Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, June 4, 2015

High Strength Corpus Christi.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today, during the Holy Sacrificial Mass on the Feast of Corpus Christi, this sacrificial altar was decorated with many burning candles and surrounded by many angels. At the same time the altar of Mary was also brightly illuminated. The bouquets were again decorated with diamonds and small pearls. The tabernacle angels bowed before the Blessed Sacrament. The statue of Jesus moved during the Holy Sacrificial Mass and Jesus pointed to His burning Sacred Heart and also pointed to the Heart of Mary which is connected to Him.

Also today the Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My will and repeats only words that come from Me.

My beloved little flock, My beloved followers, My beloved faithful from near and far, first I want to announce to you a prayer that My holy priest himself has composed. This I would like to recommend to you.

"My Lord and My God, Creator and Redeemer, I firmly and unshakably believe that You are present here, that You see and hear me, that You know even the most secret thoughts and desires of my heart, in this faith I worship You, give me Your love, Your help and Your blessing. Amen."

My beloved children, this is My holy priest whom I have formed, whom I have called and chosen for the whole world. Yes, it is! This is My truth and I wish that many more sons of priests shall recognize how this way of My holy priest has been and how he still now continues to walk this hardest way and will accompany My little chosen messenger on this hardest way of Mine.

My beloved messengers, I would like to recommend to you today, on this feast of Corpus Christi, the feast of the Blessed Sacrament, order this DVD. It is already known in 15 countries and the Holy Sacrificial Feast is celebrated according to this DVD. You will then all have a valid Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to My will and desire.

Yes, so it is, My beloved messengers Often this Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Feast is not celebrated in your area. Unfortunately it is still the same in the world. The cardinals and the bishops rejected this and still today reject this holy sacrificial meal. There is only this one, Holy Sacrificial Feast and it is to be celebrated in the whole world according to My desire, as My Son Jesus Christ instituted it. This is the true Holy Sacrificial Feast of My Son. This you shall worship and adore with the highest love and gratitude. How far away are My messengers from this holy sacrificial banquet. And yet I have told them again and again. How sad I am about the fact that it is still rejected in many places today. These processions, which are taking place today, are not in my spirit. Why, My beloved little ones? Because these sons of priests celebrate the meal community, the popular mass. In these tabernacles of the popular churches, where the popular altar is present, My dearest Son Jesus Christ is not present. One does not worship Him because one does not believe in Him, because one has destroyed this faith. How sad My Son is about this, who went to the cross for everyone, especially for His chosen sons of priests, who still turn their backs on Him today. And that is why I ask you with all my heart, my beloved messengers, from now on no longer enter these modernist churches and celebrate this banquet with them. I love you and I want to ask you to grasp this straw in My last time, the beginning of the new beginning of the New Church. My time has come, My beloved messengers. You have little time to confess to this holy sacrificial meal. But I have still given you a leeway although you did not follow my wishes. Now it is time, My beloved ones.

As you see, My beloved little one is the only messenger of the World Mission, because I have chosen and destined her for this New Church which I will found and which will arise in glory. My beloved little one has made all sacrifices for this New Holy Church and for this New Priesthood. Everything has now happened. This small retinue, this small flock followed everything in its entirety. Believe that I have chosen this My little one and that she has had her spiritual director near her for 10 years, who accompanies her constantly on this path, who has not ceased in her striving for holiness and in My obedience. It is the most difficult task that this one, my little one, has to fulfill and not you, my messengers from near and far. You have not to fulfill this task, and that is why I do not make the greatest demands on you. As I have already made known to you, I wish in the future that you at least celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast with me in full reverence. Confess it and turn back, because in these modernist churches the evil will become visible. He will destroy everything even more and as you see, this grave sin of homosexuality has entered the Church, the gravest sin of impurity. Do you still want to stand firm there? Do you still want to go in there? Can you still pray and believe that My Son Jesus Christ can transform in these priestly hands, that My Son Jesus Christ can be present in these tabernacles? No! My beloved ones. This is no longer possible today.

You should repent and believe and trust more deeply that this My messenger will receive these messages in great power and glory in My Son Jesus Christ until the last moment of My coming, to make mankind aware so that many priests can still be saved through her atonement, through her prayer and through these many sacrifices that this, My little flock, has brought with her following.

Believe and trust, because this holy sacrificial meal is the greatest mystery. How great is this day today, - the feast of Corpus Christi. Jesus Christ is truly present with divinity and humanity among us in this holy sacrament. You worship Him in full love. You do not cease to bow again and again in reverence before him. Every day you celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast and this is the greatest gift for My little messenger Anne and her little band.

For 10 years you have had the opportunity to participate every day in this sacrificial meal, not in the meal fellowship, but in the sacrificial meal of My Son Jesus Christ. This is My greatest gift to you, which I did not give to My other messengers and that is why you also received the greatest suffering, the greatest cross. Do not let up in the carrying of the cross, in the love of the cross, because My Son loves you with your small flock inexpressibly.

Today, on this day, My Son Jesus Christ wants to thank you and your little band above all else for having endured until now and for being ready to continue on this most difficult way and that you will not cease in atonement, prayer and sacrifice. You give everything to My Son Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist.

Well, My beloved little ones, My beloved followers, I love you inexpressibly and I give you this love to pass it on to the many who meet you, to the many who persecute you. I pass them on to your enemies. Forgive them so that they have the opportunity to turn back at the last moment to be saved. And you achieve this conversion through your atonement.

For Wigratzbad, My beloved, this means that I will save Wigratzbad from this doom. That is what you are for, My beloved ones. This leader has brought this site to ruin. But I will not allow the shrine of My beloved Mother and Queen to be destroyed. This church of atonement is a freemason church. You can recognize it very quickly by the Masonic symbols. Looking at the rose? Is this me, the Heavenly Father? Will I be worshipped there in this cold church of atonement? How much prayer and sacrifice was given through My beloved Antonie. Day and night she prayed and atoned, and she became the founder of this place of prayer and pilgrimage.

And yet now they have tried to destroy everything. That is very sad. And that is why, my beloved little flock, you will be persecuted there especially. Continue on to this sanctuary. Pray and atone, as your Heavenly Father will make it known to you. Even by police order do not let yourselves be cast out of this place of prayer, because I wish it so. I Am the ruler of this place of prayer not this leader who calls himself director. There is no director at a place of prayer. This only exists in large companies. Unfortunately, pride has brought him so far that Satan wants him all to himself. He now pursues My beloved messenger and her small flock to the highest degree. I will not allow that. I will intervene, and you will see it and very soon realize how the Almighty and Almighty Ruler of this place of prayer will work.

Yes, My beloved ones, this is the end of your time and the beginning of My time. Now the Heavenly Father will let you know by many wonders and by many signs that this my time has come. Many things will happen that you cannot explain. But believe that it must be so, so that all that is written in the Holy Scriptures may be fulfilled.

And now I bless you because I love you infinitely, with My dearest Mother, with all the angels and saints on this important day of the mystery of My Son Jesus Christ, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Support each other and stay in love and go forward courageously! Amen.


