Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, October 27, 2013

Feast of Christ the King.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The altar of sacrifice was already brightly lit during the rosary and also during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. The Risen Jesus raised His victory flag and showed Himself as King. He thanked for the flower decoration he received today. The altar of Mary with the Mother of God was also brightly lit, as well as St. Joseph, St. Michael the Archangel and especially brightly lit was the Father symbol and the Holy Spirit.

The Heavenly Father will also speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you today, My beloved children, My beloved little band, My beloved following through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me. Nothing is out of her.

My beloved little flock, I want to thank you for celebrating My Son Jesus Christ as King of all Kings today. In the modernist church they have turned their backs on My Son Jesus Christ and turned to paganism.

"Yes, I am a King," My son said when asked at His condemnation: "Are you a King? Are you the King of the Jews?" "Yes, I am a king, but My kingdom is not of this world." It is the kingdom of heaven.

Do you still know the Father, My beloved sons of priests? Do you still know Me and My Son Jesus Christ, the King of all kings? No! You do not worship Me and you do not worship My Son and the Holy Spirit in the Trinity. You have returned to paganism in the modernist churches.

Leave these churches, My beloved children, and turn to My Holy Sacrificial Feast, which was celebrated here in this sacred house church and also in My house chapel. You, my beloved children, hurry to the altar of sacrifice and hurry back to the true faith.

Christ is the King of all kings and My Son, who was condemned and went the way of the cross because of you, My erring believers. You, My believers, who now believe and have converted to the Holy Sacrificial Feast through this DVD, which has already been sent all over the world - several thousand copies are on their way - lies in the full truth, for this is My true Holy Sacrificial Feast.

What about the Pius brothers? Do they celebrate today the Holy Sacrificial Feast according to My holy Marcel, according to its founder, according to Pius V, which was canonized? No! They celebrate it after 1962, according to the modified liturgy of Pope John XXIII, which is not in the truth. How do they behave toward my messengers, my chosen ones? You have abandoned them. They despised her and made My little messenger a fantasist. Thus they saw My Son Jesus Christ and Me, the Heavenly Father, as phantoms. My messenger shall not lie in the truth, but shall be of Satan. That's what they said. "Burn their messages and burn the new books as well."

I have taken this district leader from them. He is now in Zaitzkofen and can no longer cause mischief there. He spread the misbelief in many chapels of the Brotherhood of Saint Pius V, and he also despised My priestly son and wrote letters that he is not in the truth, but that the canonized Holy Mass Sacrifice according to Pius V and the Sacrificial Mass after 1962 are without distinction. No, My beloved ones, it has been changed abundantly.

I call you once again, My beloved Pius Brotherhood, you only have to celebrate this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass after your Founder, after Pius V, as he celebrated it, otherwise your Pius Brotherhood will split. She is on the verge of it.

Look at your deposed Archbishop Williamson. He criticizes your Pius Brotherhood, which still exists, but which will split. This district superior has caused much misery in Germany.

But now, My beloved ones, look at My truths, at My truths of the messages I have been giving you for 9 years. My Son speaks in them, My dearest Mother speaks in them and also many saints. My little messenger lies entirely in the truth, and never will she be able to speak words from herself, because then she would be a genius - sometimes 6, sometimes 5, sometimes 4 pages. Is it possible that she could speak them out of herself in such a short time? No! I recite it and she repeats it. These messages are recorded with a recording device and are passed on to the Internet. There they are spread.

The two books: The Heavenly Father Speaks - Messages to Anne 2012 and 2013/1, which are now available in stores and can be ordered in all bookstores, are in full truth. Buy them for yourselves, my beloved ones, because then you can orient yourselves according to the full truth and will never go astray.

Many of My messengers are still participating in the modernist meal community. Some messengers lie in the full truth, but very few celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. The messengers who are not united with the sacrificial meal must be careful that words of evil do not get into the messages that are not in the full truth.

And so it is with My beloved Mary There words are contained in their messages that do not come from me. I have already said to you, beloved Mary, be careful and watchful. But the evil one is present in some sentences in your messages. You still enter the modernist church and do not celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast. Only by celebrating the Holy Sacrificial Feast according to Pius V can you receive this truth. Otherwise you are not immune from evil. Remember this, beloved messengers and messengeresses, because it is my wish that this Holy Sacrificial Feast be celebrated throughout the world. In many countries modernism is still cultivated, especially in Germany. Now Austria is also in danger and so is Switzerland.

I beg you, my beloved ones, step back from this modernism, because in the tabernacles of modernism is the evil one and he will encircle you, and you will not be able to save yourselves when this great event will come. And that will come soon, My beloved ones! It is no longer far away. You will be prepared, prepared by the sun, moon and stars. They will change and you will see it - clearly. Look at the sun, look at the stars. Some will fall from heaven and you will see them. You will not be believed, you will be despised. It will be attributed to nature and not to My Son Jesus Christ, who works miracles in this nature of His. Everything belongs to Him. Everything is from Him - the whole creation. And how is this creation being destroyed today? One deals with it quite bestialisch. One even destroys the developing life in the womb. You kill it.

And what does this false prophet Francis think? What about his homolobby? Does he not know what is currently happening in the Vatican? Doesn't he know that already 6 Masonic lodges are located there? Doesn't he know that he was appointed and manipulated by the Freemasons in conclave? Can you, my beloved children, still not recognize the great delusion that this Francis is spreading?

How many times have I told you, My beloved Benedetto: Flee from the Vatican! You are in danger. And yet you still wear the white cassock, and yet you still remain in the Vatican, thinking you are the Pope who has a say, who may unite with this Francis. No! You can't do that! You have resigned your office yourself. You must flee from this Vatican. I tell you again: Flee before it is too late for you! Read the book of My Messages 2012 that My little messenger has sent you. You have it in front of you. You shall also fulfill it, as I desire, because I appointed you in conclave. I have protected you through all these years and I want to see you continue in My protection. As long as you stay in the Vatican you have no protection. I leave you there to your will. And that looks evil because your will is not my will. My will is holy.

My beloved little messenger, My beloved little flock, hold on! I will impose severe tests on you. I'm letting them. Your atonement, My little messenger, is not yet over. You will have to suffer for this Benedetto. You will have to suffer, especially for the priests in your home town who despise you, who disgrace you as a messenger, who take away your honor, who blaspheme against you. But look at My words, look at My permissions. Never will you turn away from the truth, nor will your beloved little flock. It will support you in every situation, even if you are very sad and think that you can no longer bear this atonement. You may cry, you may lament, but you must never turn away from my messages. They correspond to the full truth, and you lie in the full truth with your little band. Your followers will support you, and they will become more and more.

I wish this following so that they too may support you in your difficult time, so that they may atone and pray with you and never leave you alone. Your task is a world task and very, very difficult to fulfill. How often do you suffer. What a great responsibility you have. What great organization you have mastered in these 14 days of your deliverance from atonement. You complained to me today about your pain. I have supported you and I will continue to support you. Call me when you can no longer, because I am with you in every situation, because I love you inexpressibly. Be all loved!

I bless you now and protect you, because I love you and want to continue to introduce you deeper into the truth. Be blessed in the Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praised be Jesus Christ forever and ever Amen.


