Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, December 15, 2013

Third Sunday in Advent (Gaudete).

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today we celebrated the festival Gaudete, the third Sunday in Advent. This Sunday means: rejoice. Rejoice, for you have been begotten and born through Jesus Christ, in whom you believe and trust.

During the Holy Sacrificial Mass, but also during the rosary prayer, many angels moved into this house chapel in Mellatz and also into the sickroom. They were all so delighted that they gathered around the altar of Mary and especially around the altar of sacrifice. They were richly adorned, for today is the day of joy. Rejoice, for the coming of Jesus Christ is near.

The cryer in the wilderness, St. John, goes before you, for Jesus Christ will come in great power and glory. The Pharisees asked John: "Why do you baptize? Then he said, "I am the caller in the desert. I go before Him. I baptize with water. I am not worthy to open his shoelaces. He is the one in whom you are to believe. He is Jesus Christ, the Messiah." You are expecting Him on Christmas Day. You prepare the way for the Lord, for He is near. He is waiting for you, He is waiting for your agreement, for your yes to the truth.

Many I have called to be callers too. They are to summon men who cannot believe, yes, who do not want to believe. There are many who have turned away from the faith. These are called by the caller in the desert, who goes ahead. Believe and trust, believe deeper, love one another! Jesus Christ is the love, the love among us humans. You shall listen to him. He leads you to the truth, for He loves you all.

The Pharisees cunningly asked St. John who he was: "Are you a prophet or are you perhaps Elijah? No! Quite straightforwardly he said to them, "I am the caller in the desert. I'm not worthy to open his shoelaces."

The Blessed Mother is with Him. She wants to spread her protective mantle over all because she loves Him and because she has born Him and because she wants Jesus Christ to be born again in the hearts of men. The little child Jesus is the Messiah, the greatest of the world. You shall listen to Him. Him you shall love. Him you shall not reject. How can one reject Jesus Christ, who created the whole world? There is only one, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and there is only one Holy Sacrificial Feast. You shall go after this holy sacrifice of the Mass. This you shall celebrate. When the priest turns to Jesus Christ, he speaks to Him, and so he marries with Him. Why? Because he believes, because he calls on him, because he has found dwelling in his heart. Jesus Christ and the priest become one.

I, the Heavenly Father, speak all this through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and speaks only words that come from Me. She believes and trusts and her followers believe as well. You are all children of God, children who follow the Father, who believe in Jesus Christ. You are callers in the desert, for you stand in the desert. Is that right, My beloved ones? Can there be a desert in the Catholic Church? Do you want to live in this desert? No! You call into the world: "Believe in Him, you are all His children!

Today is Gaudete, the joyful Sunday. I want to share with you the joyful message that Jesus Christ will come, that the way will be prepared for Him, the way of truth, the way of love, but also the way of atonement. Repent, sacrifice and pray! The sacrificial meal is prepared. Come to the table of gifts, for you shall be presented with the gift of My Son. The gift is the bread of heaven, which you shall receive. You have received it in this holy mass of sacrifice. You were ready to receive Him because you prepared your heart and opened your heart doors wide. Not only do I say this, little children, and repeat it so often, but I say this because your heart doors are really wide open. Walk the path of truth. There you will find security. The security is Jesus Christ, My Son Himself. He waits for you and He awaits you.

Has not My priest's son today celebrated Gaudete, the feast of joy at the altar of sacrifice, and taken you with him into the chalice of sacrifice? It was prepared for you, and you were allowed to put yourselves into the cup of sacrifice, like my priest's son. This is the true cup, the cup of the blood of My Son Jesus Christ, which was shed for you and is to serve you on your path of life. Blood was shed on the cross stem for you, for your sins. On this day you said thanks.

Thank you, dear Savior Jesus Christ, that You have shed Your blood for our sins. We want to drink it. Flesh and blood are contained in the Holy Host. We have received this manna. That is the truth. Nothing can dissuade us from this truth. The erring are the others, not we who believe and bear witness to Jesus Christ, and those whom we call out into the world, "Prepare the way for the Lord, for it is good and right.

The Heavenly Father continues: I love you! You are my little children. You are My followers. You are My beloved little flock who want to continue to be the callers in the desert, who love and who do not stop calling: Come to the table of the meal, for the table of sacrifice is prepared for all. You are the invited ones if you want to repent, if you believe, if you do not stop believing.

The Heavenly Father wants to bless and protect you now with all the angels and saints, with your dearest Heavenly Mother and also especially with your Bridegroom, Saint Joseph, Saint Padre Pio and also with many, many other saints who have preceded you on the way of truth and love. He wants to love you immeasurably. He wants to take you in His arms. And so I bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Live love, for love is the greatest! Love is among you. Love one another as I have loved you. Amen.


