling to devote themselves to my love, to be able to live completely in my love. I have imposed many trials and sufferings on them, especially through My little Anne, who still takes atonement for the sons of priests. The priesthood is suffered in you, My little one, through My beloved Son Jesus Christ. He suffered, and you were ready to suffer and to obey Me, the Heavenly Father, in all requirements completely. You have fulfilled this so far. And I thank you with all my heart because you left nothing out and still believed in me in the most difficult sufferings, although you thought I had left you. But now you know that I am beside you in the most difficult times and I pity you as your Father in heaven.

Look at my mother! Yes, she is the Mother of the Trinity, therefore also my mother. Today My Mother has poured out these graces on My priestly Son to spread this sermon to the world through the Internet, as I desire, so that all may see how far My priestly Son has grown into the deep - into the depth and breadth. You will not be able to fathom this vastness, because you will never be able to understand the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Not even My Mother in heaven can fathom this Trinity. So great is this grace.

My beloved little one, My beloved little flock, you have endured, you have endured and you will experience even more, even miracles will happen around you. Hold on in unity! Unity among yourselves is so important, because the evil one wants to go between you to break you up. You shall not be one in truth and in love, in Divine Love. This arouses in him the greatest hatred. But I in omnipotence and in omniscience and omnipotence will watch over you and my mother will give you the greatest protection with all angels. Keep holding out and holding on!

A little while longer and you will be allowed to experience the great event, the great event that My Son Jesus Christ will appear with My dearest Mother in the pilgrimage place Wigratzbad, as My priestly son has already announced. That is the full truth. This is my love, the love of the Father, which I want to pour out on you all today.

I wish, as Heavenly Father, that this feast is celebrated and recognized by all on the first Sunday in August. The many sons of priests still want to erase this festival. My Son has His holidays and also the Holy Spirit. Only I, the Heavenly Father, have no feast of my own so far. I wish that all My sons of priests solemnly celebrate this feast. You have solemnly celebrated this festival: With incense, with singing, with flower arrangements and with candles, just as I wished.

And now, My beloved ones, I wish that in one week's time you will give Heroldsbach the greatest honor. You will pray, atone and sacrifice and also suffer. This place Heroldsbach, this pilgrimage place of My Mother, is in danger. My mother suffers and she sheds tears, because he is being hostile in the greatest way by this director of the place of prayer. Of course it is not in the truth. But you, my little ones, will pray and atone and sacrifice as I desire. Hang in there! Divine love will flow into you.

This sermon that I wanted from My priestly son, I want it to be posted on the Internet, because these words were My words that were recorded to be transmitted to you. My love for this priestly son is boundless, therefore I can appoint him for the new priesthood in the place I have chosen for it. The priesthood will be established as I desire it.

I also wish that My divided Brotherhood of St. Pius will soon agree to celebrate My Holy Mass of Sacrifice, the Mass of Sacrifice of My Son in the Trinity according to Pius V in the Tridentine Rite. Up to now this My Pius Brotherhood has not celebrated the Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the full truth. In fact, it celebrates them after 1962 after Pope John XXIII, who made the changes. And I do not wish this, because after Pius V the Holy Mass of Sacrifice was canonized, which means that it must never be changed again. This has been done. Is it not sad, My beloved sons of priests? Can you not see that I desire this Holy Sacrificial Feast alone and that I can transform Myself in this Holy Sacrificial Feast in full Divine Strength through My sons of priests? No other sacrificial meal is ever provided for. Therefore, my beloved Pius brothers, divide yourselves. Your Heavenly Father wishes it so, because many priests of the Pius Fraternity want to have a dialogue with this Pope Francis I. You know that this false prophet can never be in the truth, because he was appointed by the Freemasons. This was manipulated in the Sistine Chapel. I do not wish that. I have never chosen this Supreme Shepherd. You will soon realize that he lives and proclaims delusion to the highest degree.

My beloved ones, keep away from him. Once again I would like to tell you, flee. Go into your homes and establish house churches where many will seek refuge when the great event comes. Be vigilant against the cunning of the evil one. He wants to enchant you all. He wants to see you in the eternal abyss and never that you may attain eternal life in the glory of God. That is what he wants to keep from you. He will proceed cunningly. You will almost not recognize that it is he who leads you into delusion.

I love you so much, My beloved sons of priests. Yesterday, My mother was allowed to announce this great love to you in the Cenacle. My Heavenly Mother has gone ahead to give you the truth, the truth in Divine Love. That is why always look to My Mother, who endured so much suffering that she became the Coredemptrix of My Son. You, My children, are children of the Coredemptrix, the Bearer of God, Queen and Mother of priests. You are chosen and chosen, therefore your sufferings are also great.

You, my little one, have received the world mission and the world suffering. Your suffering will be the greatest, but you will endure because I wish it so. I have chosen you. In everything you will obey me because you have transferred your will to me. This is the greatest thing you could do in this world show. Never will a messenger receive this shipment like you.

Therefore, beloved believers, you cannot compare these messages with other messages. But you do and you think that these truths are not identical with the messages of My Son Jesus Christ and the messages of My Heavenly Mother. It is all the love of the Trinity. But My messages must look different.

Did not My Son, in the greatest distress, plead with Me, the Heavenly Father: "My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass by me, but let not My will be done, but Yours". Did He not call to Me in the greatest need on the Mount of Olives? So did my little one. She called her Heavenly Father to help her, but she said that it was not her will that should be done, but mine. And so it will remain, My beloved children.

I have chosen this publisher. That was My will. Once again, like My Heavenly Mother yesterday, I would like to thank My son Raphael, who has not spared so much effort and work to do all this work for the new publication of My book: The Heavenly Father Speaks - Messages to Anne 2013/I. You should all order this book, because the publication is widely distributed, as My beloved Catherine has foreseen. It is already spread all over the world and you will see that this book is soon no longer available. 900 copies were printed. Be patient, My beloved ones. The first half of 2013 will also appear soon. You shall all know the full truth from your beloved Heavenly Father.

Thank you and a reward to God My beloved Raphael, whom I have chosen and sent to help spread these messages to the whole world, because he has used the talent I have given him. Thank you, God bless you all for all the effort and work with this book. It has cost you a lot of strength. Now you can recharge your batteries, because I have taken the scepter over this book in my hand and I will continue to arrange its distribution to the world.

And so I send you into the world with the new messages, because I love you. I now take leave of you as Heavenly Father and bless you in the Trinity with all the angels and saints, especially with My dearest Mother, in the Father, in the Son and in the Holy Spirit. Amen. You are loved by your Heavenly Father in the Trinity. Go there in peace. Amen.

Sunday, August 4, 2013 - Sermon during the Holy Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V by H. H. Rev. Lodzig on the Feast of the Heavenly Father.

In nómine Patris et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.

Sermon Fr. LodzigIt is not easy for a clergyman to speak of the Trinity, because it is the greatest mystery of our Catholic faith. This truth of faith was officially communicated in the New Testament.

Already at the Annunciation in the small apartment of the Blessed Mother, who until then had been Mary, all three persons were present. Our Savior Jesus Christ was conceived in the body of the Mother of God. The Holy Spirit and God the Father were of course also present.

When Jesus Christ was baptized in the Jordan, the Trinity also appeared: Jesus stood in the water, the Holy Spirit was hovering over Him in the form of a dove and the Heavenly Father spoke from heaven: "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, Him you shall hear.

Also in today's reading the Trinity is spoken of: "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all men and baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."

The Trinity has always been venerated in the Catholic Church. However, we did not know that the Heavenly Father also wanted to have his own feast, because the Heavenly Father did not have his own feast and liturgy until now. Jesus was on everyone's lips, the Holy Spirit too, of course. He had His great feast on the feast of Pentecost.

In 1932, the Heavenly Father revealed His desire to the visionary Eugenia Ravasio and said: "I want to have my own feast too. The Heavenly Father has a special position in the Trinity, although the three Divine Persons form one Deity. But we cannot understand this, because it is and remains the greatest secret in our faith. The Heavenly Father is the source of all life and holiness. All three persons in the Trinity are equal and form one deity. Therefore, it is time that the Heavenly Father gets his own feast and the Church uses this feast for the whole Catholic Christendom.

The Heavenly Father wishes it to be solemnly celebrated on the first Sunday in August.

Normally seen, the church has not made up for this omission since 1932. And now the Heavenly Father himself has said: "I, too, would like to have my own feast, on the first Sunday in August. To the Author of all life, the Heavenly Father, we should give the greatest honor. He is not jealous of His Son Jesus Christ, for he who honors the Son also honors the Father. This festival is still a gap in our Catholic liturgy. It was long overdue. The authorities of the Catholic Church have not found it necessary to respect the prophets whom He called in the Old and New Testaments and to put into practice the words that come from heaven.

A clear sign of the non-fulfillment of the Divine Will is the gathering of all religions in Assisi. Was this the will of the Heavenly Father: twice Assisi, the global religion, where the Catholic Church is no longer the only beatifying one? No! The Catholic Church was mixed up with the other religions beyond recognition. If a Catholic does not completely accept the truths of the Catholic Church as revealed religion, he is no longer Catholic. With the Heavenly Father, it is called either the full truth or the erroneous belief. It is not a complete truth if one picks the raisins out of the beliefs, out of the truths of faith, and retains only that which is pleasant and seems easy. Then this is no longer the truth.

"He who does not take up his cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me. It is quite clear that He is not satisfied with a half-truth. Why is He asking all this from us? He revealed to us the full truth through Jesus Christ, the Son of God made man. And because he has revealed everything, he also wants that men believe in this revelation in its entirety.

The Heavenly Father is the one who has all power. In the Bible, the Heavenly Father is called the Omnipotent, the Omniscient, the Most Holy. He is the one who also dominates this present situation of the Church. Didn't He say: "I could put the church back in order with a wave of my hand. I could normalize everything again according to my will. But that is not in my wish and will. I respect the freedom of the people. I do not want to force anything on them. I can tell you my wishes through seers and prophets, but if you do not want to fulfill my will, then you separate from me. The plans of the Heavenly Father remain unknown to us. One thing is certain, he wants to save all people who are His creatures after all.

And what is so extraordinary about the visionary Mrs. Mewis? Such a visionary did not exist and will not exist in the future. Why? Because Mrs. Mewis has a world broadcast that affects the whole world. She only repeats the words that come from the Heavenly Father, and in part also from Jesus and the Mother of God. The Heavenly Father repeats it again and again: "Not a word is from her. She only repeats My words." An untruth is excluded. The Heavenly Father watches over it.

Not like the Pius-Brothers, who have not yet read the objections at all or only partly and then think that they are from the devil. It should be pure fantasy. How did they come to this? This is not a disparagement of Mrs. Mewis, this is a disparagement of the Heavenly Father. The Heavenly Father says to this: "Then I am the dreamer. If His words are not accepted in this way, biblical revelation is no longer the truth. For at all times the Heavenly Father has sent prophets when the Catholic faith was in danger of drifting into error. Thus the words of the true prophets, seers, are a supplement to the Bible.

Our Catholic Church is in a unique situation of decay and decline. In the biblical revelation we were told that the gates of hell will not overwhelm the church. This is why the Heavenly Father has taken the scepter in his hand, even though the Holy Father Benedict XVI has resigned his office and the successor will not be accepted by Heaven because the election in the Sistine Chapel was rigged.

We are indeed facing the great event where He will show the cross of Christ to all the world, Catholics and non-Catholics. Jesus Christ will appear with His most holy Mother in all glory in the sky, in Wigratzbad. Everyone will also experience the soul show. Like in a film, the sins are brought before our eyes. There we will hold our breath. How is that possible? This will be a miracle that no scientist can explain. In any case, the optical devices will reproduce this event. The whole of humanity is in a situation of upheaval that has never before existed in the Catholic Church. Whole peoples have fallen away from the Catholic faith, for example, around the Mediterranean Sea. Islam has conquered them all with fire and sword, by force.

But the church has not gone down. Jesus says: "I am with you always, until the end of the world. We now think that the Church has totally collapsed, and in addition the Heavenly Father says, He will lay the Vatican, that is Rome, in ruins. Yes, what will happen then? Let us leave it to the Heavenly Father. He is never embarrassed when people thwart His plan. He will create a new plan. And where will it start from? Of the shattered Rome? No, from the small village of Mellatz, from the House of Glory. Believe in it! The House of Glory is not the house of the little band, but it is the house of the Heavenly Father. From there He will raise the church anew. The Church has already been suffered through Jesus Christ in the heart of Mrs. Mewis, who suffered day and night for months. The priesthood is, of course, much more difficult to use because the opposition within the clergy is too great. Every time they speak, they say that these words are not their words. She only repeats the words of the Heavenly Father and speaks them into the microphone, which are then reproduced in writing. An important part of the messages has already been published in book form.

In the Bible, beliefs and behaviors stand for the Catholic Church. And yet, over the centuries, situations have arisen that present their own problems. What we are experiencing now has not existed in the past. Certainly, there have always been attacks by the adversary that have worried and harmed the Church, but the Church has not perished. The Heavenly Father, because He is the Regent of the Church, could not let a new church arise from the now destroyed church. He had to found it anew. We are all subject to the Heavenly Father. He is the great shepherd, He is the one who has taken the reins of the church into His hand. Therefore the powers of the underworld will not overwhelm them. In a word, He can order the wicked one, who is now raging so furiously, who has now occupied the Tabernacle almost all over the world, back to hell. Let us believe in the omnipotence of the Heavenly Father! Certainly this time will be associated with a great test that we will have to go through. He does not want to use force to draw us to Him, no, He wants us to turn to Him ourselves. After all, we have free will, the greatest gift. What did he say to the authorities in a criticism, "Have you lost your mind? Already with the mind you can see the situation in which the Church finds herself, that she needs conversion. Especially the authorities.

Unfortunately the Heavenly Father has lost authority with us sinful people. He will have to start small again, like he did with the 12 apostles. And that is why the messages. Some things we do not understand now. And what does the Bible say? "Blessed are those who do not see and yet believe!" When Jesus and the Blessed Mother appear in the sky and when the cross is visible beforehand and the soul show comes and the great event, then we no longer need to believe, then we feel this in our own surroundings and in our own souls: But too late, too late! Now we are to realize that the church has nothing more to say to us. If a pope goes astray and no longer proclaims the truth, but the erroneous faith, then the church will be destroyed beyond recognition.

No, the church will rise again in full glory. The Heavenly Father will choose the priests He has designated for this purpose. What else will the Heavenly Father have to do? We do not need to worry. We would all be overwhelmed. We accept what He has planned, because He does not only do the good, but the very best, because He knows the past, the present and above all the far-reaching future, which we are not able to do.

So let us trust in the guidance and in the love of the Heavenly Father, in His love for us humans and in the love for the Church, because Jesus did not die in vain. If someone absolutely does not want to follow the faith, you cannot help him. No injustice is done to the willing when he lands in hell. But that hurts the heavenly father. Are we not all His creatures? And what does He still say, I will add in the end, we should not condemn anyone, not anyone, we should even pray for the enemies of the Church and for our enemies. We should also pray for the two Popes, because the greatest enemy of God, the greatest sinner in the world can become an excellent follower. There is no longer a pope, however, because one has abdicated and the other is not a pope elected by the will of the Heavenly Father. Let us think of a Saul, he was a persecutor of the Church, what did he become? An apostle to the nations, a great preacher of Jesus Christ. And there is also a thief on the cross. He was everything but an innocent man. He was a murderer. A deep repentance was enough for Jesus Christ to forgive him: "Lord remember me when you come into your kingdom. And this was enough for Jesus Christ, who was rejected by everyone except the small group of women and the apostle John. He was so grateful that one, a criminal even, turned to Him and recognized His divinity. "This very day you shall be with Me in paradise."

And we all want that. We all want to meet in paradise. People who live on earth have the opportunity to find faith in the Trinity and to arrange their lives accordingly, because we belong to the only true faith in the world, because it is a revealed faith. No man has invented faith by his imagination, no, faith has been revealed by God himself. Jesus Christ has perfected the faith. And we know exactly on which basis our faith is based. We need priests, apostles and we need a deep and firm faith, even if we cannot fathom it. God cannot be fathomed.

Yes, let us thank our Heavenly Father that He created us, that He gave us faith, because this is the greatest gift. The people who do not believe are the poorest among us, even though they may be stinking rich materially. Better to be poor and have a deep faith than to be rich and end up in hell.

Praised be Jesus Christ forever and ever Amen.


