Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V

in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz by His tool and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The entire chancel and also the infirmary were bathed in glaring light. During the Holy Sacrificial Mass and also during the Rosary many angels were in the Holy House Chapel and moved in and out. They surrounded the altar of sacrifice and also the altar of Mary. They were worried about us because we are surrounded by the forces of evil in this time of crisis in which we live and in which the Catholic faith finds itself.

Yes, all tribulations and all hardships I have burdened you and imposed on you," says the Heavenly Father.

The Heavenly Father will speak today, the sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is wholly in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me and correspond to the full truth.

It is not easy, My beloved little flock and My beloved followers, not to become discouraged and despondent now, in this time of crisis, because the sufferings are coming upon you, but your dearest Heavenly Mother suffers in the first place. You have recently experienced and suffered the Feast of Seven Pains. Suffering surrounds your dearest Heavenly Mother, and the angels serve and support her. But they also support you. You are surrounded by angels who want to protect you in this tribulation, in this suffering, which you think you cannot bear because it seems too difficult for you.

Sometimes you can't imagine that your Heavenly Father can ask this of you. He must expect it of you, in order to save the many souls, especially the priest souls, who even today are not willing to walk the path of obedience to Me, but follow the Supreme Shepherd, who does not obey Me and passes on the error of way and unbelief.

No priest is willing to take the most difficult way, the way to Golgotha. On the contrary, they want to have it easy. I ask and implore for their souls through My many atoning souls who are in the most severe crisis of their sufferings. No one can understand them, and no one will be able to investigate and fathom what the Heavenly Father expects of them and why He does this. Desperation surrounds them. They think the suffering is so great that they cannot bear it. And yet I, the Heavenly Father, am the All-powerful, the All-wise, and the Almighty.

My little one is about to have a serious heart operation and has additionally got the mortal fear of the oil mountains. She does not know how to bear them. In the nights she prays and thinks she can find comfort. But it is simply too difficult if there is not a large crowd behind it and protecting it in this time of crisis. At the moment she is in a great despair and she does not know how to go on. She has become discouraged. She weeps bitter tears, because Jesus Christ weeps in her for the souls of priests and for the Supreme Shepherd and his followers, the Curia, the archbishops and the bishops. They are also not ready now to announce the true faith despite this great passion of suffering, which my little one feels and experiences. They still lie in delusion. They are convinced that they themselves proclaim the true faith.

And the small flock and its followers fight. They are in the great struggle, and it is still said that they are sectarians, yes, sectarians who proclaim error and unbelief. That is why they must be rejected, despised and reviled. Under no circumstances should one be part of their entourage.

And so your enemies fight against you. This makes the unjustified fight more and more difficult. The mountain Golgotha seems to be unreachable to you. But you must climb it step by step, because Jesus, the Son of God, has gone before you and has not deviated from His way. He had to endure the last, most difficult hours of abandonment from His Father. And in this abandonment and loneliness you find yourself now and think that you cannot go on. But your Heavenly Father loves you very much. then, little one, when the suffering becomes oversized, when you think you will faint from suffering, I am there and in the last moment I put My Hand in your hand, although you do not feel it, although you think I have left you and your despondency becomes ever greater So it is, my little one, so is this path, steep and almost unreachable. And a very small flock will remain, which wants to go along even this most difficult way in all consequence, up to the giving of life.

I love you unspeakably I ask you to hold on until your last breath. I send you all angels in these last days of the month of angels, especially the Holy Archangel Michael, who is your patron of the domestic church in Göttingen. Tomorrow you will celebrate this patron saint's day. I wish you that the Holy Archangel Michael will keep away all heaviness from you and dry your tears.

The Heavenly Father in the Trinity now blesses you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise and blessed be Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar without end.


