Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, July 26, 2015

Ninth Sunday after Whitsun. Memorial day of the Holy Mother Anna.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today we celebrated the feast of the Holy Mother Anna. On the altar of the Virgin Mary was the statue of the Holy Mother Anna. This altar was decorated with many flowers in honor of the Holy Mother Anna.

The Heavenly Father will speak today, on this Day of Honor of Mother Anne: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me.

Beloved father children, beloved children of Mary, beloved small flock and followers and beloved believers and pilgrims from near and far. How much I love you all. Today you have celebrated a valid Holy Sacrificial Mass on this Feast of Saint Mother Anne, as on every Sunday, in the Tridentine Rite. I, the Heavenly Father, emphasize: A valid Holy Sacrificial Mass. It cannot be compared with the meal community. Unfortunately, the lack of faith has been brought to the fore in such a way that the truth can no longer be recognized. Holy Mother Anna asks that you continue to sacrifice this Tuesday prayer against the lack of faith that has invaded the Catholic Church today.

The Holy Mother Anna gave birth to the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. My beloved children, can anyone understand that the Immaculate Mother of God was conceived in her womb, in the womb of the Holy Mother Anna? Can you fathom this My beloved children? Can you understand what this means or is it a very big secret? Yes, My beloved ones, it remains a secret. As so much in faith should remain mysterious. You shall believe, my beloved ones. Faith testifies that you do not ask to see miracles, but you believe that this mystery remains a mystery for you. Faith is important today, my beloved ones. How much I suffer from this lack of faith, as does your beloved mother Anna. She asks Me, the Heavenly Father, to have mercy on this Catholic Church, which today is being destroyed more and more, above all through lack of faith.

Must you understand everything, My beloved children, or do you believe without seeing, without fathoming and without ever having to understand what should remain a secret? Can you understand the Holy Eucharist, this great mystery? No! She was not even understandable to the dear Blessed Mother. The Holy Mother Anna was allowed to educate the Mother of God in the Holy Marriage with St. Joachim. The Blessed Mother was obedient to them. She did not rebel, on the contrary, the Holy Mother Anna was allowed to teach her everything in faith. The Blessed Mother kept this in her heart, because She was holy. She was conceived without original sin. You cannot understand that either. The dear Holy Mother Anna could not understand it either. And yet she believed that the Immaculate was born from her. She taught them everything, even though the Blessed Mother had been far ahead of her in holiness from the beginning. The Blessed Mother humbly accepted all this.

The Holy Mother Anna is something very special for you. The prayer that you pray every Tuesday in honor of Mother Anna has special graces. It penetrates the church. You cannot understand what graces dearest Mother Anna is allowed to pour out on this Tuesday. You have cherished the Mother Anna song. In many places this song is sung today. She is also the patroness of Silesia. And the Silesians enjoy them. There the veneration of the Holy Mother Anna is still very present. Their love for Jesus Christ in the Trinity was exceedingly great from the beginning. Everywhere it made itself noticeable: In her marriage with St. Joachim and in the education of the dearest Mother of God. "Love," said the Blessed Mother, "was very important for My mother and for My father Joachim. The love for the Triune God was taught to me again and again and again. She could read from her mother, the Holy Mother Anna, what love means. The Holy Mother Anna has always put the love of the Triune God first. The Blessed Mother educated her in love. Yes, she could always read from her eyes what the Most Holy Trinity meant. She was obedient to her dearest mother Anna.

What does the Holy Mother Anna mean for us today? We may call upon them in this unbelief of the Church. We may call them in our special requests. Chastity was very, very important for her. And since fornication has entered the Catholic Church today, pray especially to the Holy Mother Anna. She had a very good marriage with Saint Joachim. And the Blessed Mother could read from her parents. Love has always penetrated into you.

Love is the greatest and the highest thing that is given to us in faith. How great is love. It will outlast everything. Love must again enter into the faith. If I love my neighbor, I can love God. But if I reject my neighbor, the love of God is far away. Many do not understand this today. Many priests do not want to hear it anymore. And yet it is precisely these priestly sons, whom the Blessed Mother and also the Holy Mother Anna loved in a very special way, who must lead the way in love, as an example. They should become role models again. They can only do this if the faithful are inflamed by the hearts of the priests. "They must speak much more," says dear Mother Anna, "of the love of Jesus Christ. It is extremely important that we can contemplate this Holy Mother Anna in our hearts. You can think about it because the dearest Mother of God loved Her Mother so much. Although she was the Blessed Mother, the Holy Mother Anna, who gave birth to her, loved her very much. We cannot understand this as a whole, My beloved children. The Blessed Mother, the Immaculate Receptionist, who was chosen from the beginning, should not be inferior in obedience to Her dearest Mother Anna. She loved them in obedience. She was a role model for her in every respect.

And how did it look like with our dearest Holy Mother Anna? She often had a dialogue with the Blessed Mother about the Trinitarian God. The dearest Blessed Mother has understood everything, everything. And so we, too, should go to dear Mother Anna in this day and age. She will understand our needs and also bring them before the throne of the Heavenly Father. The Heavenly Father will receive everything from her hands, because He has chosen her to give birth to the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God.

How much the Holy Mother Anna is waiting for this faith today, which should again enter the Catholic Church. How much she asks Our Lady to ask the Heavenly Father for mercy and for forgiveness of all grave sins. May He choose many atoning souls so that these grave sins may be blotted out in this day and age. Everything must be expiated. Atonement in our time means many sacrifices and much prayer. Everything must be expiated. It is sad that this lack of faith is getting stronger and stronger. We cannot understand this. We say, "Why does the Heavenly Father not intervene? Does He not see all that is happening in our Catholic Church? Does He remain mute and powerless? No! Not that. He sees everything. Only we must not determine this point in time, which He Himself chooses. "His arm of wrath," says the mother Anna, "He has let it sink." Yes, that is also true. Now you wait for the intervention of the Heavenly Father, My beloved believers from near and far. You cannot and will not understand why I do not intervene, why I do not choose this time now. Why it takes such a long time for this event to come to you.

The event is foretold to you. Now it depends on your faith, on your trust. The deeper you believe and trust, the more I, the Heavenly Father, can grant you. It is often difficult for you when you see nothing and nothing happens in this Catholic Church that puts a stop to these grave sins and outrages. You cannot understand that. You must leave the intervention of your Heavenly Father entirely to Me. I Am the Omnipotent, the Almighty, the Omniscient God in the Trinity. In obedience, Mother Anna considered everything in her heart and she will do so today. In obedience she accepted everything. Often it was certainly difficult for her, but she strove for holiness. The striving for holiness must again penetrate the Catholic Church. When you pray, sacrifice and atone, you are progressing on the path of holiness. If you make sacrifices, even if you understand nothing, and in this not-understanding you pass on faith, for it presupposes trust in you, then you are on the path of sanctity.

Trust, My beloved ones, I expect from you today a deep trust, just as the Holy Mother Anne trusted Me, the Triune God, that in her womb the Immaculate Reception of the Blessed Mother will be born. In her whole life she could not understand or fathom it. And yet she believed. She never passed on the disbelief that sometimes wanted to take a seat in her heart. Then she prayed and implored in a very special way.

The wicked one is rampant, My beloved. He will sow discord in your hearts. He wants to let unbelief enter into you. The evil one is cunning. Often you can't recognize it when the evil one reaches out and presents the truths as lies. The lies are spread today in the Catholic Church as truths. The evil one will be happy if you believe that. But we put our true faith against it. There is only one true faith and that is the Catholic and Apostolic faith, which Jesus Christ himself taught. He died for this faith, because from His side wound the Holy Church, this Holy Catholic Church, flowed. What is left of it today, we could say. One has tried to destroy this church beyond recognition. They are made equal with other religions, with other faith communities.

As I said, my beloved children of the Father, there is just this One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, in which you believe and which you confess and testify. And for that I thank you. You are not idle to make sacrifices in every situation. You are ready to take the cross upon yourselves, just as the Holy Mother Anna did. Do it to her right away. The cross on your shoulders and the faith in your heart, continue to advance on the path of holiness. Then nothing will be able to happen to you, because the evil one cannot harm you. He will try to overthrow you, but you are protected. All the angels are with you, giving you protection at all times. The Blessed Mother is also with you. She loves you, your children of Mary, and never leaves you alone, just as your Holy Mother Anna does not leave you alone.

You have celebrated this feast today on a Sunday. Therefore it should be celebrated especially, also in other churches, which still uphold the Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Feast and never compare it with the meal fellowship, because the meal fellowship is no substitute for the Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Feast. One does it immediately and means, one can celebrate once the Tridentine sacrificial meal and at the same time also the meal community. So says this II Vatican Council. No, My children, it cannot be. It is not possible. You can already grasp this with your mind. Only the will is decisive for you. I want to believe! I adore the Blessed Trinity in My Heart and I call upon dear Mother Anna to help, especially on this day. She will be with me. She will protect me from everything and she will also walk with me on my path of faith.

The Holy Catholic Church will never perish, even if the evil one keeps trying to destroy it and finds followers for it. Many people today can no longer believe because they have no role models. The Holy Mother Anna is an example for all. She has kept faith in her heart. In obedience she accepted everything. She could not grasp it, but she believed. That which she could not fathom, she still believed.

Never, My beloved children, shall you lose sight of this Holy Mother Anna. Furthermore she should be a role model for you, a great role model. I thank you all for worshipping My Holy Mother Anna, who gave birth to the Mother of My Son Jesus Christ. She has preceded you in faith and love. She did not ask: "Do I understand everything or do I believe blindly?" You should consider everything in your heart that you cannot understand and then go to dear Mother Anna. Put it into their believing and loving heart, then the evil one will not be able to harm you, because your faith cannot be twisted. The evil one is the perverter of faith. The truth is lie for him. And for you, my beloved children, true faith is the truth. And a truth cannot be twisted. It is the truth and always remains the truth.

Today in the Catholic Church even the lie is being presented as truth, unfortunately, My beloved children. But you do not allow this to happen through your prayer and through your constant true faith. Rely on your love. Let love grow in your hearts, then faith will also grow. Love your enemies, even those who persecute you, and pray for them. They need your prayer urgently. Take up your cross, even if you are accused of evil. Pray especially for your enemies, then you will be in true faith and can move forward and your soul will not be harmed. Love, believe in it, my beloved ones, always remains the greatest and the decisive thing and to this also belongs love of enemies. Many have forgotten to pray for the enemy in this day and age. They are despised and persecuted and they believe that they must do the same to their enemies. No! This is not what your true Catholic faith says. You must learn to endure many things in faith. Your baptismal covenant shall be firm, as solid as a pillar. And this pillar is faith, faith in the Triune God.

Again and again I want to repeat myself today, My beloved Father children and Mary's children, because it is extremely important in this day and age to continue to believe that your Heavenly Father can obtain everything. I always remain the Omnipotent, the Almighty and Omniscient Father in heaven in the Trinity. By love you shall read off, by the love of the other and by your love.

And so I want to bless you today, this Sunday, on the feast of the Holy Mother Anna, with her and the Holy Mother of God and all the angels and saints in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You are protected and loved from eternity. Always remember that love remains the greatest thing. Amen.

Tuesday Prayer to the Holy Mother Anne.

From the deepest depths of my sinful heart I greet you, O most gracious Mother Anna.

With this greeting of the heart I wish you happiness for all the graces that the dear God has bestowed on you this day.

Blessed be the Tuesday on which, to the comfort of poor sinners, you rose as a clear dawn in your birth.

Blessed be the Tuesday on which, as a perfect moon, full of virtue and merit, you gave up your blessed spirit.

Thus Christ has promised to bless all those who honor you on Tuesday and call on you in their physical and spiritual needs.

Therefore I honor you, St. Anna, this Tuesday and call you from the bottom of my heart. Come to my aid in my physical and spiritual needs and comfort me.

O blessed grandmother of Jesus! In your name I praised God for your blessed birth and your glorious departure from this world.

Humbly I beg you: Receive me among the number of your dear children and include me in your faithful motherly heart. Then I will keep you locked up in my heart forever and never lose you again.

The dear child Jesus connects our hearts with a strong bond of love. May your dear daughter Mary receive our love in time and eternity. Amen.

3 Our Father, 3 Hail Mary.


