Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, April 19, 2015

Second Sunday after Easter.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Again, the altar of sacrifice and the altar of Mary were bathed in glistening light, especially the Risen Christ, Jesus Christ, who is on the altar. The Mother of God and the Child Jesus were also illuminated several times during the Holy Sacrificial Mass.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, will speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

Today we celebrate the Sunday of the Good Shepherd. Jesus says: "I am the Good Shepherd. I know the ones who are mine and the ones who are mine know me. As I know the Father, so shall you also know the Father and honor Him in the Trinity. Believe in this trinity." My Son Jesus Christ wants to lead all His priestly sons to the green pasture again and fill them with His blessing, with the blessing that a priest can pass on when he lies in the full truth, when he celebrates My Holy Sacrifice of Mass in truth and in love, namely the Holy Sacrifice of Mass according to Pius V in the Tridentine Rite. Nothing else corresponds to the truth. I would again ask all My sons of priests to return to the truth at last. You are lost, My beloved sons of priests, and do not lead My sheep into the green pasture, but into error and confusion.

The Supreme Shepherd leads his priests, bishops, archbishops and also cardinals astray and into confusion, because they have no 'Good Shepherd' anymore, whom I wanted to appoint but was not allowed to. He was appointed by the Freemasons, and you, My beloved sons of priests, should recognize it if you are in the truth. Otherwise this dark cloth will not be taken from your eyes. More and more you go into confusion, and you do not even feel that you are in untruth. You cause my shepherds to continue to follow the erroneous belief. You, My beloved bishops, force My sons of priests to follow you in obedience. But whom must they obey? To Me, the Supreme Shepherd, to Me, the High Priest, to Me, the Triune God, the Most High, who lies in the truth and in love passes on this truth to My sons of priests who believe in Me, who love Me, who do the pastoral care, who are to lead My people, My willing people, into the truth.

But where are they now? In the popular mass and in the confusion. You no longer know one or the other. Everything that they preach does not reach the believers, on the contrary, they are led deeper and deeper into evil. The evil one has free rein, and he will not stop confusing people, on the contrary, he is the father of lies. Thus My sons of priests lie to themselves if they believe that the popular mass may continue to be celebrated and the laity may distribute hand communion.

I do not wish that. That is not the truth. They have no reverence for My Son Jesus Christ, who went to the cross for all. He wants to lead all as Good Shepherd to the green pastures because He loves them so much, but they must obey Him and love My Son above all. They must give themselves to Him in the Holy Mass of Sacrifice and not at the popular altar. He loves them all and wants to lead them back to Me, the Heavenly Father. I wait with longing for My priestly sons who do not obey Me and who continue to show Me that they do not love Me and that they do not want to persevere in faithfulness; on the contrary, they have already taken off their priestly garments. Can this be true?

Everything is possible today. The divorced and remarried may even receive communion, the food from heaven. Is this the truth? No, not at all! Many grave sins come out of it. The sin of unchastity is widespread today. I want the purity of the priests, but where is it? Do they consecrate themselves to the Immaculate Heart of My dearest Mother who is waiting for them, who wants to press them to Her Immaculate Heart and cannot, who loves them and who awaits them as true consecrated sons of priests? They are chosen and called, because the office of a priest is highly valued and is the highest office in the Church.

Believe, My sons of priests, and turn back! Finally turn back because it is time that you get out of confusion and decide for the truth, for truth and life, because I love you all and eagerly wait for your repentance!

And so I bless you, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, with your dearest Mother, all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praise be to Jesus, Mary and Joseph forever and ever. Amen.


