Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, August 15, 2015

High Feast of the Assumption.

Our Lady speaks some words of consolation after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through Her instrument and daughter Anne, who repeats the words from her sickbed.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.

Dear Mother of God, you see my sadness. You too are sad about the whole situation. You promised to give us a few words of comfort. You did not think of yourself, but of us small flock, of the followers and of the faithful in Heroldsbach and in Wigratzbad.

The dear Blessed Mother will speak a few words of consolation for us: My beloved Mary's children, I must say that your dearest Mother, your Rosary Queen of Heroldsbach and your Immaculate Conceptionist Mother of Victory would like to convey these words of consolation to you.

You are My children of Mary and you remain her. You are in the biggest fight. My little one, who has endured everything to this day, has fought bravely and will continue to do so, but she is close to fainting. She has often felt this. Since she has taken over the great mission of Wigratzbad, it has become too much for her in recent times with the atonements, and she was completely overtaxed and still is, because the mission presses very much on her shoulders. Yeah, she can't take it anymore. She said she was finished. Some medications will still be able to keep her up, that she will survive anything. She should also take these medicines with the permission of the Heavenly Father. You, My beloved followers and My beloved little flock, will continue to accompany and support them as well as My angelic host in heaven and their dearest Immaculate Received Mother and Queen of Victory.

I see their suffering and their sadness and I see also the sadness of My little flock. But understand, My beloved children, that at the moment it is not possible to receive the messages, to receive them and to pass them on in this desolate state of My little ones.

I love you all, I bless you and I am with you as your dearest Immaculate Received Mother and Queen of Victory I want to embrace you with My wide mantle of Mary. I want to be a support for you. You, my little one, have this in particular need. But you also have many behind you who pray, sacrifice and atone. You say you can't go on. Yes, it is. Do not forget, My little one, that I love you very much. Have I ever not loved you as Heavenly Mother? Yes, my little one, I did.

Day and night you will be supported by your small flock. She stays with you in these dark days. In the darkness of the battle they are also with you. Don't forget, if you can't do it anymore, that at some point it will continue.

Thus I bless you all, also My two children in Göttingen, your Immaculate Received Mother and Queen of Victory and your Rose Queen of Heroldsbach, in the Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


