Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Friday, September 12, 2014

Mary's name.

The Blessed Mother speaks during the Atonement Night at 23.58 after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. We have started the atonement night from the 12th to the 13th to encourage many priests to repent, so that they are willing to take the hard way and decide for the true Catholic faith. During the Holy Mass of Sacrifice the entire chancel was brightly lit, but also during the prayer of atonement that night. The night of prayer had begun, and we joined in the prayer of the atoning pilgrims in Heroldsbach. They await our prayers and our union with them.

Our Lady will say: I, your dearest Mother, your Rose Queen of Heroldsbach, your Mother and Queen of Victory in Wigratzbad, greet you all, My beloved pilgrims from near and far. You, My beloved children of Mary, want to atone for the many priests who do not want to repent. It is up to their will. I, as mother and queen of the priests, weep also this night for their sins and for their iniquities. And you, My children, are with Me and console Me. I have taken you under My cloak so that you may receive much strength and a great blessing in this night. I am thinking of all of you, My beloved pilgrims from near and far, who are going into the hollow, into the hollow in Heroldsbach. There you will receive My blessing, My love and My graces because I love you and because you are there to comfort Me. How much I think of you in love and lead you to the Heavenly Father with all your worries, needs, fears and diseases.

You, My little one, have received the greatest sufferings and diseases. The Heavenly Father trusts you much so that you may suffer for these priests who do not stop insulting My Son Jesus Christ, and no longer worship and love Him, praise and glorify Him, even though they have received the greatest streams of grace for their office as priests. They are not aware of this. But I, the Heavenly Mother, watch over My sons of priests. If you have the slightest thought of wanting to repent, I will call down all the angels to you, and they will see to it that you receive the Divine Power to give yourselves completely to the Heavenly Father, to give yourselves completely in love, and never to say, "Dear Savior, you are there, but not for me," but to say, "Dear Savior, you are everything for Me. You have borne the greatest suffering for me and I remain a little nothing as a priest. But I want to be there for you to comfort you. You have endured the death of redemption for me. For me alone you would have been there. If no one had served you, you would have died for me alone. But now there are many, many priests for whom you have suffered the sacrificial death on the cross.

The Holy Sacrificial Mass every day that you celebrate, My beloved ones, is the renewal of the sacrifice of the Cross. The blood of My Son Jesus Christ flows. It should flow into the hearts, into the open hearts of the priests. My Son Jesus Christ is knocking at the door of your heart. Do you want to open it or do you want to say: "I do not know you. Your path is too difficult for me. I will continue to swim in the broad stream with the others, but the hardest path you have taken, the path of persecution, I am not ready to take. It may cost my life, Savior." Your sons of priests tell you so. And your mother, what does she say? She continues to sacrifice and atone and searches for her Marian children. She wants to gather them together from all corners and ends so that they may comfort you, dear Savior. You forgive all those who come to you and only expect them to love you. You love her without end. For a little moment they should be there for you and show you that they are all yours, dear Savior.

Anne says: Dearest Mother, these words your Anne has spoken, because they were given to me, because the suffering for your sons of priests, dearest mother, is so great. You weep tears of blood, as your son Uwe has seen them. They were real blood tears. You cannot help but weep. Love calls you to do so. How much you love her with your burning heart and yet your son is not followed.

Now the Heavenly Father says a few words to me: My beloved little one, you expect from Me a few words regarding your serious illness. You have asked Me to tell you these words. I tell you: I love you! And it is out of love that you bear this suffering. This grave illness I, as Heavenly Father, have allowed. Can you understand this? No! You cannot understand it, only you accept it because your Father asks you, because He is there for you, because He loves you. You will not stray. No! You will live and bear witness to the true faith. Be grateful for this suffering, for this illness. A great stream of prayer and many pilgrims who pray for you are behind you. Do not forget it and thank all of them for thinking of you in this suffering, because you carry the suffering for the whole world. Therefore it must be the hardest thing for you. It cannot be otherwise, little one, because this is a world suffering for you. The whole world must be saved. My church is on the ground.

Look at my mother! Have I not put her through everything? Did she not suffer everything under the cross? Did she not stand there and weep bitterly for the death of My Son? And yet she said yes to the cross. And so I ask you all, My beloved children of Mary, say yes to your cross. In the cross, the Savior loves you especially. He heals your soul. Many have become ill in body and soul because they cannot find a home. Home can only be in their heart. That is where the Savior lives, who wants to let you recover. There you are at home. There is no other home for you.

The Heavenly Mother continues: If you grieve for your children who have fallen away from the faith, separate yourselves from them. I, as the Heavenly Mother, will take them in my arms and lead them when you give them to me. If you hold them, I cannot be a mother to them. I, as Heavenly Mother, have other powers than you can ever imagine - loving Divine powers. Some parents think they have failed in the education of their children because they take other paths. You, My beloved parents, wanted the best, and yet your children go other ways. You cannot understand this. Hand them over to Me, for they are not yours! At a certain age they have the right to take their own lives into their own hands. They are only gifts to you. Then give them back to the Heavenly Father. For a certain time you may take over their education, but then, when they are grown up, give them back. They may continue to live in your heart. Then you pray for them. Do not keep them as your property. You do not own them. You love them especially when you give them away. Your Heavenly Mother watches over all your children. You pray for them also in the night of atonement.

I look at your powers diminishing And I, as mother, may strengthen you. I may stand by your side when you call on me, when it becomes too difficult for you, when the way leads steeply upwards and you think you are close to powerlessness. Then I intercede for you, for I am your true Heavenly Mother. Have I ever left you alone? Then prove it to me. In the dark hours of your life, who was at your side? I, your Heavenly Mother. There are many dark hours in your life and there always will be. Then hold on to my protective cloak, there you feel the security that your mother gives you. You are safe in My loving heart. I will be allowed to transmit the Divine Power to you. Love without end, expiate, worship and sacrifice is your life! Do not let up in sacrifice. Daily sacrifice everything that is difficult for you, that seems unpleasant to you, but testify to the faith when it is necessary and honor My Son Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. He is present with deity and humanity. This you testify daily in worship. In the Holy Mass of Sacrifice He is there for you. He forgives you daily your sins, your imperfections and your weaknesses. The weaknesses sometimes overwhelm you, thinking that you will be strong, but in that moment you succumb to your own weakness. Then get up again and do not stay lying down, but continue walking. Did not My Son Jesus Christ rise again after the triple fall with His cross? Didn't He say, "Yes, I continue on this path, because I want to redeem and save all mankind from eternal death. You shall once attain eternal bliss. You are not on earth to enjoy the beautiful sides of the world, but your goal shall be eternal life.

Be vigilant, for the wicked man is going about! In all situations he wants to dissuade you from the truth, especially in this last period of crisis of the Church. Everywhere there is a crisis. Nowhere will you find peace, if you had not been given a deep faith. You are obliged to pass on this gift to those who do not want to believe and cannot. Some people do not even know what faith means. They have had no one in their lives to help them in need. They are desperate and stray. They are addicted to this mistaken belief, which is taught today in the Catholic Church. Look at the authorities! Does it teach you the truth? Can you align yourselves according to their example? No! Through their own lives they bear witness to the misbelief. And yet you are told: "You must obey the authorities. This requires your obedience, otherwise you are not Catholic. Is that right, my beloved ones? Have you asked yourselves what the Catholic faith means? Believe and do not see. Do not expect miracles, but be thankful for every day that you are allowed to experience where you can believe and love.

My son Jesus Christ loves you above all things. He loves every person as he is. Therefore also accept people as they are and lead them to the Trinity, to the true Catholic faith. Be patient! Forgive each other, even if they want to do evil to you! Pray for your enemies, for they often do not know what they are doing! They hate without end, and this hurts My Son Jesus Christ very much, because where there is hatred there will never be love. Where one worships, cultivates faith and sacrifices, there love arises, there new life arises, because others can then align themselves accordingly. They can begin to love, pray and sacrifice through you, My beloved children of Mary. Be an example, because your mother takes you by the hand and leads you to the Promised Land, where you will find peace, balance and love. Remain faithful to heaven!

Thus your dearest Mother, the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach, the Mother and Queen of Victory in Wigratzbad, bless you with all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Love without end, for love is the greatest! Amen.


