Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, June 14, 2015

Third Sunday after Pentecost.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The altar of sacrifice as well as the altar of Mary were again bathed in glistening golden light today. The Mother of God was dressed in bright white during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. The angels moved in and they moved out and enjoyed this holy sacrificial mass and knelt down in humility and devotion.

The Heavenly Father will also speak again today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who lies entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me, the Heavenly Father.

My beloved little flock, My beloved followers, My beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far, I love you and want to save all of you through your atonement, through your prayer and sacrifice. The wicked one goes about like a roaring lion and devours what he can devour. Be careful, for how quickly you can be tempted! Persevere and be vigilant towards the other in which even the evil one can become effective. But if you pray and persevere and abide in the truth and live the truth in its entirety, nothing will happen to you. But if you deviate only a small step from the truth, you are in danger and not freed from evil. He can penetrate into you and can work through you. The other person you meet is therefore also endangered.

I love you, My beloved little flock, and I send you again and again into the lion's den Go to Wigratzbad and hold out there! Resist the persecution, for the wicked man is going about. But you are protected when you fulfill my will and my plan. Pray the Rosary and stay on this road as I have told you, then nothing can happen to you.

I also wish that you take up a counterclaim. It is necessary, My beloved ones. It is still very uncomfortable for you. But I remain with you all days and give you the instructions so that you can follow them in their entirety so that nothing happens to you that could harm you. Stay brave and courageous and go this way! Pay attention to everything you encounter.

My beloved little ones, My beloved father children, My beloved Mary's children, yes, I go after these priests who stray Again and again I give them new chances because they are my lost sheep, whom I pursue so that they do not sink into the eternal abysses. They are endangered by this sexuality and homosexuality that is lived in the priest's sons.

My Heavenly Mother mentioned yesterday that she is very sad about her priestly sons and offers them purity through Her Immaculate Heart. Let them all consecrate themselves to your Immaculate Heart, then they are not endangered in purity. They still live out themselves and think that sin corresponds to the truth. Everywhere this lie is presented to them: In politics, even in the highest ranks of the Church, the bishops, cardinals and priests. Everywhere the faithful see how this Catholic faith is being destroyed. They say, "So I'm forced to resign." No, My beloved believers, you should not leave, but you should join in the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass of My Son Jesus Christ according to the DVD. Please order this DVD, then you will have a valid Holy Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the Tridentine Rite and you are protected. Believe that this Holy Mass of Sacrifice has become very widespread. In many countries people are reaching for it.

The five books of My truth are ordered in large quantities. They will be swallowed up because it is my truth, not the truth of my little one, because she would not be able to announce these messages from herself. I give it to her and she repeats it. It remains My little nothing and will transmit My messages as I wish and as it is in My plan.

Again I say to My messengers: Turn around and leave this modernist church. You are all in danger, for the wicked one walks like a roaring lion and will devour you if you do not become vigilant. You still do not believe that this modernist meal is not true. Believe in it! There is only one Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V, which I desire from you. You are to celebrate this one holy sacrificial meal with us, so that you are protected in every situation. I want only the best for you, because I have chosen you and spoken through you. I wish that you follow My plans and become more alert and do not fall prey to evil. Become bolder and stronger in faith! I love you because you are My chosen ones. I have appointed you to pass on My messages as I wish and not as you have imagined. Do not become proud, but obey everything in humility. If you remain in humility, nothing can happen to you. If you realize yourself in the messages, you are inferior to pride and the evil one can enter into you and work through you. That is why I warn you in a very clear way. I love you and I want to save you from this evil, which can still devour everything in this last time.

As you know, My time has begun and My arm of wrath has already sunk. The time is getting closer and closer, the time of My event and the coming of My Son Jesus Christ with His dearest Mother in Wigratzbad. Therefore I want to clean Wigratzbad before My mother appears there. You should persevere and courageously continue on this path, even if you are persecuted, even if you are questioned by the police next Tuesday. Everything will be given to you, as I have told you, and nothing will be able to be said to you that you have been lacking, because I guide and direct you. Hang in there! Always remember that you are protected and trust in my instructions.

I love you and bless you in the Trinity with My dearest Mother, all angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Love will endure. Love is the greatest. Amen.


