Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, March 16, 2014

Second Sunday of Lent.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Rosary and the Holy Sacrificial Mass, the altar of sacrifice and also the altar of the Virgin Mary, the tabernacle and the tabernacle angels, the symbol of the Trinity and especially the statue of the Blessed Mother were bathed in a glittering golden light, as well as the two bouquets of roses.

The angels were present and moved in and out of this house chapel. The Blessed Mother, St. Joseph and St. Michael the Archangel guarded the House of Glory because we would be in great danger. St. Joseph, whose feast we celebrate on Wednesday, the Pieta, the Jesus of Mercy and also the Risen Christ shone in bright splendor. The little Jesus child leaned towards us and wanted to comfort us, although he himself needed comfort.

The Heavenly Father will say: I, the Heavenly Father, will speak today, the second Sunday of Lent, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My will and repeats only words that come from Me.

My beloved Father children, My beloved Mary children, My beloved little band, My beloved followers and My beloved faithful from near and far, I, the Heavenly Father, have today to give you special instructions.

As the reading said today, all of you are to strive for holiness. As your dear Father Kentenich has given you, you are to progress in the sanctity of the workday and of the tools. What this means, you can learn from My beloved little ones, because they have received years of training from Father Kentenich.

Today, My beloved children, the Schoenstatt Work is very different, because this striving for holiness can no longer be lived in this way, because the world has collapsed there: the secular, the modern, the meal communion and the hand communion. My beloved children from near and far, My beloved Schoenstatt children, can this be in truth? Is that possible? No!

"You continue to be my Schoenstatt children", Father Kentenich said at this moment, "because you have lived Schoenstatt for years and have participated in many formation courses.

You have studied many holy books of Father Kentenich. In you the striving for holiness is very strong. But remember, My beloved children of Mary, that you are imperfect. Your striving for holiness remains, but the imperfections and weaknesses you will keep. If you are not completely in balance, you must not be surprised that something wrong comes into you, because my ways are not your ways and my thoughts are not your thoughts. Often you give your own opinion and your own wishes. It is necessary for all four of you to seriously consider what the pursuit of holiness means. It means accepting the other as he is and not wanting to improve him and not constantly reproaching him as he should be, for these are your wishes. Being able to forgive belongs to the striving for sanctity. To reproach the other person with something that he has to do better to please me, to be loveless and to react aggressively is not in order. You, my beloved children, are to put a stop to this, or walk the path of holiness completely. This will not be easy for you because you often fall back into old weaknesses. Then you have to start over!

There is always much work waiting for you, My beloved little ones. Therefore, make your work a prayer. Do not slacken in your striving for holiness, for you want to save many, many souls. This is important, my beloved ones, otherwise you will lose your spiritual strength. Also the body will no longer go along with it and more and more complaints will arise. I will take these ailments and diseases as atonement, but you must participate, my beloved ones. Not despondency must seize you, nor despair, but you must continue in the pursuit of holiness.

Take the Schoenstatt Work as an example. Not what the Schoenstatt Work means today, but how you learned it. Such priests, like Father Kentenich, shall be My priests. They should serve the other. They shall be servants of all. Not to be operated. And many priests do this today. They can be served by the laymen who bring them to the altar. They are trimmed according to their dimensions, not the dimensions of heaven. Priests today put their theology first and look down on the other, on the little people, the pious, who in their eyes are worth nothing. They are small, poor, weak and old. "Praying the rosary is not so important. That is the past," they say. But always take the rosary to hand, My beloved ones. He is the ladder to heaven. How much Our Lady is waiting for your many rosaries.

Look at the new Supreme Shepherd! He is not according to My measure. He does not pray the rosary. He does not bow in reverence to My dearest Son Jesus Christ. He no longer kneels before Him, not for reasons of illness, no, for stubbornness, for stubbornness, for he thinks he is the greatest, he shows you now the modern, for you do not live in the past, in the Middle Ages. He says: "Take the Second Vatican Council seriously." But I tell you that it is to be made ineffective because it has destroyed my church and the destruction continues.

This new President of the Bishops' Conference is not to my liking. He is proud of his Catholic faith, which he does not possess at all. He lives for you the delusion and deceives you. He rises above you. You are for him the little pious ones and he is the great one who has studied his theology and who knows everything. Look at the priests to see if they do the same. Whether they want to stand above you. Then it is not the right priests that I want. I wish humble priests who treat you with love and who give themselves to Me in the Holy Sacrificial Feast and say: "You, my beloved Savior Jesus Christ, are everything to me. You are transforming yourself in my hands right now. This is such a big secret that I can't believe it. I want to fall down in awe." So it happens with my little one in every transformation. He must have reverence, reverence for me and all men. He must separate himself from those who do not believe and do not love. He must not want to make himself popular, but must put me, the heavenly Father, in first place. "Heavenly Father, you are the most important thing to me, not I. Whether I am then still loved because I have to say something unpleasant, but which lies in the truth, that is not important. I proclaim the truth and I stand by these messages that contain Your truth. They are not the words of My little ones, but they are My words, the words of the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. You must consider this, beloved sons of priests, who all look down on them proudly. She remains My little nothing. She is My instrument and practices the striving for holiness.

Remember, My little one, that you too will never become perfect, that you too make mistakes and feel your weaknesses. Therefore, I, the Heavenly Father, desire from you that you go to the Holy Sacrament of Penance every week. Pass on the streams of grace that flow from the Holy Sacrament of Penance. You have weaknesses and flaws that you fight against, but you will never become perfect. The more you, My beloved ones, strive for holiness, the more you will recognize your weaknesses and feel your imperfection. Only when I, the heavenly Father, take you by the hand and lead you through the undergrowth, then you can strive for holiness. Imagine that Father Kentenich walks with you by the hand through the thorny bushes and you leave the withered shrubs on the left and the withered grass on the right, then you walk forward and never backward.

Do not speak of modernism any more. My beloved priest's son, you have come a long way and I wish from you not to talk about the long time you have cultivated modernism, but to leave the time behind. You live in the now and you have received so many streams of grace. Your gratitude must be expressed, since you have received so many gifts and would never have found your way out of this thicket of thorns alone. You have broken the anti-modernist oath you once swore. From that point on you moved into modernism. Never was it my will what you have done. You have swum in the broad stream and have misinformed the faithful in the Holy Sacrament of Penance. Why? Because you were not properly instructed by your bishops, who were responsible for it, but were in modernism. You must act differently now than you did then. That is the past. You have regretted this with all your heart, just as every other priest who for years also cultivated modernism must do. If there is no gratitude, the priest cannot advance further in holiness.

Every priest should live celibacy. This is important! When he is no longer lived among the priests, sin follows sin and soon it is a sea of sin. And no priest notices this. On the contrary, he even believes that he lies in the truth: "After all, I know everything, because I have studied. The other knows nothing. I have to educate him." But what is the instruction he gives? The instruction is confusion, and the believers have been led astray for years.

I have enlightened you, My beloved priest son, through My little one. It was not she to whom you listened, but to Me, the heavenly Father. It could not go on like this, because I pulled you out of modernism. You have been freed from everything. You are the priest today according to my will and desire. That is why I want you to continue striving for holiness as you too, My beloved children of Father and Mary. Strive for holiness, because this is important for you to pass on the Gospel, to pass on the full truth, to pass on your life in holiness. Everything what you strive for lies in my sense. You will not understand that the impossible can become possible.

It also seems impossible to you that the church can change because it is in swamp and mud. And yet I am the Almighty, the Omnipotent, the Omniscient Trinitarian God, who will clear up everything and order everything according to my desire and plan. You will be amazed at how things will look in the future in the true New Church. I will have to take out many who will never fulfill my wish and will. They told me a clear no and became proud. Through pride the evil one has access. He has them firmly in his claws and does not let go. Convert, beloved sons of priests, so that you may become priests according to my desire and will: small humble servants, but strong in prayer, atonement and example!

Remember, My beloved little flock, that you are to fulfill a world mission. You think that it is impossible for you. I can empathize with you. But you are in my hand and at this hand you go through the thicket of thorns. It will never be easy for you to move forward. But if the Heavenly Father and your dearest Mother help you, all will proceed in truth.

Love over love, fidelity over fidelity! Never backwards, but always forwards your way goes. Small thrusting prayers will help you through the day, when it becomes difficult for you, when you think your physical and mental strength is leaving you. You will feel that I or my dearest mother intervene. Day and night she prays for you at My throne, for your precious life. Each of you is valuable, but each of you has weaknesses but also talents. You use these talents.

Don't be afraid, be brave. Announce me there where you can, even if it is difficult for you. Pass on these instructions. Many things will be unpleasant for you because you cannot imagine that sometimes the other person can be hurt by the truth. But even then it is important to announce my truth and not to pay attention to whether you are recognized and liked. When you pass on my instructions you often make yourselves unpopular because he cannot follow you and because he does not want to change. The comfortable way is the easy way. The difficult path is paved with stumbling blocks. But I catch you because I love you, and because I have taken you out of this modernism. You are the chosen ones. But you cannot believe this. My gift to you is too great. But this should help you further, because love drives you forward. Love and loving belong together.

How lovingly your dearest mother looks at you. She sends you many angels so that you can continue on this difficult path. Never give up, even if you have stumbled over your own weaknesses. To remain small like my mother and serve and be the handmaiden of all, that is important for you and for the other. You must never give up. Think of Father. He also does not let you go, because you are connected with the Schoenstatt Work, because the true Schoenstatt Work is to be the New Church for today.

And what about Heroldsbach, My beloved children? Does everyone lie there in truth? There the tears of my dearest mother were taken away. She was not allowed to cry. They have been cast out and you have been cast out because you are in the truth. This leader with his foundation board will not grasp the truth. They have become proud. Satan holds them with his claws. Maliciously they proceed against you, My beloved children. Have you thought about how persecuted My beloved little flock is? But she must persevere despite the hostility and mockery.

Dear believers, go to my place of prayer Heroldsbach, no matter how difficult it seems to you, and go into the hollow. There you are safe because I am sending My mother. And your dearest mother will embrace you there because she loves you, but also because she needs your comfort. The dear child Jesus, does he not need comfort from you too? How has it been publicly ridiculed by this leader. Doesn't that hurt? Is it not sad for you all that My beloved little flock is not tolerated there? The full streams of grace can only be poured out when they reappear there.

This sentence, what has been imposed on them, is not true. It cannot correspond to the truth, because canon law and constitutional law are two different things. Here the canon law is responsible. This was not considered. Police and public prosecutor's help was called upon instead of canon law. You were allowed to kneel and worship there and also proclaim my words, because every pilgrim is entitled to proclaim his Catholic faith where it is appropriate. If one disgraces My dearest Mother, may one be silent as a pilgrim? Is it acceptable to accept all this, how it is handled there? Must this be dismissed as such? I go there and that is enough? No! You must pray as the pilgrims prayed and sacrificed in the hollow. They must all be ready to appear now in truth and make these sacrifices so that my little flock can go there again as I wish.

I am still interested that My leader does not fall into the eternal abyss. He stands at the abyss and yet I want to save him, him of all people. How bitter it is for me to watch how he obeys evil. Why not look at the Satanic Way of the Cross around St. Mary's Church? Can this be true? Can the Church of Mary give you everything? Is that right? Were not satanic masses celebrated there? Do we keep silent about this today? Does one silence the persecution of children who have experienced apparitions, dead? How much did they have to endure and how much does my little flock endure today? Persecution, mockery, contempt, defamation, slander, they must accept everything. And they do it because they have put me, the heavenly father, in first place.

How sweetly your mother looks at you, but the pain is also present in your face. Look on the Internet how she was beaten, how she was silenced. She must not speak any more. It must not appear under any circumstances. Places of apparition, where my mother appeared and still wants to appear today, are forbidden. She may neither speak nor appear. "Everything is imagination," they say. My mother would like to gather her children of Mary around her again, so that she can strengthen them in their spiritual strength. It wants to embrace them because they must suffer mockery by the authorities, and because the authorities say, "There are neither apparitions nor objections, for everything is fantasy, nothing more. They are false prophets whom the Heavenly Father has called to the plan". Can these be false prophets who teach the true Catholic and live the Bible completely? The objections are additions to the Bible in this time of crisis of the church. It is already completely destroyed.

As pilgrims, you believers are called to stand up and bear witness and confess. You lie in the sleep of death, for you are separated from the dearest Trinitarian God. You live in sin when you do not confess me and do not pass on the truth and cultivate your lukewarmness. Comfort is the order of the day for you. Why should I act differently than the others? I have it good after all and I fulfill my duty on Sunday. That is enough for me. Otherwise I can enjoy the world as I want. And the other one, that will be fine. The authorities will already take responsibility for my faith.

But what does it look like when the authority is missing, when the infallibility of the pope becomes non-existent, when he becomes immoral, when he attacks the true Catholic faith and begins to deny the dogmas? What then? Is he then also still in the truth? Must you then also follow him because he is the chief shepherd? Then you have shifted the responsibility to him, then you are comfortable. You yourselves are personally responsible for your faith, not the other person. You must know what the Catholic faith looks like in your heart. Do you say yes to everything? Have you become lukewarm and comfortable and have contact with everyone? It is so nice to have contact with everyone.

But if one goes the single way in love and in truth, if one chooses the difficult way, then it becomes difficult, because then one must cut off those who do not believe. Then I must not continue on their path. On the contrary, my way is important and my way lies in truth. I must give myself completely to the Triune God and love Him and put Him above everything. I am not allowed to see myself that I am doing well. Accept your diseases and crosses as they are. They have been given to you out of love by your Heavenly Father as a gift, because only then will you stand under the cross of My Son. You must follow Him in the cross and never throw off the cross. The heavier the cross becomes, the more lovingly you must embrace it, especially during this Lent. Think about it and reflect. Accept the cross again and again. Often you do not want it because it means sickness and great distress. But only then it becomes valuable for you.

My beloved ones who are in grave sickness, I love you, if you surrender your sickness to Me and bear it out of love, I embrace you and surrender you to the Cross of My Son. Look at My mother, who stood under the cross until the end and was the only one who completely followed My way, the way of My Son Jesus Christ. In no way did she say no to the World Mission.

This world mission has now been handed over to you, My beloved little flock. You shall help to save souls, to save souls from the abyss through your prayer, sacrifice, repentance and atonement. Atone and implore me that I may let mercy prevail over justice in this world. Justice often looks different. Then I leave the person who does not follow me to his own will and that looks different than my will. Full protection is only given when this person hands over his own will to Me and does what I desire and follows Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity.

I love you immeasurably! I bless and protect you in every situation, with My Heavenly Mother, all angels and saints, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Love over love, faithfulness over faithfulness, that is what I wish to you all. Amen.


