Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Monday, September 8, 2014

Feast of the Nativity of Mary.

Our Lady speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Sacrificial Mass, on the Feast of the Nativity of Mary, especially the altar of Mary with the dear Mother of God, with her loving burning heart, was bathed in a glittering golden light, as well as the Child Jesus, the Little King of Love, the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach, the Rosa Mystica and also the Holy Mother Anne. St. Joseph was also brightly illuminated and the Pieta also shone in a brilliant light, because the Feast of Mary Seven Sorrows is coming to us too.

Our Lady will speak today, on Her feast day: I, your Heavenly Mother, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from heaven, today from Me, your dearest Mother, who celebrates the feast of Her birth.

My beloved little flock, My beloved followers, My beloved faithful and pilgrims from near and far, I greet you today at My feast and I want to thank you, My beloved followers and My little flock, especially for your love. You have given me the greatest gifts. You have received many graces, because you are the elite.

My beloved followers in the hollow, you are chosen. You must continue on the difficult path, for you will receive the greatest graces for this. You are all blessed who choose this most difficult path. You have split off from the modernist church.

As you know, the end-time messages and the messages of the world mission cannot be compared. You must separate them, my beloved children, otherwise you go astray and fall into delusion. My little Mary still goes into the modernist church and leads all her followers there. Is this according to the plan of My Heavenly Father? No! You, My children, cannot demand that the whole world will celebrate this Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Feast according to Pius V overnight.

I, the Heavenly Father, and also the Mother of God cannot form My children overnight in such a way that they have the knowledge that this is the only, True, Holy, Catholic Mass of Sacrifice. You cannot demand it, My beloved believers, because in the messages that Mary receives, all religious communities are included. All religious communities, such as Islam and Hinduism, cannot be brought into the Catholic Church overnight. You have to be patient, very patient. But, My beloved believers, you who firmly believe in the Messages of My daughter Anne, which I, the Heavenly Father, for the most part transmit and reveal to you, believe that you cannot compare them with the Messages of Mary at all. That is where knowledge separates. My Mary does not have the knowledge that My daughter Anne has. A world broadcast is the greatest, My children.

I, the Heavenly Mother, cannot reveal to you this faith and this knowledge from the Heavenly Father, because the stream of millions will take a different path with the Mary first, a path of prayer, a path of piety, and which in no way is immediately drawn into Catholicism. My little daughter Mary just has to make sure that she remains Catholic herself. And that is unfortunately not the case at the moment. When she draws the people, the faithful, into these modernist churches through her progress and example, this is no longer consistent with the messages of My daughter Anne. My daughter openly declares through her messages from the Heavenly Father that all should stay out of these modernist churches. Why, My beloved followers, My beloved little flock? Because you are the elite and because you receive the messages from the Heavenly Father very precisely and precisely, because the New Church is based on these messages, because the New Priesthood must be built up, because the Holy Eucharist is contained there completely and the Holy Sacrificial Supper is put first, whereas in the case of Mary the messages are not based on these criteria. On the contrary, it only has to pass on the messages of the end times and make men aware that something is coming. Believe and turn away from your false religious communities, from your sectarian faith. Pray, but nothing more. Pray the crusade prayers, that is very important, wear the redemption medal, that is also very important.

But you, my beloved ones, who believe in the messages of Anne, in the world mission, you carry the scapular. You are protected from all sides, because you are going the way of the true Catholic faith in its entirety with all its consequences. Whether you are attacked from all sides, you do not care. You believe and trust. And you, My little one, have to take upon yourself the greatest sufferings of the whole world, not like My Mary. Your atonement sufferings can never be compared to those of Mary. Millions of people will now begin to pray, but millions of people will never be initiated into the New Church. A very small crowd, My small crowd in Mellatz, that I, the Heavenly Father and My beloved Mother of God lead together with My children of Mary. My dearest Mother is the most perfect creature that I, the Heavenly Father, have conceived.

And now Our Lady speaks. You, My beloved children of Mary, are protected under My cloak. I am with you in all suffering. I carry your cross with me although sometimes it becomes unbearable for you, My beloved atonement souls. Also then I protect you, also then I surround you with My heart surrounded with thorns and with Divine Love. Rich blessings of grace will reach you.

I admonish you, My beloved children, now separate the messages exactly from those of Mary, otherwise you will be led astray. Who is not quite firm, he swings back and forth. Once like this, once like this. One can also pick the raisins out of the messages and say: "I believe in this because I like it so much, because it seems easier to me, but to take the hardest way with the messenger Anne, I do not wish that and I cannot, the messages are too serious for me". That is why you must decide, My beloved children of Mary: What do I want to belong to? Completely I will submit to the will of the Heavenly Father and His plan or I will cultivate my spirit of prayer from time to time and continue to visit the modernist churches. Then the most important things are far from me. Make up your mind! You stand before the great event, before the end times.

This does not mean that My Mary receives false messages, no, not at all, only they are not identical and cannot be identical with the messages of My beloved daughter Anne. A world broadcast means that you stand there all alone, My beloved little flock, you My elite. You go ahead in everything: in suffering, in tribulation, in atonement, in sacrifice, in the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, and it is in the will of the Heavenly Father - completely.

Hold on! Hold on, my following in the hollow and now finally decide for the whole truth! I love you and want to form you, and want to support you in every situation, because in this hollow the great event will be. You will experience miracles of grace when you cultivate unity. You must be of one mind among yourselves. Never may discord arise among you. And that happens sometimes. Everyone has his task to fulfill there and no one should envy the other one this task and make rules for him. On the contrary, you are to encourage him to fulfill his task. Go ahead and do not stop and be an example in every situation, because I, the Heavenly Mother, have led you there into this hollow. This is the greatest experience, My beloved followers, that you may experience there in Heroldsbach. Germany is to regain the top of the faith. You contribute to this. In Germany the place of pilgrimage Heroldsbach was founded and also the place of pilgrimage Wigratzbad. These two places of pilgrimage are now being attacked by evil. He wants to take it over.

But have I, as Heavenly Mother, as the purest creature, as a creature not to be compared with any other, as the Queen of Angels, as the Queen of Priests, not poured out the greatest graces on you, especially on the Feast of My Birth? From the womb of my Holy Mother Anna I came forth unharmed. Did she know that I would become the Mother of God? Yeah, she knew. Was not My foster father, St. Joachim, completely in truth and did he not know that I, little Mary, remained unharmed and that he did not have his share in it, but heaven? Heaven has begotten Me and no one else, never My foster father, St. Joachim. He remained my foster father, completely. He raised Me in love as well as My Mother, the Holy Mother Anna. What you experience in this church is not true.

The theologians have science, but never the wisdom that you, My little daughter Anne, receive. They are jealous of you and will deal with you maliciously because they alone want to seize power and certainly do not want to be told anything by you, my little one. They think their power is diminished by you. You remain a little nothing. You remain in humility. Only they, these theologians, do not remain in humility, but persist in pride and are stubborn. They are not flexible for me. Dearest Mother of God wants to lead them into the truth through Her Immaculate Heart.

This week you will celebrate My name day. On this feast I will speak to you and also on the feast of My Seven Sorrows, the Feast of Pain next Monday. Believe and trust that I guide and guide you, My beloved followers, My beloved little flock. Then you remain healthy in truth and completely healthy in body and soul, because the truth in its entirety makes a healthy soul. With a healthy soul a healthy body comes alive. Do not be misled by others who want to lead you into unbelief, who want to compare these two messages and find out that something is wrong there. No! Completely My messenger Anne is in the full truth, in the True, Catholic and Apostolic Faith.

I love you all, especially My beloved little flock and My beloved followers and I thank you for wanting to continue on this path that you are following in fidelity and devotion. I embrace you in tender motherly love and bless you in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain faithful to heaven and do not stray in this last time! Amen.


