Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, September 1, 2013

Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Guardian Angel Month.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Sacrificial Mass, many angels moved into this house church at Kiesseestraße 51b. They went out again and they went in again from all four directions. The altar of sacrifice was surrounded by flocks of angels. The altar of Mary was brightly illuminated with the Child Jesus, the Little King of Love, St. Michael the Archangel, St. Joseph, Padre Pio, the Risen Christ and the Father Symbol.

The Heavenly Father will say: I, the Heavenly Father, will speak today, the fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is wholly in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me.

Beloved small flock, beloved followers, beloved believers and pilgrims from near and far. I, the Heavenly Father, will today, through My willing and obedient and humble instrument Anne, let the streams of grace flow.

You will share this Sunday, My beloved little flock. Two stay in this place and two go to My place, the House of Glory. They are preparing everything to meet My plan and will. When you go there later together, My beloved little flock, everything will be prepared for the New Priesthood and also for the New Church there in the suburb.

You will not be able to understand or fathom what My plan, the plan of your Heavenly Father, looks like. He is completely different than you can imagine, My beloved little flock. Many things will happen and you will say, "I cannot understand what the Heavenly Father wants from us, but I trust Him, for He is the greatest, the Ruler of the entire universe, the Triune God. He works in his omnipotence and omnipotence.

My beloved priests, even you cannot understand it, because you still think you can expel the other one as you wish, as you see fit. You believe you have the power, My beloved sons of priests. But I can take this power from one day to the next, and I can do with you what I want. I can also sweep you away, as my omnipotence permits it.

You do not believe, My beloved sons of priests, because you do not understand, because you do not want to believe. Otherwise you could fulfill My plan. Then you would be once in the truth and you would be at peace. You are at peace with the world, but not with your Triune God. You have pushed it to the side and you are working. All the faithful whom you care for must orient themselves according to this. So you believe! But these believers will now become independent, that is, they will not believe in your power, but in the omnipotence of the Triune God, the heavenly Father. These believers will orient themselves according to my messages because they believe, because they trust and because they want to believe more deeply. They go into the depth of faith. There the truth is contained, not only a part of the truth, but the whole truth. This means that you, My believers, can also offer your life for these truths, that you can give your life for the others. This too is true.

I have educated you to love your enemies, and the dear Mother of God, your Mother, is always your model. Didn't she love her enemies when I had to go this difficult way of the cross for the redemption of all mankind? She said yes when it became too heavy for her and she sank down unconscious in pain. Did she then pray for your enemies as well? Yes, she prayed for her enemies who crucified me. For her she has sacrificed and atoned. Also your faith and your atonement should go so far. This is the way I want it!

Look at your own weaknesses and not at the weaknesses of others, then you will always be at peace with yourself. The other, My beloved, is an individual, which I have created. He can be contrary to your ideas because he brings his own weaknesses with him through original sin. But you, My beloved ones, never forget that you are to fight your own weaknesses by seeing the other one great and you yourselves remain humble and weak. Not that you become perfect, but that you can be loved with your weaknesses. You align yourselves with the Divine Power and not with your own power, for this power corresponds to human power and is not permanent. If the Divine Power does not work within you, you have not discovered true faith. True faith means to be there for the other. "I am all yours, dearest Heavenly Father. I give myself completely to you. What you ask of me, that is my command. In this Divine Power I want to work, because You work in me. I will be able to call upon all angels and saints to ask for Your Divine Power. The dearest Blessed Mother will pour love into my heart, I am convinced of it! You will say that, My beloved ones.

You will be formed by your dearest mother. She takes you by the hand when you consecrate yourselves to her, especially you, my beloved sons of priests. You are far from being educated and formed because you do not consecrate yourselves to the Immaculate Heart of my mother. It is immaculate, completely without sin. It is even conceived without original sin. And to this heart you are to consecrate yourselves, then nothing can happen to you, then you will receive a humble and loving heart and not a bossy and unforgiving heart. You will be able to love without end until the love of your enemies. If you do not consecrate yourselves to this loving heart, you have only human strength and this strength will quickly weaken and you cannot resist your weaknesses, but they take over because you do not fight them.

All of life, My beloved sons of priests, means fighting against evil, that I choose the good, the Trinity, the Holy Sacrificial Mass. To love and celebrate them as I, the Heavenly Father, desire in My Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and to love My dearest Mother as I did. Press her to your priest's heart and she will be there for you at all times. You will never be alone and you will no longer say, "We are lonely and alone, we sons of priests. No! Solitude will not be in you, because these streams of love, these streams of grace, will flow into your heart and you will be able to experience happiness on earth.

Eternal happiness must be earned. This means to fight against evil again and again and to say: "I am weak, but God's omnipotence is working in me. And thus I am a true sanctified priest who can take everything upon himself, who sees only the other person and is not there for himself. I am a priest's son according to measure, according to the measure of God. And I put everything I want in the last place and what the other person wants is important to me".

He is there for the others in the Holy Sacrifice, especially in the Sacrament of Penance and in the Seven Sacraments. He does not think of himself, but in him the Divine Power, the divinity, works. Is this not the most important thing, My beloved sons of priests? do I have to inform you any more how to live in holiness and how I want to call on holy priests to make My priesthood rise worthy? I am waiting for you, My beloved sons of priests, to say your full yes to Me: "Yes, Father! You can ask me what you want, not what I want. And I will serve you in humility, for I am nothing, for you cause everything in me. I love You and will always love You to my end and lead the faithful in the complete truth, as it is in accordance with Your words in the messages.

The messages are true, My beloved ones. You can see it quite soon if you read them with a sincere heart. Your soul will glow in love, because you feel that it is not a person speaking, but divinity. And this divinity is so sacred that you cannot understand it, but you entrust yourselves to divinity. And so you believe and trust and love ever more deeply. Your heart will become an ardor of love, an ardor of love for your Savior, to whom you give yourselves in the Holy Sacrificial Banquet, because you are and want to continue to be sacrificial priests. As a sacrificial priest I have chosen you and as a sacrificial priest I desire that you form My priesthood in the future.

Ride in peace, My beloved little ones and you, My two, stay in Göttingen. Pray and be there for the others. Because you love each other, you are connected in complete harmony, whether in Opfenbach/Mellatz or in Göttingen. You are one, one in Divine Love, as I desire you to be.

I bless and greet you now on this Sunday with Divine Power, with all the angels and saints, especially with your dearest Mother, who is driving with you this way to the House of Glory, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. You are loved from eternity! Love one another as I have loved you! Amen.


