Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, March 8, 2014


Our Lady speaks after the Cenacle and the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the House Chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The altar of the Virgin Mary today was bathed in a special silver and golden glittering light. The Blessed Mother shone in bright splendor. Her bouquet of roses, which she received as a gift from a pilgrim on this day, also shone with a bright glow. The pink, white, red and yellow flowers were each adorned with a gemstone. Diamonds shone on the aureole of the Mother of God. The holy archangel Michael was bathed in bright light and struck his sword in all four directions, but especially the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach and the Rosa Mystica shone. The four evangelists were present during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. The symbol of the Trinity and the tabernacle with the tabernacle angels were repeatedly flooded with bright shining light. The Way of the Cross was brightly illuminated, as were the Pieta, the Jesus of Mercy and the Risen Christ.

The Heavenly Mother, the Immaculate, will speak to you on this day of the Cenacle, for She is in the Pentecost Hall and will ask the Holy Spirit to descend into your hearts: I, your Heavenly Mother, will speak to you, My beloved little band and following. You, My beloved children, have entered the Cenacle today and I will speak through My beloved, obedient and humble child Anne, who is completely in the will of the Heavenly Father and today receives the words of Me, her Heavenly Mother, the Immaculate.

My beloved little flock, My beloved followers, My beloved pilgrims from near and far and you, My beloved sons of priests, I will be allowed to give you some instructions today as revelations of the Heavenly Father.

My beloved sons of priests, wake up! I, your Heavenly Mother, am giving you these instructions on your priestly way. You have sworn the oath of anti-modernism, you, My beloved sons of priests, who have already celebrated the Holy Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V for many years. You know what it means to celebrate the Tridentine Sacrificial Feast after Pius V. And yet you have broken this oath, the oath of the anti-modernist oath. Then you indulged in modernism, although you knew that you were not allowed to do so. For many years this Holy Mass of Sacrifice was flooded by modernism. Did you not know what you were doing anymore?

My beloved sons of priests, I will bring you back, bring you back to the truth. Pray into the truth so that you will not continue to succumb to this modernism. You are on the roaring sea. The nave of the church has started to sway. The roaring storm continues and you do not pay attention to My Son Jesus Christ, who wants to bring this little boat to rest through the New Church. You do not listen to Him, and you do not follow His instructions. The instructions of the Heavenly Father lie in the full truth. Peter's little boat has begun to sway and I, your mother, want to lead you again to the Heavenly Father, to My Son Jesus Christ. I want to form you because I love you. This event, what is to come, will happen. But you can mitigate it through sacrifice, atonement, repentance and prayer.

You are in Lent. You can make many sacrifices, many sacrifices of love. Gather them and bring them to Me, your Heavenly Mother, in the Garden of Paradise. You are all to become flowers of love and are to be bound together into a wonderful bouquet, as this bouquet was before me.

You, My beloved little group of three, have recently renewed this consecration to Mary's Garden. There was a heavenly harmony between you. It will bear fruit for this Schoenstatt Movement, even if you do not believe it. Nine years ago, My beloved little flock, you deliberately closed this consecration for Schoenstatt because the priests' sons and the men's divisions were not ready and willing to open this Marian Garden. To this day, they are still addicted to modernism. Let them come back to my loving heart, the Immaculate Heart, which beats for them. They are to consecrate themselves to this, My Immaculate Heart in the future. If they continue to give credit to modernism, a thick wall will be built up between My Son Jesus Christ and them, because they lie in confusion and in misbelief. Modernism is the misbelief.

Look at this new pope! He continues to proclaim the mistaken faith and is increasingly moving away from the true faith of Catholicism. There is only one true faith and that is the one, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic faith. You are to trust in him, and you are to live this one faith. You do not do it, My beloved sons of priests - not yet! I will prove to you that this faith and this Holy Mass of Sacrifice of My Son Jesus Christ will be spread all over the world. It will go very quickly, My beloved ones. Therefore I warn you, My beloved brotherhoods, who do not yet live this true faith and celebrate this true Holy Mass of Sacrifice, return to the only true Sacrificial Feast according to Pius V and Pius X, as Pius V canonized it.

You, My beloved Pius brothers, continue celebrating after John XXIII after 1962, and you deceive the faithful when you say you are celebrating after Pius X. It is a deception of evil, My beloved faithful. Do not believe that this is true. I want to save you, save you from eternal disaster, because if you remain in this mass of sacrifice after 1962, you will never reach your goal. You shall enter the New Church by boat on the roaring sea and land in the safe haven of the love of Jesus Christ.

Where are you, My beloved priests, for whom your dearest mother gave her heart's blood? Where are you?! You are far away from me, the Immaculate Received. Look at this Cenacle today, because I, the Heavenly Mother, want to include you in the Immaculate Heart. I want to love and caress you and bring you to the Heavenly Father, then you will be in safe haven, on the right path and in truth. And this truth you, my beloved sons of priests, shall proclaim, proclaim in the whole world and not misbelief.

Do not believe in this so-called pope who is not in the truth. Do not believe in the authorities, who continue to spread misbelief. You must know, my beloved believers, that you are to live in truth. Believe in these messages, for the Heavenly Father cannot err. He is the Greatest, the Almighty, the All-powerful, the Omniscient God in the Trinity. He can never be wrong. You are mistaken, my beloved ones, and you are running into the currents of modernism. You will be pulled out of the truth, and I as Heavenly Mother must watch as you take the wrong path, the broad path. The narrow path is steep and arduous, but it is the true and only way. You shall go!

When I rescue you, my beloved sons of priests, under My protective cloak, you are safe. Consecrate yourselves to My Immaculate Heart so that you may remain in love and faithfulness. Do you want to break this fidelity? Have you not accepted and proclaimed the true faith in your priesthood as called? But then you went astray. You have taken off the priestly clothes. You and the faithful have given credit to modernism and you thought you should have it easier.

Why did you hand out hand communion? It is an abomination that you still cultivate today. Why did you bring the laity to the altar? Did you believe that this was true? There is only one priest during the only Holy Mass of Sacrifice. No more than one priest may celebrate at the altar. So it is, My beloved ones! No one else may enter this presbytery - no one. The laity must withdraw. They are to be the servants and those who prepare for the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, for the servants of Jesus Christ. For every priest is a servant, a servant of God, the Triune God. He should become aware of this again, so that the New Church can flourish and the New Priesthood can be founded in Jesus Christ, for He Himself instituted the Holy Sacrificial Feast on Holy Thursday.

Remember, My beloved sons of priests, this Holy Sacrament of the Altar, the Holy Eucharist. You are called to return to the Holy Sacrificial Feast to lead the faithful into the truth. You are My beloved called, but despite all this you turn away from My Son Jesus Christ. You despise and mock Him and continue to celebrate at the people's altar to the people and turn your backs on My Son Jesus Christ, distribute Hand Communion and allow everyone, even those of other faiths, to take this Holy Communion. You can't do that! A single Holy Communion is the greatest. It is the bread of heaven that you receive, and you can receive it only in purity and in truth, as oral communion, kneeling. Only then are you in full awe. Stay in the truth! And you, my beloved believers, return to the only truth.

I love you and I bless you. Tomorrow you will celebrate the first Sunday of Lent. Then the Heavenly Father will speak to you. I am His precursor, the dear Mother of God, who wants to lead you into the heart of the Father. Believe and trust and do not be misled in this time of modernism and church crisis, because I love you and now bless you in truth, faithfulness and love, in the Trinity, with all angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. You are loved from eternity, My beloved children of Mary. Amen.


