Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, June 21, 2015

Fourth Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The altar of sacrifice as well as the altar of Mary were bathed in golden light. The pearls and diamonds in the rose bouquets glittered. The white mantle of the Mother of God was covered with pearls and diamonds. The four evangelists moved during the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, because on Wednesday we celebrate the feast of St. John the Baptist. The monstrance shone in golden and dark red light during the exposure. We can pick up these rays of grace this Sunday. The statue of the Heart of Jesus was flooded with bright light, especially the heart of the Savior. In the coming month we will worship the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. Therefore the gold in the sacrificial chalice became blood-red. I was allowed to see that.

Also today the Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient, and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is wholly in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me.

Beloved little flock, beloved followers, beloved believers and pilgrims from near and far, today I want to give you special instructions for the world mission.

My beloved messengers from near and far, I want to tell you that your messages are now coming to an end. My dear little Mary, since May 6, 2015 you have not received any messages. Why? Because you have fulfilled your task as end-time prophetess, and because now the New Era begins, because your Heavenly Father will take everything into his hands as ruler of the whole world.

The world broadcast will now become public and it will take effect. I have chosen a single messenger for this, My mission. I have prepared them, I have purified them and My Heavenly Mother has formed My messenger. Through many diseases, through many difficulties she has gone through and has mastered everything in My Divine Power, otherwise she would have succumbed to these difficulties and diseases.

Even today, My beloved messenger, you have to endure a disease with your bloodshot eye. It is My wish that you also take this disease upon yourself. For what, my beloved little one? For My Wigratzbad. Behold, My beloved ones, My wigratt bath is to be destroyed by Freemasonry. They want to tear down the Chapel of Grace and the crypt. They want to cast out My messenger and My beloved priestly son, who for years celebrated and was allowed to celebrate in the crypt the Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V.

Now he has been given this ban. He is accused of trespassing. How cruel this act is for those who have initiated it, such as this leader and this deacon. They have taken heavy blame. They obey the Freemasons and not Me, the Heavenly Father. How often have I pointed out to them that I, the Heavenly Father, will give My instructions about Wigratzbad. But now the hatred against my messenger has arisen - unfortunately. My messenger is being pursued to the utmost, pursued by the police. For the third time My little band is invited to the police in Lindenberg. It will also get through this investigation and again make a counter notification. Have no fear, My beloved ones! I will be heading this investigation. I will put words in your mouth that you could not form. Believe and trust and surrender yourselves completely to Me, the Heavenly Father.

My beloved sons of priests, on this day I would like to address you especially. As the Gospel says, Peter is My beloved Supreme Shepherd. All his successors should be too. But what does this ship of Peter look like today? In the biggest storms it has to withstand. If I, the Heavenly Father, had not already taken over the rule of this chair of Peter, this ship of Peter would have been destroyed in its entirety. One wants to destroy everything that corresponds to my wish and will.

The cardinals, the bishops and archbishops have already become freemasons. The biggest dirt is in the Vatican. The gravest sins are committed there, and it is not considered necessary to repent and to hold atonement nights to atone for these grave outrages that are committed there in the Vatican. Homosexuality has come there. What filth before My dearest and purest Mother, who wanted to take all your priestly sons under Her protective cloak, but they say a clear No to their Heavenly Mother; they do not consecrate themselves to Her Immaculate Heart because they have succumbed to Her power and the Evil One has taken refuge with them. My son Jesus Christ has not been able to transform himself in these priestly hands for a long time.

The modernist churches have become churches of Satan. There the evil one reigns. In these tabernacles there is no longer My Son Jesus Christ. When the faithful in these modernist churches communicate, they receive only a piece of bread and nothing else.

For a long time I - Jesus Christ - have been telling them: Stay out of these modernist churches and celebrate My Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V in your homes. There you can receive a valid Holy Sacrificial Mass through this DVD, because it is already spread all over the world. You can have them sent to you and celebrate this Holy Mass of Sacrifice daily at home. Then you will receive the strength that you urgently need for this coming time, because my time has begun.

The little ship of Peter is destroyed more and more and one allows the lie to enter and believes that it is true. No! The truth is frowned upon. The truth is not announced. And yet, through My beloved messenger, who received the World Mission from Me, the Heavenly Father, My truth is being widely spread in this time through the messages that appear on the Internet and through the 5 books that have already been published. More books will follow. Only through this my messenger can I make known and spread the world mission. Believe, My beloved believers!

You can undo everything you have sinned in these modernist churches. Stay in your homes and do not be tempted by evil. The wicked one walks around like a roaring lion and wants to devour you too in these modernist churches. Catholicism is certainly not proclaimed and lived there, but Protestantism, ecumenism, and even Antichrist has come there. Do you want to succumb to this evil, or do you want to be saved from this grave offence, from these outrages committed by the authorities and setting the worst example to you? I, your Heavenly Father, want to save you and My Heavenly Mother is waiting for you to surrender everything to Me, the Heavenly Father. Give yourself to your Heavenly Father with body and soul. Surrender yourselves to me and you will be protected in every situation, because I, the Heavenly Father, will now call my Son Jesus Christ with His Heavenly Mother and they will appear in the firmament visible to all in the whole world.

My time has begun! This is not your time. I, the Heavenly Father, decide when this happens. That is why this world broadcast will now take effect completely. How often have I given My instructions to you, beloved sons of priests, but you have lured the little ship of Peter into the defensive and have destroyed it. You could have had rich fishing. I wanted to take you under My wings and I wanted to give you the True Holy Mass of Sacrifice, but you are not ready to celebrate it until today. You have seized power in the Church of My Son and this power is bringing you down. You have become proud and this pride looks out of your eyes. You have forgotten and forgotten humility. On the contrary, you despise the priests who in humility want to offer Me the Holy Sacrifice at the altar. The hatred comes out of your mouth.

How far have you sunk, My beloved sons of priests, although I want to save you, I, your Heavenly Father, from eternal ruin. How much has My little one, who received the World Mission, atoned for you? How much has My little flock and their following prayed for you, but you are stubborn and reject these messages completely. You despise them and persecute my messengers to the highest degree. This persecution, my beloved believers, must be. Look into Holy Scripture, into the Bible, there you can see that whoever goes along with Me is persecuted: "If they have persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. That is why in her mission my little one lies completely in the truth. All that is mentioned in their messages are My words and not their words. It has given itself up completely to my will, and that is why I can use it like a plaything and will also have to do it. She is ready to fulfill this mission with her small group: The world broadcast and additionally the broadcast for Wigratzbad.

How is My Heavenly Mother sad about her beloved place of prayer and pilgrimage Wigratzbad. There she wants to attract the believers who trust her and take them under her protective cloak. The atonement nights would have been so important. Last night was a night of atonement for Wigratzbad. You, My little flock, have atoned this night. From Wigratzbad no more streams of grace emanate. Therefore, you must take over this atonement from your small town of Mellatz. Are you aware of this great mission? You cannot understand and fathom it, so great am I, the mighty ruler of the whole world and the whole universe. No one can dare to destroy this world broadcast. I rule over that. And no one will be able to attack my little messenger Anne, because she is fully protected with her small flock there in the place Mellatz. No one can understand that from this small place I will radiate My greatest streams of grace from the Holy Mass of Sacrifice daily into the world through this Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V and according to the DVD. I made this film with My little Katharina. It was not she who filmed, but I personally did. I was in charge of everything and the Holy Archangel Michael, the patron saint of the domestic church in Göttingen, kept all evil away.

You, My beloved little ones, were again connected by telephone with this house church in Göttingen today. This house chapel in Mellatz and this house church in Göttingen have become one. Therefore the golden and red rays of grace.

You cannot grasp all this, My beloved ones, who are allowed to read this important message. You cannot comprehend anything. Leave yourselves entirely to the will and desire of the Heavenly Father. He will judge and direct everything, and my little messenger remains a nothing and afflicted with diseases and severe sufferings and exposed to persecution with her small flock. They do not covet. They go into the lion's den every day. Can you imagine how hard it is for My little flock to expose themselves daily to these evil powers? But they obey me and not this leader and not the police. They take everything upon themselves. Why? Because I want it that way. It is not they who wish it, but I who direct everything. I, the Almighty God, am with them and in them. Everything that happens to them happens to My Son Jesus Christ in My little one. If you persecute them, you persecute My Son Jesus Christ. He suffers in her and she takes this suffering of My Son Jesus Christ on herself as a messenger. Therefore the greatest suffering, my beloved little one.

The World Mission is the greatest mission and includes your greatest suffering. You are supported by your small flock and your followers, who follow all paths. This following has formed in Heroldsbach in der Mulde. It will become stronger and stronger, not only in quantity but especially in quality. She will not stop proclaiming My messages and she will celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite in full validity in the hollow. They love Me and prove that they really love Me. They take everything upon themselves, even if they are persecuted. And it will happen. Have no fear, My beloved little ones! You have full protection. You will grow, even if my little one was cast out there with her spiritual leader and her small flock. They have been reported to the police and the public prosecutor's office. This great injustice happened there.

But who is the ruler of this place of prayer Heroldsbach? I, the Heavenly Father. I will direct and guide everything there, and My beloved Heavenly Mother will be there too. She is worshipped there and they hurt her when they cast her out as Rose Queen of Heroldsbach. People despise you and they don't believe that this place Heroldsbach will bear fruit. Even if my small flock is far away, these rays of grace from the house chapel in Mellatz will also pass over to Heroldsbach in this night of atonement. No one will be disadvantaged who is willing to make these sacrifices that night.

And it is the same with the pilgrimage site Wigratzbad. Also this place will not be able to be destroyed, although one wants it, - completely. One wants to destroy everything. My beloved little Antonie is in heaven and she is looking at her wigratt bath. How sad it is that this church of expiation has been transformed into a masonic church. This leader became a freemason. Unfortunately, he has exposed himself to evil and obeys the Masons completely and never obeys My will and desire. Have no fear, My beloved little flock. You have full protection and are in Divine Power. If you go there daily, you are in the will of your Heavenly Father. Nothing can ever happen to you there that your Heavenly Father does not desire. Believe and trust that you will become stronger and stronger through this persecution. The Divine Will will become visible in you. Your hearts will continue to be penetrated by the rays of grace.

I love you and bless you now in the Trinity with My dearest Mother and all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


