Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, July 4, 2015

Heart of Mary atonement Saturday and Cenacle.

Our Lady speaks after the Cenacle and the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the House of Glory in Mellatz through her instrument and daughter Anne.


Immaculate received Mother and Queen of Victory pray for us.

Immaculate received Mother and Queen of Victory pray for us.

Immaculate received Mother and Queen of Victory pray for us.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.

Today you have celebrated My Cenacle in a reverent manner.

During the Holy Sacrificial Mass and also during the renewal of the pond, the tabernacle was bathed in golden light and the chalice became dark red during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. I saw the blood of Jesus Christ running down the chalice and the Holy Host. This was the first time I was allowed to see this. The altar of Mary was also bathed in dark red light during the Holy Sacrificial Mass, as was the Immaculate Heart of the Mother of God. The Sacred Heart of Jesus was also bathed in dark red light today on the Saturday of Atonement of the Sacred Heart of Mary, and the rays went from the Heart of Jesus to the Heart of Mary. The Blessed Mother has led us today into Her Cenacle, into Her Pentecost Hall, because She, as Heavenly Mother, is allowed to give us special instructions from Heaven.

Now the Immaculate Mother and Queen will speak of victory: I, your Heavenly Mother, speak now and at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in the will of the Heavenly Father and repeats only words that come from heaven and today from Me, the Heavenly Mother.

My beloved children, My beloved children of Mary, My beloved little flock and followers, My pilgrims from near and far, you who all want to follow the right path, I want to greet and thank you for your sacrifices and for your atonement which you offer to the Heavenly Father. This atonement is inevitably necessary as consolation for my beloved Son. He loves you all. How much the Heavenly Father longs for your consolation for His Son Jesus Christ, who is so disgraced by the popular masses in our time.

Still many of my messengers go into this popular mass. They have not realized that they are saying their ready yes to modernism.

My beloved messengers, you who still do not recognize this: the evil one is there in the tabernacle, and you reach out your hand to him. If you are still unwilling to participate in the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Feast, you have the possibility to go on the Internet. There in click on 'Anne' and under 'News' on the right: Video Getting the Mass for Victims. Every day you can celebrate this holy sacrificial meal with us. You also have the possibility to order the DVD. The five books: 'Der Himmlische Vater spricht', published by Druck- & Verlagshaus Mainz-Aachen Tel. 0241/873434, are important for everyone around the world. The messages are already being translated into 15 languages.

Do you believe, My beloved children of Mary, that the Heavenly Father does not want to take you by the hand to lead you to the right side? This Catholic faith, which is cultivated today in modernism, has reached the bottom of the valley. This huge and most serious sin of impurity, homosexuality, has penetrated this Catholic Church and one does not stop there. Unfortunately, many priests are addicted to homosexuality, even many bishops and even cardinals. In the Vatican, too, this evil is at work, the evil of impurity.

Can you imagine, My beloved messengers, to you I would like to address especially because you have not understood many things, how much Heaven desires from you to celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast? Why do you resist the will of the Heavenly Father? He desperately needs your comfort. Do not become stubborn and proud, because otherwise the Heavenly Father will take these messages away from you. From one day to the next you can lose them, because the last time has come and the Catholic Church has come to a complete end. Now it is up to you, My beloved messengers, to persevere and risk everything for the Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, to offer your lives as well. Until now you are martyrs of the soul. But you can also become martyrs of the body. Many of my messengers will have to give their lives.

Now the time will come, the time of action. What does this mean for you, My beloved children and children of Mary? That you take upon yourselves the battle, the battle with evil, the battle with the evil of uncleanness. You must resist him and dare everything. Let's go into battle! The flag of victory is certain for you. Only then, when you learn to fight, can you achieve this victory with me, your heavenly mother. I am waiting for you, My beloved children of Mary.

Here in Wigratzbad the big event will take place. My heavenly Son will appear with me in the firmament. But before this happens, the soul-vision will occur and also the three dark days. Prepare and have supplies in the house. With a tremendous roar of thunder the action will come. You will fall on your face from shock. Many will lose their lives because they cannot bear this apparition, which they must see face to face, for their own sins and iniquities will be brought before their eyes. Many are given the opportunity to repent and turn back. Then go to the right side.

Only My little messenger here in Mellatz has the task of the world mission and the task to save Wigratzbad with her small flock. Wigratzbad this leader wants to raze Wigratzbad to the ground on August 17. Isn't that sad for you? Your mind stops when you hear what this leader has planned with his deacon and his assistants. My Antonie weeps in heaven because she is the founder of this place of prayer and pilgrimage. She has sacrificed everything, and everything is to be torn down. All that is holy should be removed. This is the desire and will of the Freemasons. This leader in Wigratzbad gives himself completely to this wish of the Freemasons.

You, My beloved little flock, who daily go to Wigratzbad to pray, are hated and persecuted. But the two contraindications will take effect. Be careful when you are ordered to the court in Kempten. Then the Holy Spirit will give you everything you need. It is not you who should prepare the words, but the Holy Spirit will make known all things in you and through you. Have no fear that not everything will happen according to the will and plan of the Heavenly Father. Nothing will he leave out, because the full truth will be brought to light. The lie will be told. The hatred of the evil one, the hatred of Satan, has taken hold of these people. Pray for your enemies, so that they do not fall into the eternal abyss, for they are on the brink of it. I also love the enemies, My beloved little flock.

I, as mother of the priests, suffer much for this leader and also for this deacon. I want to lead them to the Father and I am not allowed to do it, because they oppose the will of My Son Jesus Christ. They hate where love should be. They think to practice mercy and yet they chase My little children, who give everything for Wigratzbad, from this place. And further this house prohibition applies. Something has been put in order not to satisfy the will of the Heavenly Father. But the will of the Heavenly Father comes first, and the mission of Wigratzbad will be fulfilled in full. Have no fear, My beloved little flock! I, as a mother, am with you. I go with you into this fight. The wicked one walks around like a roaring lion and wants to devour you, but it will not be possible because I, your Heavenly Mother, have spread this My broad mantle over you. All angels will accompany you there daily. You will not be harmed if you continue to fulfill the desire and will of the Heavenly Father.

I love you beyond all measure, and bless you in the Trinity with all angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be brave and courageous and follow this path, the path to Golgotha, always further to the summit. Then you will be allowed to achieve victory with me, your heavenly mother. Amen.


