Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, November 3, 2013

Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Already during the Holy Rosary many angels moved into this house church in Göttingen and grouped around the altar of sacrifice, especially around the tabernacle. The altar of sacrifice, the altar of Mary and the Father Symbol were flooded with bright light.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is wholly in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me.

My beloved little flock, My beloved faithful from near and far and My beloved followers, all of you have celebrated today on this day the Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V, because you are connected to him through My DVD.

My beloved little flock, my chosen ones, whom I have appointed from eternity, have been fulfilling My will completely for 9 years. My little one and also My beloved priestly son have transferred their will to Me. This is important, my beloved children, because much is demanded of you and you can only fulfill my will when I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, inform you about everything. Thus you have fulfilled all My wishes. Many demands have been made on you and you have resisted many temptations, because the evil one wants to penetrate your small community. He was always trying to dissuade you through others who were bothering you through phone calls, through e-mails and also through special letters. But you have resisted them. The Holy Archangel Michael was always concerned about you to keep evil away from you. This will continue to be the case.

My beloved little flock, a storm has broken out over this church. It has expanded into a hurricane, because this nave is being pressured from all sides to do evil and to refrain from doing good. The Chief Shepherd, My captain of the nave, did not resist evil. He was elected by me and has resigned from this office of his own accord.

This is not the way I wanted it, my beloved Benedetto. You should flee. You should recant Vatican II before you go. You should flee to safe places where you are not allowed to be hostile and where you think, "What do I recognize? What sacrileges have I committed? Can I make a Holy Confession to a holy priest today? Is there still a holy priest in the Curia?" No!

The entire Curia is contaminated, My beloved ones, contaminated by evil, contaminated by Freemasonry. The entire Vatican has fallen into delusion. You do not believe, my beloved ones, that I could stretch out my hand and everything would be reduced to rubble. I do not want it yet. My will is decisive, and you, my beloved little flock, follow my will completely. You lie in full obedience. Again and again you fulfill my wish and will. Even if it seems too difficult to you, you always say, "Yes, Father, yes, Father, your will be done, not mine is decisive. So you have done so far and so you will continue to do so.

What about these bishops? Are they also inferior to Freemasonry? Yes. Just look at Limburg. This bishop has invested 40 million euros in his magnificent building. Does this false prophet Francis know about this pomp? Yes! He knew. And what does he do? He proclaims poverty. He himself wants to live in poverty. Will a Catholic Christian still be able to believe him now? No! A bishop lives in this swank. And you, My beloved ones, shall follow him? He would have to be put down! He should be suspended! But this false prophet keeps him in his office because he agrees with it. What else will come to you through this false prophet. I leave him completely to his will because he does not obey me.

But again and again I long for the Heart of My beloved Benedetto, which is still in this Vatican today. He should flee and confess his many sacrileges. I will then protect him and get him out of everything. How many prayers have you performed, My beloved little flock, and how much have you, My beloved little one, atoned for him. You too are sorry that this supreme shepherd chosen by me does not follow me and is still today in delusion. And you suffer with Me, because Jesus suffers in you, my little one. I weep for this Benedetto. The entire Curia stands at the precipice and they will fall down if they do not convert.

The action is just around the corner. Sun, moon and stars will change, My beloved ones. Look at the firmament. Lightning will chase through the area, a huge storm will break out and a big thunderstorm will follow. People will run through the streets screaming because they can no longer find safety. Only my chosen ones will I protect, who have followed me in obedience in their entirety and who have lived the truth and made atonement for the others. Do also those who are still in modernism today and think that this false prophet is the right pope?

This Pope whom they mean does not exist, for I, the Heavenly Father, have entirely the scepter in my hand and hold the reins. One does not obey me in any way and atones in the Curia. On the contrary, one falls more and more into this misbelief and modernism.

The Antichrist will come. He is already at the door and you, My beloved little believers of the nave, do you not recognize him? Why do you continue to be deceived, deceived by this pomp of the bishops, by this pomp in the Vatican? Do you still not recognize it that only My Holy Sacrificial Feast lies in the truth and may be celebrated according to Pius V. in the Tridentine Rite? Only this one Holy Sacrificial Feast lies in the complete truth. Everything else is deception and delusion.

Follow Me, the Heavenly Father, for I call you all: Turn back and flee to your homes, for the events are close at hand. Then you can no longer save yourselves, then it will be too late for all those who did not want to have any security, who did not obey me, the heavenly Father, on the contrary, who rejected these two books of truth and burned them. I had these two books published. Why? So that you may wake up, my beloved ones. I warn you! Do not go further astray. Order these books in your bookshops or from the Mainzer-Verlag publishing house, because it is important for you to learn the truth and live it, so that you do not continue to go astray with this false prophet.

True poverty and wisdom is needed. Wise you shall be, not intelligent. The intelligence is not in demand, but the wisdom. Have I not led you into wisdom, My beloved little flock and My following? You believe and trust and trust deeper.

You have been expelled from Heroldsbach, but I, the Heavenly Father, will change everything according to My will and desire. Believe in it and trust deeply, because I am the Lord over the whole creation, over the whole universe. I have omnipotence, omnipotence and omniscience, and that you shall follow.

I love you and want to save all souls. Through your atonement, My beloved little ones, you will, especially in these November days, free many poor souls from purgatory. Goes to the cemetery daily. From November 1 to 8, until the octave of All Saints' Day, you can save many poor souls from purgatory through your cemetery walk.

I wish that from all of you. Pray every day throughout the month of November for the poor souls, because this is important. They are waiting for your prayer, because Our Lady wants to take them to heaven. She is also waiting for your prayer.

And now I bless you in the Trinity, protected by the Holy Archangel Michael, with My dearest Mother, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. I love you, I bless you and I protect you in the Trinity. Amen.


