Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, February 8, 2014


Our Lady speaks after the Cenacle and the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the House Chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today, at the Cenacle, this sacred space, where the Holy Sacrificial Feast is celebrated daily, is brightly lit. The Blessed Mother with the Twelve Star Wreath was bathed in glistening light, as were the four evangelists.

Our Lady will say: I, your Heavenly Mother, speak to you, My beloved children, on this feast day of the Cenacle. I am speaking now in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in the will of the Heavenly Father, repeating only words that come from Me today.

My beloved little flock, you have entered the Pentecost Hall today. To you, my beloved believers from near and far, the truth is manifested through Me, your beloved Heavenly Mother with Her Immaculate Heart. I want to press you all to my Immaculate Heart because you need to experience the protection of the whole heaven. You have entered the Cenacle, where you can know and live the full truth.

Many of My priest's sons are still not ready to celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast in the true Tridentine rite according to Pius V. Believe Me, My beloved children of Mary, it will not be long before the whole world will want to celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast in the true Tridentine Rite. The distribution is progressing rapidly. In the modernist church soon only a very small remnant will remain, which will belong to the evil. Evil will always return to this remnant of modernism, and those who continue to stay there and celebrate the meal fellowship will be surrounded by evil. In their hearts will be the restlessness and hecticness and never the serenity that will enter their hearts through the Holy Sacrificial Feast.

You, My beloved children, who lie in the full truth, will be surrounded by My streams of grace, for I am the great Mediator of grace, the Coredemptrix and the Queen of the World. I will press you to My Immaculate Heart, and above all these sons of priests who obey Me. I, the Heavenly Mother, will lead everyone to My Heavenly Father and sacrifice them to Him. He will guide and guide them, and they will never fall into evil.

Many temptations still wait for you, but you will pass them because you are under my protection. Be vigilant, for the wicked man continues to walk. Sometimes you think you don't recognize him because he uses his cunning. I will guide you because you are and remain in the full truth, and also live this truth. This is very important in this very last phase, in which the Heavenly Father will soon put a stop to the evil. He still reigns. He still has the upper hand but you will see how quickly the Heavenly Father will destroy everything as He has foretold.

Great storms, great squalls will sweep over these lands, which the Heavenly Father will destroy. In a moment this will happen. He is the Almighty and the Almighty Heavenly Father in the Trinity.

There are still many people who believe: "Nothing can happen to me, because this event, which the Heavenly Father foretells, is so far away that I will not even experience it. As I have been living so far, I may continue to live. No, My children! It's not like that. How quickly everything will be over and how quickly you will stand before the judge's chair.

What about you, My beloved sons of priests? Will you stand firm or will you continue to want to live in this chaos or will you convert? It depends on your own will. If you do not turn back completely, you will not experience the protection of heaven either, because then you will remain in chaos.

This false prophet will spread misbelief and unbelief so widely that people will no longer know where the truth is to be found. But the believers, who no longer know one thing and decide for the full truth, will turn to my Immaculate Heart. They are the lucky ones, and they will one day inherit paradise. And for this you live, my beloved believers, namely for eternity and not for this moment on earth where you can enjoy everything.

Look at My beloved little flock, didn't they last 10 years? This year it will be 10 years that My beloved messenger has received the messages and lived the full truth with her small beloved flock and was allowed to experience the full protection of heaven.

Now they are in the house of glory - in the house of the Heavenly Father. They live unity and love. Everything will be prepared there for the great day of My coming with My beloved Son Jesus Christ, who will appear with Me in the whole firmament. Those who do not believe and do not want to worship will be thrown into the eternal abyss by the holy archangel Michael.

Believe and trust so deeply that nothing can happen to you, that you may turn again and again to my Immaculate Heart, because there you will find peace and security. I love you all and want to protect you from this great event. Above all, I want to save your hearts and give them to the Heavenly Father.

And so in this moment your Heavenly Mother with all the angels and saints in the Trinity blesses you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain faithful to all heaven and live love! Believe deeper and rejoice in the true happiness of life. Amen.


